Department Contact: Sara Whitacre
Phone: 462 – 7640
Completion Award: Certified Childcare Worker Certificate is awarded upon the passing of the Florida State Exam. This program is required for employment in any daycare or preschool and is the first step in becoming a Child Development Associate (CDA) or Teacher’s Aide.
Length: This program is a 40 clock hour nine-week program.
Program Locations: This program is offered at SLW, Mueller, Main Campus, Okeechobee, Chastain Center and the Black Burn Education Building. See the current semester’s course schedule for detailed information on the locations and dates. Also, call Sara Whitacre for any information on classes that have not yet been listed.
Course Structure: It consists of 2 parts totaling 40 clock hours:
- HEVV115 State Childcare Training (30 clock hours) and choose one from the following 10 clock hour classes:
- HEVV116/302 Introduction to Pre-School Practices
- HEVV171 Infant and Toddler Practices
- HEVV195 School Age Practices
- HEVV126 Special Needs Practices
Students must be prepared to sit for the State Childcare Competency Test, which they must pass within one year of completing the coursework.
Successful professionals in the field:
- Have patience
- Understand that development is a process and each child is different. Professionals cannot be rigid and uncompromising with young children.
- Are dedicated to raise the next generation.
- Have ability to think ahead and make good judgment calls.
- Should not be special needs individuals.
- Follow and apply and rules and regulations of the facility, state and nation.
Transition Tips; Track Your Future
- Students may also take additional courses for further specific training such as Infant Toddler, Family Day Care Worker and Special Needs courses.
- Most courses require the development of a portfolio as a cumulative learning project.
- Students may continue their education for such programs as the Child Development Associate (CDA).
- Childhood Development and Education A.S., degree programs.
- B.S.W. through articulation agreement with FAU. This degree will prepare students who wish to develop careers with social agencies that benefit children. Students can also qualify to take the State Teaching Certification, which will prepare them to work in a school.
Program Requirements
Students are required to achieve a minimum TABE score of a 6 on the TABE exam.
Reading 6, Language 6, Math 6
Facilitator notes for registration:
The Department Contact will register students for the initial class.
Gabrielle Clark
Training Coordinator
Early Childhood Education
Phone: 772-462-7053|Fax: 772-462-7189
E-mail: |
Students are responsible for registering for the second course.
From SaritaHmamly prior to 8/1/2016