South West Area Council

Information pack for applicants


1 / Background
1.1 / Arts Council England / 1
1.2 / The role of Area Councils / 2
1.3 / Composition of Area Councils / 2
1.4 / Local Government Representatives / 3
2 / Role description
2.1 / Person specification / 3
2.2 / Nature of the role / 4
2.3 / Time commitment / 4
2.4 / Duration of appointment / 4
2.5 / Location of meetings / 5
2.6 / Reimbursement of expenses / 5
3 / Application and appointment process
3.1 / General information / 5
3.2 / Application process / 5
3.3 / Shortlisting and interview / 6
3.4 / Appointment / 6
3.5 / Induction / 6
Appendix 1 / Area Councils’ terms of reference / 7

1.  Background

1.1  Arts Council England

Arts Council England champions, develops and invests in artistic and cultural experiences that enrich people's lives. We support a range of activities across the arts, museums and libraries - from theatre to digital art, reading to dance, music to literature, and crafts to collections.

Between 2015 and 2018, we will invest £1.1 billion of public money from government and an estimated £700 million from the National Lottery to help create these experiences for as many people as possible across the country. Government funding is received from the Department for Culture, Media and Sport and our 10-year strategic framework for the arts is set out in Great art and culture for everyone.

Great art and culture inspires us, brings us together and teaches us about ourselves and the world around us. In short, it makes life better.We works in partnership with a wide range of people and organisations, including artists, regional and national development agencies, local authorities, government departments and many other organisations in the public, private and voluntary, and amateur sectors.

1.2  The role of Area Councils

Our five area councils are a key part of our governance structure. They are a vital link between our National strategies and policies and their implementation at the local level.

Our five area councils:

·  help ensure that the Arts Council spends public money against agreed strategy, in a way that that the public can see, understand and accept

·  provide a forum for artists, arts and cultural organisations and other stakeholders to ensure their views are heard in the formulation of Arts Council strategy and to share Arts Council thinking with the sector

·  offer advice to National Council in terms of ‘on-the-ground’ knowledge of locally and nationally significant issues

·  advocate for the arts, culture and the Arts Council in the area and encourage artistic talent

The Area Councils’ terms of reference are attached at Appendix 1 and more information about our Governance structure is available here.

1.3 Composition of Area Councils

Each area council will comprise of:

·  the chair - who is also a member of the Arts Council’s National Council

·  nine members appointed by the Arts Council

·  five elected local government representatives

[N.B In London there are six members appointed by the Arts Council, four members appointed by the Mayor of London and four members nominated by London local authorities]

Each area council is expected to include:

·  individual artists

·  arts and culture (including museums) practitioners and managers (small, large and mid-scale organisations)

·  elected local government representatives

·  members with knowledge and experience of other relevant fields like education, regeneration, broadcasting, training, tourism, business and other fields relevant to arts and culture

·  appropriate representation in relation to ethnicity, disability and gender

It is important that each area council is diverse and has the right mix of knowledge, skills and experience to enable it to fulfil those roles. The appropriate balance of skills will vary from area to area and will change over time.

1.4 Local Government Representatives

A third of the places on area councils are reserved for local government representatives. These local government representatives will normally be elected local councillors appointed following an open call for local government representatives to sit on the area council of that area.

As our area councils cover large geographic areas it will not be practical to have a local authority representative from each local authority or city region in that area. Instead we will seek to get a balance across size and type of authorities to reflect the representation of rural, large city, smaller city, single tier, county councils and districts in the area.

In addition, as these are not political appointments, appointment panels are not required to ensure that the local government representation on an area council precisely mirrors the political balance of the area, but nor should they ignore the political context entirely. They should take account of the political context when recruiting and making recommendations on local government appointments.

Role description

2.1  Person specification

For the artistic and cultural vacancies, we are looking for individuals who:

·  have a strong knowledge of arts and culture, and commitment to promote the value of arts and culture in society

·  have a commitment to Arts Council’s mission – Great art and culture for everyone

·  have a strong knowledge and understanding of the Creative case for diversity and/or Creative media/digital

·  are able to act as advocates for arts and culture on a local and national level

·  have a specialist knowledge of;

o  a particular art form;

o  the museum, libraries and/or music education sector;

o  education, regeneration, broadcasting, training, tourism, business and other fields relevant to arts and culture; or

o  are practicing artists

·  have a knowledge and understanding of the South West[1] area

·  live or have work interests in the South West area

For the local authority vacancies, we are looking for individuals who:

·  are elected members for a local authority within the South West area

·  have a strong knowledge of arts and culture, and commitment to promote the value of arts and culture in society

·  meet any of the other criteria above

As part of our ongoing commitment to equal opportunities and diversity we welcome applications from individuals who reflect the communities we serve.

2.2  Nature of the role

All members of area councils are non-executive. This is a voluntary role, with expenses reimbursed in accordance with the Council Members’ expenses policy.

2.3 Time commitment

There are five Area Council meetings each financial year, although extraordinary meetings may be scheduled if required.

2.4 Duration of appointment

Appointments will normally be made for a four year term, and, subject to a satisfactory performance review, may be extended for up to an additional three years. No area council member may serve on the Arts Council’s area councils for more than 8 years. All re-appointments are also decided by National Council.

A councillor appointed as a local government representative will be asked to stand down from the area council if they cease to be an elected councillor for any reason.

2.5 Location of meetings

South West Area Council meetings are held around the South West area on a rotating basis.

2.6 Reimbursement of expenses

Members of area councils may submit claims for expenses incurred while on Arts Council England business, within the limits set for various types of expenditure in the Council Members’ expenses policy.

3. Application and appointment process

3.1  General information

Appointments to our Area councils are not regulated by the Commissioner of Public Appointments and the Code of Practice of Public Appointments. However we will abide by the core principles of the Code which are merit, openness and fairness. Appointments to Area councils are formally made by National Council on the recommendation of an appointments panel following an open recruitment process.

3.2  Application process

Applicants should submit a covering letter and CV which gives details of:

·  Name & contact details

·  Employment, public appointments and qualifications

·  A supporting statement which describes how they meet the criteria for appointment listed in the person specification

·  The names and contact details for two referees

·  Any potential conflicts of interest

Applicants should also complete and return an Equal opportunities form with their CV. The form is available on the Area Council vacancies page of the Arts Council website here.

The three documents above should be sent to Rebecca Slade, Assistant to the South West Area Director by email () no later than 09.00 on Monday 27 June 2016.

3.3 Shortlisting and interviews

The appointments panel, consisting of the South West Area Council chair, the South West Area Director and an independent member from the arts and cultural sector, will shortlist candidates for interview based on assessment against the person specification. Interviews will take place on Monday 11 July in Bristol.

3.4  Appointment

Once the interviews have taken place, the appointments panel will formally recommend their preferred candidates to National Council. National Council will consider their recommendations at their meeting on 13 September 2016 and make a decision. The Area Director will inform all candidates of the outcome.

3.5  Induction

All Area Council members will be offered an induction meeting which should cover:

·  the role, mission and objectives of the Arts Council;

·  their role and responsibilities; and

·  standards of conduct expected of council members and in particular the Arts Council’s policy on managing conflicts of interest

Subject to their formal appointment by National Council, the first South West Area Council meeting that new Members will be eligible to attend will take place on Friday 30 September in Salisbury.

Appendix 1

Area Councils Terms of Reference

1. / Purpose

1.1 Under the terms of the Royal Charter, National Council may establish area councils. It has chosen to establish five area councils – one for each of its areas. The five area councils:

·  help ensure that the executive spends public money against agreed strategy, in a way that the public can see, understand and accept

·  provide a forum for artists, arts and cultural organisations and other stakeholders to ensure their views are heard in the formulation of Arts Council England strategy and to share Arts Council England thinking with the sector

·  offer advice to National Council in terms of ‘on-the-ground’ knowledge of locally and nationally significant issues

·  advocate for the arts, culture and the Arts Council in the area and encourage artistic talent

2. / Responsibilities

Arts Council England’s Mission and Objectives

2.1 Area councils are committed to its mission: Achieving great art, museums and libraries for everyone and to fulfilling the objects of Arts Council England as set out in its Royal Charter which is for the public benefit to:

(1)  develop and improve the knowledge, understanding and practice of the arts;

(2)  increase accessibility of the arts to the public in England; and

(3)  advance the education of the public and to further any other charitable purpose which relates to the establishment, maintenance and operation of museums and libraries (which are either public or from which the public may benefit) and to the protection of cultural property; and

(4)  advise and co-operate, where it is appropriate to do so, with the Departments of Our Government, Our Scottish Administration, the Northern Ireland Executive and the Welsh Ministers, local authorities, the Arts Councils and equivalent organisations in the museums and libraries sector for Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland (or their successors) and other bodies on any matter related to the objects.

[Article 4 of the Royal Charter]

Governance, Organisational Structure, Culture, and Values

2.2 Area councils provide advice on plans for major structural change and major changes in the Council's methods of operation.

2.3 Area councils are informed of any amendments to Council regulations (rules and procedures for meetings).

2.4 Area councils are consulted over any changes to the function and formation of area councils, especially the appointment of their members and determining the terms and conditions of their appointment.

2.5 Area councils are informed of any amendments to the Code of Conduct for national and area council members.

Strategy and Business Planning

2.6 Area councils provide advice on the strategy and plans of Arts Council England. More specifically area councils provide advice and input to the development of the Arts Council Plan and any area plans for submission to and approval by National Council.

Financial, Risk and Performance Management

2.7 Area councils advise on, and review Arts Council England’s performance. They may monitor progress against targets set for the area in the Arts Council Plan or any area plans.

2.8 Area councils advise on the challenges and risks relating to the achievement of Arts Council England’s goals in the area.

Investment Programmes and Decisions

2.9 Area councils provide advice on the design and delivery of the Arts Council’s main investment programmes and are informed of the launch of new programmes.

2.10 Area councils make decisions on applications up to a certain threshold (currently £800k per annum) to join the National Portfolio in their area.[2] These decisions should reflect agreed policy and investment frameworks. Decisions of area councils on National Portfolio applications may be subject to review and possible change by National Council to ensure that the Arts Council maintains a nationally balanced portfolio. National Council will provide area councils with reasons where it overturns an area council decision.

2.11 Area councils make recommendations to National Council on grants of over a certain threshold (currently £800k per annum) to organisations applying to join the National Portfolio. Area councils are to be informed of the outcome of National Council discussions, particularly where their recommendations have been rejected.

2.12 Area councils will receive periodic updates on the number and type of funding applications received from the area and will provide advice on the priorities for the area and how Arts Council England should target its activity. They will also advise National Council and area management teams on the impact of Arts Council England’s work in the area.

3. / Delegated Authority

3.1 Area councils have delegated authority from National Council to take decisions within these terms of reference.