JANUARY 10, 2000

In attendance: Raquel Arenz, Mary Jo Benoit, LueLinda Egbert, Lauri Fothergill, Lenore Frigo, Jim Gentry, Lee Ann Hagan, John Hurley, Dave Makings, Mike McKenna, Chris Meyerhoeffer, Patti O'Maley, Randy Simonson, Russ Tremayne, Jim Woods

1.The meeting was opened by Jim Gentry at 10:30 a.m. on Monday, January 10 in

Shields 108. Jim Woods gave the department a demonstration on the new

technology systems in Shields 108 and 109. A similar set up will eventually be put

in Shields 102 for use in Geography and Political Science.

2.Jim then asked the department members to sign up for a registration time. The

schedule was as follows:

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
8:00-12:15 / Hagan / McKenna / Woods / Hurley
12:15-4:30 / Meyerhoeffer / Tremayne / Frigo / Arenz / Gentry/Egbert

3.Dr. Jerry Beck asked that any instructional areas required licensing or certification

exam as part of the curriculum be reported to Jerry as soon as possible. At this

time the Social Science department has no curriculum requiring any exit exams.

4.The department is reminded that Personal Plan for Improvement is due to Jim

Gentry by February 1. If you need any technology items, please put them on your

PPI so that it can be budgeted for in the coming year.

5.The team from Alverno College scheduled to be on campus in March has been

postponed until fall. A Celebration Banquet will be scheduled during that visit.

Alverno College's specialty is OA and CSI is currently working towards improving

OA. During the visit, the Alverno team will be visiting with the CSI Education Team, reviewing our OA process and giving this college ideas on how to improve that process.

6.Members of the department who are involved on different committees gave reports

on what is happening and how this affects the Social Science department.

Russ reminded everyone about the Academic Advising workshop on Wednesday

morning of this week. He urged everyone to attend and said that it would greatly

benefit advisors.

Randy discussed the Outcomes Assessment workshop on Tuesday morning. He

has been working with Cindy Bond to set up a presentation on what types of OA

processes are being used in the classroom. Cindy will talk about uses in the

classroom and Randy will discuss its use to make a syllabus more effective.

Mary Jo invited everyone to stop by Aspen 144 to view the progress on the

temporary Community Education Computer Lab. It will be ready for classes to

begin on January 18.

Patti discussed the local School-to-Work program. They expressed their hope that

the CSI Education Team can help them with future projects, so please think about

doing that. A future meeting can be set up to discuss this in depth.

Lenore gave an update on the software that is now available for the department web

page. (For those of you who have not yet had your picture taken, please get in and

do so as soon as you can.) This software will make it easier for you to include your

syllabus, schedule, assignments and other important topics on your personal web

page. Please get together with Lenore as soon as possible to get your web page


7.The department discussed the question: "How can we get more effective

discussion in survey courses? Some of the responses were:

"Shift discussion on lecture to different times during class."

"Talk to a specific student instead of to the class in general when asking


"Have an entire class time dedicated to discussion."

"Role playing throughout the semester."

"Break class into small groups."

"Use games to stress a point."

"Information processing for one class; inquiry, discussion, small groups for

next class; discovery and introduce next topic in third class."