Pupil premium strategy statement for Rose Hill Primary School

1.  Summary information
School / Rose Hill Primary School
Academic Year / 2016-2017 / Total PP budget / £138,600 / Date of most recent PP Review / Sep 2016
Total number of pupils / 558 / Number of pupils eligible for PP / 105 / Date for next internal review of this strategy / Jan 2017
2.  Current attainment
Pupils eligible for PP (your school) / Pupils not eligible for PP
% achieving expected level or above in reading, writing & maths equivalent) / 25% (national average 60%) / 68% (national average 53%)
% achieving expected level or above in reading, with progress score / 50% (national average 71%) / 77% (national average 66%)
% achieving expected level or above in writing, with progress score TBA / 33% (national average 71%) / 78% (national average 74%)
% achieving expected level or above in maths, with progress score TBA / 50% (national average 75%) / 77% (national average 70%)
3.  Barriers to future attainment (for pupils eligible for PP)
In-school barriers
A.  / Identifying, assessing accurately and addressing children’s individual needs (evidence shows that progress across school is below NA)
B.  / Interventions delivered by staff (evidence shows that interventions are not making the impact upon progress required to improve outcomes)
C. / Engagement and participation of pupil premium pupils (evidence shows that a low number of PP children are attending extra-curricular activities that are available)
External barriers (issues which also require action outside school, such as low attendance rates)
D. / Attendance (evidence from each year group illustrates lower levels of attendance for PP children compared to their non-PP peers)
Various emotional and social needs (evidence shows lack of parental engagement e.g. curriculum / parents evenings)
4.  Desired outcomes / Success criteria
A.  / Staff have a clear understanding of the individual needs of children in their class.
They identify barriers and plan effective provision to meet these needs.
Children’s learning is captured daily through effective marking, feedback and assessment opportunities. / Regular pupil progress meetings with HM / JC identify barriers to learning and clear actions for their next steps in learning.
Staff / Phase meetings are focused upon strategies to be used to improve outcomes.
Accurate assessments are in place for every child through regular moderation.
Daily evidence of purple pen feedback from Year 2 – 6.
The gap between outcomes for PP children and their peers decreases to a minimum of 10%.
B.  / All staff are effectively used to deliver quality interventions.
Impact is measured through quantifiable data when possible. / Regular observations and monitoring of interventions show quality first teaching.
Interventions are planned to meet the needs of individual children.
Training opportunities provided to upskill staff both externally and in school.
The gap between PP children and their peers closes.
C.  / Increased engagement and participation in learning for all children. / 12 WOW days to take place across the academic year linked to the 6 curriculum teams. Parents to be invited to events.
Increase the number of ‘invite only’ clubs e.g. Rise and Shine, baking, Mathletics, homework, sport and reading.
Increase take up for PP pupils by 20%.
Provide wider opportunities e.g. drama, Change for Life, Year 4 ukulele lessons, sports coaches.
Monitor parental engagement and implement strategies to reach out to families.
Children to become ambassadors within school e.g. school council, Change for Life, Eco Warriors, Restorative Agents.
For a number of families to engage with the Stockport Families support network.
Introduce Kagan methods to increase engagement and participation of all children.
D.  / Focusing on the emotion health and well-being of the most vulnerable pupils to improve their attendance and learning outcomes / Figures for 2016 show that PP pupils absent rate was 4% greater compared to non PP pupils - gap in absence rates to be reduced to 2% difference.
Attendance and punctuality is monitored weekly. Children for whose attendance is below 95% or showing a decline are invited to ‘Rise and Shine Club’.
LA attendance procedures are put in place for persistent absence.
Increased identification of children who need support with mental health issues, through the use of the ‘well-being tool’.
Liaise with the Young Carers support Team
Nurture groups to be set up in order to meet the individual needs of these children.
Restorative Approaches are used across school to help children mend relationships.
The Rose Hill Way is followed consistently across school to ensure a positive ‘can do’ learning environment.
·  Academic year 2016-2017 Quality of teaching for all
Desired outcome / Chosen action / approach / How will you ensure it is implemented well? / Staff lead / When will you review implementation?
Staff have a clear understanding of the individual needs of children in their class. / Pupil Progress meetings focus upon children’s outcomes using EYFS and KS1 data to measure progress over time and predicted outcomes.
Regular moderation to ensure assessment judgements are accurate (in school and with cluster)
Regular opportunities for formative assessment to monitor and measure progress in order to identify gaps in learning.
Staff to have an awareness of attendance / welfare issues and to work with the Pupil Premium Champion to address these. / Termly PPM to discuss children’s needs and provide clear actions for next steps. Further half termly meetings to monitor children who continue to underachieve.
Termly cluster group moderation sessions.
Termly internal moderation sessions.
Regular testing e.g. phonics, SATs questions used in Y2 / Y6 to assess learning. Use of other materials to check standards.
Attendance and welfare actions from PPM to be shared with PPC. Meetings set up with staff to suggest further strategies e.g. regular circle times. / HM / JC
JC / LM / Dec, Feb, April, June
Nov, March, June
Termly data capture to monitor impact
February to ensure actions put in place at Dec PPM have been followed up.
They identify barriers and plan effective provision to meet these needs. / Children with SEND have regularly updated ITPs in place. Termly meetings are set up for parents to discuss progress. Bespoke planning is put in place to meet the children’s needs using where possible, strategies and programmes used by external agencies e.g. S&L.
Attendance / welfare issues are addressed through staff building relationships with families and working with the Pupil Premium Champion to support.
Pupil Premium Profiles to be set up for each child to monitor additional provision and the impact upon outcomes. / Termly staff meetings, progress to be discussed in PPM.
SENDCO to monitor provision in place for individual children and that follow up sessions are delivered by support staff.
Parental engagement is monitored regularly. Staff are aware of which families to target and encourage to attend school events.
Time to be given termly to staff to update profiles. / CB
JC / LM / Termly reviews to monitor impact and progress.
Attendance is monitored weekly. Children whose attendance is below 95% will be invited to Rise and Shine club.
JC and LM to monitor termly and feedback any issues to Phase Leaders / staff.
Children’s learning is captured daily through effective marking, feedback and assessment opportunities. / Post its and photographs are used to capture learning when appropriate.
Daily opportunities are in place for children to respond using purple pen in order for learning to be captured.
The focus is shifted from teacher ‘marking’ to children’s learning.
Cold and Hot assessments to show progress. / Staff meetings
Regular book scrutinies
Sharing of good practice. / CT, JC, CG, BR / To review current marking policy 8th Dec 2016.
Review after book scrutinies and feedback areas for development to Phase Leaders and staff.
Total budgeted cost: Learning Tutor, Attendance admin - £11,803
Targeted support
Desired outcome / Chosen action / approach / How will you ensure it is implemented well? / Staff lead / When will you review implementation?
Speech and Language / Use of the Welkom pack to deliver high quality speech and language interventions.
All pupil premium children to receive regular 1:1 reading opportunities. / Regular assessment to ensure impact.
Increase the number of parent volunteers to ensure all pupil premium children receive 1:1 reading opportunities. / SH / CG
CG / February
SATs outcomes / SERI
1:1 reading
Speech and Language
TELL – Year 1 Phonics
Nurture groups
Booster groups Y2 – after school Jan
Motivational maths / Regular assessment to ensure impact.
Increase the number of parent volunteers to ensure all pupil premium children receive 1:1 reading opportunities.
TA to deliver S&L support using LSS packs. Monitor impact.
TA to deliver intervention to Year 1 children (January 2017) Monitor impact through regular Phonics screening tests.
Children to be identified and needs assessed using the wellbeing pack.
Children to be identified and teachers to deliver additional lessons to secure skills. Ongoing moderation to monitor impact.
Termly intervention led by TA. Success of intervention to be measured through regular assessment. / CG / JC
CG / JC / All interventions are to be regularly monitored and impact measured using clear outcomes.
Interventions are reviewed half termly to ensure quality first teaching and delivery. TAs to use feedback sheets to communicate outcomes with class teachers.
Build on KS1 outcomes
SATs outcomes / 1:1 reading
Motivational maths
Increased number of invite only clubs:
Reading, homework, mathletics.
Nurture groups
Booster groups Y6 – after school Jan
KS2 revision materials to be purchased at the beginning of the year.
Additional teacher put in Year 5 to reduce class sizes due to a challenging year group and high proportion of PP children.
Maths lessons to be set across Y3/4, Y5 and Y6 to support targeted teaching of skills.
Pupil Premium Champion to support children in Y5/Y6.
Young Carers / Increase the number of parent volunteers to ensure all pupil premium children receive 1:1 reading opportunities. Reading buddies to be allocated to Y6 Pupil premium children.
Termly intervention led by TA. Success of intervention to be measured through regular assessment.
Children are identified by class teachers to attend additional clubs during lunch time and after school.
Children to be identified and needs assessed using the wellbeing pack.
Children to be identified and teachers to deliver additional lessons to secure skills. Ongoing moderation to monitor impact.
Weekly homework will be set using these materials for all Y6 pupils.
Due to smaller class sizes, outcomes for all children to improve.
Regular assessment to monitor impact.
Regular assessment to monitor if this additional support is effective.
Work with the Young Carers team to ensure children are supported appropriately. / BR
BR / AB / JC
Maths team / BR / JC
LM / All interventions are to be regularly monitored and impact measured using clear outcomes.
Interventions are reviewed half termly to ensure quality first teaching and delivery. TAs to use feedback sheets to communicate outcomes with class teachers.
Resource Base / Additional Teaching assistant to support bespoke provision. / Children’s individual needs are identified and bespoke planning put in place to be delivered effectively by staff. / EB, CN, HM, JC / Ensure quality first teaching and delivery through regular monitoring and observations.
Total budgeted cost: Learning Mentor, Learning Tutor, Teaching assistants, Additional Teacher - £91,103
Other approaches
Desired outcome / Chosen action / approach / How will you ensure it is implemented well? / Staff lead / When will you review implementation?
Increased engagement and participation in learning for all children. / 12 WOW days to take place across the academic year linked to the 6 curriculum teams. Parents to be invited to events.
Increase the number of ‘invite only’ clubs e.g. Rise and Shine, baking, Mathletics, homework, sport and reading.
Provide wider opportunities e.g. drama, Change for Life, Year 4 ukulele lessons, sports coaches.
Children to become ambassadors within school e.g. school council, Change for Life, Eco Warriors, Restorative Agents.
Introduce Kagan methods to increase engagement and participation of all children.
Funding of Robin Wood Residential and other curriculum visits. / Termly staff meetings for teams to plan each day. Monitor parental engagement and implement strategies to reach out to families.
To monitor attendance of children taking part in activities. Ensure a range of activities are available and that all children across school have the opportunities to participate.
Staff meeting to introduce Kagan method to staff.
Regular monitoring of techniques being used across school Y1 – Y6
The school business manager monitors which families are subsidised. / HM / JC
Team leaders
JC / LM / JB / CG
LB / HM / Half termly
Half termly
Half termly
Regular learning walks to monitor impact.
Improved attendance and wellbeing. / Children for whose attendance is below 95% or showing a decline are invited to ‘Rise and Shine Club’.
LA attendance procedures are put in place for persistent absence. First day calling for all children.
Team around the School will be used to improve attendance outcomes for a few PP children, along with improving health and well-being for all members of the family.
A whole school weekly attendance award is to be set up to promote 100% attendance. Half termly events for children who have achieved 100% attendance
Increased identification of children who need support with mental health issues. Nurture groups to be set up in order to meet the individual needs of these children.
Restorative Approaches are used across school to help children mend relationships.
The Rose Hill Way is followed consistently across school to ensure a positive ‘can do’ learning environment. / Attendance and punctuality is monitored weekly.
Attendance across school is monitored every other week.
Regular meetings to take place to discuss attendance and other health and well-being issues.
100% attendance is monitored weekly.
100% half termly tracking in place.