Department: CMST Professors: Kitty Carlsen, Alan Baker, Kaidren Sergienko2011-2013
Assessment Plan
Communication Studies
Outcome 1Program Level / Measurable
Criteria / Measurement
Tool / Time Frame
Students enrolled in face-to-face, hybrid, and online sections of CMST courses will illustrate a comparable increase in communication competency by the end of the quarter, as illustrated by the PRCA (Personal Report of Communication Apprehension). / Students enrolled in CMST classes will take the PRCA at the start and end of the quarter. A comparison of pre and post test scores will show improvement in all sections, for all courses.
All CMST classes meeting the Communication-Related Instruction requirements will be surveyed. / Instructors will administer PRCA instrument in order to measure “communication apprehension”
See Attachment A for discussion of measurement tool validity. / Each quarter in all face-to-face, hybrid, and online CMST classes: CMST&101, CMST&210, CMST&220, CMST&230, CMST 240, CMST 260.
Fall 2011: Develop instrument for online distribution and auto scoring for accuracy.
Winter 2012: Collect and score data
Spring 2012: Collect and score data
Fall 2012: Discuss and analyze scores. Determine next steps.
Winter-Spring 2013: Implement next steps.
Analysis and Action:
Outcome 2
Multicultural Awareness CWA / Measurable
Criteria / Measurement
Tool / Time Frame
Students in CMST&220 will demonstrate they are able to “Engage in perspective-taking and self-reflection in interactions with others.” (Outcome D) / Student preparation assignment, Preparing for Public Testimony, from multiple sections of CMST&220 will demonstrate that each student meets this CWA objective. / Instructors will review, assess and score Preparing for Public Testimony assignment using the CWA multicultural awareness rubric provided by the College. / All sections of CMST&220:
Winter 2012: Collect, review and score student assignments.
Spring 2012: Collect, review and score student assignments.
Fall 2012: Meet to discuss and analyze scores. Determine next steps.
Winter-Spring 2013: Implement next steps.
Analysis and Action:
Outcome 3
Critical Thinking CWA / Measurable
Criteria / Measurement
Tool / Time Frame
Students in CMST&220 will demonstrate they are able to “Integrate experience, reason, and evidence to make meaningful conclusions, judgments, and/or products.” (Outcome D) / Student preparation assignment, Preparing for Public Testimony, from multiple sections of CMST&220 will demonstrate that each student meets thisCWA objective. / Instructors will review, assess and score Preparing for Public Testimony assignment using the CWA critical thinking rubric provided by the College. / All sections of CMST&220:
Winter 2012: Collect, review and score student assignments.
Spring 2012: Collect, review and score student assignments.
Fall 2012: Meet to discuss and analyze scores. Determine next steps.
Winter-Spring 2013: Implement next steps.
Analysis and Action:
Outcome 4
Ethical Reasoning CWA / Measurable
Criteria / Measurement
Tool / Time Frame
Students in CMST&220 will demonstrate they are able to “Understand ethical responsibilities and consequences.” (Outcome C) / Student preparation assignment, Preparing for Public Testimony, from multiple sections of CMST&220 will demonstrate that each student meets this CWA objective. / Instructors will review, assess and score Preparing for Public Testimony assignment using the CWA ethical reasoning rubric provided by the College. / All sections of CMST&220:
Time frame cannot be provided at this time, as it is contingent on when the finalized rubric for this CWA is provided by the college.
Time frame will be revised when rubric is distributed.
Analysis and Action:
Revised 3/6/12
Department: CMST Professors: Kitty Carlsen, Alan Baker, Kaidren Sergienko2011-2013
Attachment A
Communication Studies
Outcome 1 Measurement Tool Validity
The Personal Report of Communication Apprehension (PRCA; McCroskey, 1978) will be the instrument used to gather data, and analysis and recommendations will follow.
Studies of the PRCA have proven both the validity and reliability of this instrument (McCroskey, 1978; McCroskey, J. C., Beatty, M. J., Kearney, P., & Plax, T. G., 1985) as well as the efficacy of using self-report instruments for measuring CA (McCroskey, J. C., & McCroskey, L. L., 1988). The PRCA is currently used as an assessment tool at institutions of higher learning across the United States, including four-year universities such as the University of Michigan and community colleges such as SouthTexasCommunity College.
Research in communication clearly identifies the relationship between CA and communication competence and communication skill, success in school, and success in the workplace. Studies indicate that persons with high CA exhibit the characteristics associated with low communication competence (McCroskey, 1976a; McCroskey, 1976b; McCroskey & Richmond, 1987; Richmond, 1984; Stacks & Stone, 1984), are less skilled as communicators (McCroskey, 1982), experience lower academic achievement (Asker, 1995; Bettini & Robinson, 1990; Chesebro, McCroskey, Atwater, Bahrenfuss, Cawelti, Gaudino, Hodges, 1992; Ericson & Gardner, 1992; McCroskey, 1977; McCroskey & Daly, 1976; McCroskey, Booth-Butterfield, & Payne, 1989; Miller & Edmunds; Scott & Wheeless, 1977), and are less successful in job interviews, are less likely to retain their positions, and are less likely to receive promotions (McCroskey, 1976b; McCroskey & Richmond, 1976; Richmond, 1984).
Revised 3/6/12