State of Maine

Department of Administrative and Financial Services




TO: Interested Mobile Food Truck Owners

FROM: State of Maine, Department of Administrative and Financial Services

Division of Procurement Services

111 Sewall Street, 4th Floor

Augusta, Maine 04333-0009

DATE: Wednesday, November 15, 2017

1.  Summary

The State of Maine, Department of Administrative and Financial Services (“State” or “Department”) is requesting quotes from Mobile Food Truck Owners (“Providers”) who will provide services on the State of Maine, East Campus (zone ECZ) located in Augusta, Maine (see Attachment 3, Exhibit A).

This document provides a description of requirements and instructions for this competitive process which is being performed under the authority of MRS, Title 5 § 1825-B (20) F:

The successful bidders will be responsible for delivering mobile food provision services to State of Maine employees, contractors, and visitors under the conditions listed within this Request for Quotes (RFQ).

2.  General Information

a.  Overview of Services

The East Campus is located between Arsenal and Hospital Streets (Route 9) in Augusta. The campus consists of twelve (12) buildings and has approximately 750 employees with the capacity to peak at 1,576 employees. Due to the location of this campus, employees often find it difficult to go off of the campus for meals and/or specialty beverages. The campus employees and any visitors or contracted vendors could greatly benefit from this new amenity.

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Providers will offer a variety of reasonably priced, high quality meals, snacks, specialty coffee, and other non-alcoholic beverages. At this time, two separate locations on the East Campus will be designated for Providers, and more than one Provider may be assigned to each location at the same time. This service will only be provided to this one (1) campus and does not apply to any other State property.

However, the Department reserves the right to offer the awarded Providers opportunities at other locations without further competition, or to competitively bid new service locations at its discretion. The Department also reserves the right to hold subsequent competitive bids for this location.

b.  Operational Hours

The Department would like to offer the service twelve (12) months of the year, Monday through Friday, from 7:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m. Hours and seasons may be varied by mutual agreement between the Department and the Providers. If a Provider is selected to perform services at other State locations, Saturdays may be required upon request for auctions and other events.

Awarded Providers may be scheduled on a rotating basis for the two (2) locations on the East Campus, depending on the number of Providers available for these hours.

Services will not be required on any State holiday or if State Offices are closed due to inclement weather. A complete listing of state holidays is available on the State’s website:

The Provider will not be permitted on the campus during unauthorized hours.

Capitol Police reserves the right to prohibit access to State property in emergency situations. During these times, access for the Providers will also be prohibited.

3.  Questions

a.  Questions must be submitted via email to Kevin Scheirer at . The deadline for questions is Wednesday, November 22, 2017, at 5:00 p.m. ET. A summary of questions and answers will be supplied to recipients of this RFQ by Tuesday, November 28, 2017, and will be posted along with this RFQ on the Division of Procurement Services’ webpage ( under Miscellaneous Postings. The Department reserves the right to answer questions outside of this period, at its sole discretion.

4.  Quote Submission Requirements

a.  Quotes are due by 4:00 pm, on Tuesday, December 5, 2017, at the Division of Procurement Services’ address listed at the beginning of this RFQ or via email to . Quotes can be submitted in hardcopy or electronic (USB drive, CD) format.

b.  Completed Quote Form (included in this RFQ as Attachment 1)

c.  Business Information

i.  Documentation of any state or local health and safety violations in the last two (2) years

ii.  List of work experience in food service

iii.  Any business recognition or awards received

iv.  A photo of the Food Truck.

d.  Copy of the standard menu including pricing.

e.  Copy of insurance documentation.

f.  Copy of operating permits and licenses.

g.  All quotes submitted shall be binding for the full calendar year after award is made with the exception of menu changes, retaining a consistent offering.

h.  By responding to this RFQ you agree to the terms and conditions of the Department’s Commercial License Agreement contained in Attachment 2, and to the Department’s Commercial Lease Agreement in Attachment 3.

5.  Evaluation and Award

a.  Evaluation

i.  Pass/Fail –

1.  Bidders who agree to the requirements of this RFQ, including the submission of all required documents, Attachment 2 and Attachment 3.

2.  No significant or recurring health or safety violations

a.  Significant means examples such as customer illness, injury, or other threat to human health.

3.  Food service experience

ii.  Interviews

1.  Interviews will be scheduled during the week of December 11th on the East Campus. Bidders should be prepared to provide a selection of food items, discuss menu offerings, seasonal changes of menu, and a display of how the truck operates.

a.  Truck appearance

b.  Quality/taste of food offered

iii.  Ranking of Menu Variety and Price

1.  Food Offering – variety of food types will be taken into consideration including breakfast, lunch, and snack foods, as well as ethnic variety when ranking for the purposes of awarding time and location spots.

2.  Availability – days and times available during the week

3.  Price will be evaluated subjectively, taking into consideration pricing for similar items among bidders, reasonable price for associated foods, and any other factors relative to price.

b.  Award

i.  The Department will make multiple awards and reserves the right to reject any or all quotes. Final selection of Providers will be based on the quotes that meet the best needs of the Department as determined during the ranking process.

ii.  The Provider and the Department will enter into a Commercial License Agreement (Attachment 2) which specifies the terms and requirements listed in this RFQ, and a Commercial Lease Agreement (Attachment 3).

iii.  The Commercial License Agreement and Commercial Lease Agreement will be for one (1) year, with an optional renewal of one year at the Department’s discretion.

iv.  Any person aggrieved by the award decision that results from this RFQ may appeal the decision to the Director of the Bureau of General Services in the manner prescribed in 5 MRSA § 1825-E and 18-554 Code of Maine Rules, Chapter 120 (found here: The appeal must be in writing and filed with the Director of the Bureau of General Services, 9 State House Station, Augusta, Maine, 04333-0009 within fifteen (15) calendar days of receipt of notification of contract award.

6.  General Provisions

a.  Issuance of this RFQ does not commit the State to issue an award or to pay expenses incurred by a Bidder in the preparation of a response to this RFQ. This includes attendance at personal interviews or other meetings and or demonstrations.

b.  All responses to this RFQ should adhere to the instructions and format requirements outlined in this RFQ and all written supplements and amendments as issued by the Division. Responses are to follow the format and respond to all questions and instructions specified above.

c.  The RFQ and the selected Bidder’s quote, including all appendices or attachments, may be incorporated in the final contract.

d.  Following announcement of an award decision, all submissions in response to this RFQ will be considered public records available for public inspection pursuant to the State of Maine Freedom of Access Act (FOAA) (1 M.R.S. §§ 401 et seq.).

e.  The Division, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to recognize and waive minor informalities and irregularities found in quotations received in response to this RFQ.

f.  All applicable laws, whether or not herein contained, shall be included by this reference. It shall be Bidder’s responsibility to determine the applicability and requirements of any such laws and to abide by them.

Thank you for your interest in doing business with the State of Maine.

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Attachment 1 – Quote Form

Bidder’s Company Name:
Owner Name:
Phone: / E-mail:
Mailing Address:
Food Service Work Experience: Provide in areas below or attach resume or other document
Experience 1: Work and Dates
Experience 2: Work and Dates
Experience 3: Work and Dates

Quote Checklist

Yes☐ No☐ I agree to the License and Lease Terms and Requirements listed in Attachments 2 and 3 of the RFQ.

Yes☐ No☐ Health and Safety Violations in previous (2) two years. Documentation of any violations should be attached.

Yes☐ No☐ Standard menu including pricing is attached.

Yes☐ No☐ Insurance documentation is attached.

Yes☐ No☐ Copies of operating permits and licenses are attached.

Yes☐ No☐ Photo of truck in operation is attached.

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Attachment 2 – Commercial License Agreement Terms and Requirements

1)  General

i.  Only food and/or non-alcoholic beverages will be permitted to be sold on the East Campus.

ii.  The Provider must be self - contained when operating. The Department will not be responsible to provide access to water, electricity, or sewer.

iii.  The Provider’s vehicle may not exceed twenty (20) feet long and ten (10) feet wide, and must be visually presentable with no visible rust, damage, or offensive graphics or advertising.

iv.  The Provider will provide the required trash and/or recycling receptacles, which shall be in contact with the vehicle and shall not impede the free movement of automobiles or pedestrians. The Provider is responsible for disposal of all trash.

v.  The Provider will not utilize polystyrene or plastic beverage stirrers while on State property. MRS, Title 38 § 1652.

vi.  The Provider shall ensure that grease and abrasives will not be disposed of on any State property.

vii.  The Provider shall utilize designating smoking areas on the East Campus.

viii.  All expenses associated with the Provider’s business and operations are the sole responsibility of the Provider.

ix.  The Provider will pay a Monthly Lease Fee of $100 to the Department on the schedule defined in the Commercial Lease Agreement (Attachment 3).

x.  The Department will not be responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged property of the Provider. The Department reserves the right to terminate the agreement at its convenience with a minimum of seven (7) calendar days’ notice to the Provider. If circumstances warrant, this termination may be effective immediately. The Provider may terminate the agreement at its convenience with a minimum of seven (7) calendar days’ notice to the Department.

xi.  The Department will not be liable for any injuries sustained by the Provider or its customers associated with the Provider’s vehicle or operations.

2)  Permitting, Licensing, Other Regulations, and Insurance

i.  Providers (including signage and vehicle), will comply with the City of Augusta’s ordinances, Capitol Planning Commission regulations, State law, and all regulations set forth in the contract.

ii.  The Provider must be in compliance with the State of Maine motor vehicle laws and maintain a Maine State driver’s license.

iii.  The Provider shall possess a Mobile Eating Place License from Department of Health and Human Services, Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Environmental Health, Health Inspection Program and meet the certification requirements to operate a Mobile Eating Place. MRS, Title 22 § 2492.

iv.  East Campus parking locations will be designated by Capitol Police and the Provider shall only use the designated parking space unless otherwise directed to a different location by Capitol Police or the Department.

v.  The Provider will be required to display their Capitol Police permit and any other required licenses on the vehicle. Capitol Police permits are not transferrable to other owners.

vi.  The Food Truck owner shall be responsible for the collection, reporting, and payment of all Maine sales tax related to the products sold.

vii.  At the Provider’s own expense, the following must be secured and maintained throughout the duration of any resulting agreement:

1.  Automobile liability insurance for the concession’s vehicle(s) with combined single limits of not less than $400,000 per occurrence.

2.  General liability insurance for the concession as a concession business with limits of not less than $400,000 per occurrence.

3.  Products liability and completed operations insurance for the concession as a concession business with limits of not less than $400,000 per occurrence.

3)  Food Service

i.  The Provider shall deliver excellent customer service while conducting itself in an acceptable manner.

ii.  The Provider shall conduct its operations in a sanitary and orderly manner as to not aggravate, disturb, or be offensive to the Department. This shall include music, advertising, and any other audio or visual component of the Provider’s operations.

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Attachment 3 – Commercial Lease Agreement




Department of Administrative & Financial Services

Bureau of Real Estate Management



This INDENTURE, made and entered into this ______2018, by and between the STATE OF MAINE, Department of Administrative and Financial Services, Bureau of Real Estate Management, whose address is #77 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333 (hereinafter called the "Lessor") and ______, ______, Augusta, Maine 04330, for themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns (hereinafter called the "Lessee"),

WITNESSETH: In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein set forth, Lessor and Lessee agree and covenant as follows:

1.  GRANT: The parties hereto, for the consideration hereinafter mentioned, covenant and agree that the Lessor does hereby lease, demise and let to the Lessee, the following premises, VIZ: