ASSIGNMENT SHEET #10: The Civil War, 1860-1865
AMERICAN PAGEANT: Chap. 19, 20, 21 Read pp. 412-419, 421-437, 438-464
Historical Thinking Skills (HTS) and Thematic Learning Objectives (TLO) - Daily
Identify and explain how one of the nine HTS’s applies to the information from your reading.
Identify and explain how one of the seven TLO’s applies to the information from your reading.
Connect a HTS and TLO based on the information from your reading.
QUESTIONS: think about and answer
- How did the South react to Lincoln's election? What is a secessionist?
- Why might the South forming a confederate form of government be a problem during wartime?
- Why did Lincoln reject the Crittenden Compromise?
- What are three different explanations that historians have given for the cause of the Civil War?
- What is the importance of the Battle of Fort Sumter?
- What is a Border State and why are they important?
- Describe three advantages and disadvantages for both the North and the South.
- Describe a soldier’s life and the hardships a soldier was likely to face.
- What conclusion can you draw from the graph on p. 425?
- Why was England not the benefit that the South believed?
- What problems did Davis face as president of the Confederacy?
- How did Lincoln increase his authority at the expense of Congress and the Constitution?
- Describe the contributions women made to the war effort.
- What were the essential parts and goals of the Union strategy to defeat the South?
- What role did blacks play during the Civil War?
- What effect did the Emancipation Proclamation have on the North, the Border States, and the South?
- Describe Sherman's strategy in defeating the South. Why was this method used?
- What role did Europe play during the war?
- How can the Battle of Antietam be compared to the Battle of Saratoga?
- How was the Civil War financed in the North and the South?
- Why was Lincoln's reelection significant to the North winning the war?
- What effects did the Civil War have on the government and society of the US?
- Describe the key ideas in the Varying Viewpoints section from Chapter 21, p. 463.
IDENTIFICATIONS: What or who is it and why is it important - THINK SIGNIFICANCE - connect to others
Election of 1860
Crittenden Amendments
Battle of Fort Sumter
Border States
Trent and Alabama affairs
Jefferson Davis
Naval blockade
New York Draft riots
Morrill Tariff
Jay Cooke
National Banking System
Battle of Bull Run
George McClellan
Robert E Lee
Stonewall Jackson
Union strategy
Monitor and Merrimack
Battle of Antietam
Emancipation Proclamation
54th Regiment, Massachusetts
Battle of Gettysburg
Battle of Vicksburg
Ulysses S. Grant
William Sherman
Total war
Election of 1864
Lincoln’s assassination
Abraham Lincoln Writings (email attachment and posted on website) - be prepared to discuss on the assigned day –
Day 1 #1-4 Day 2 #5-7 Day 3 #8-10 Day 4 #11 Day 5. #12-17
If not Participating: All work must be your own. Any work copied/borrowed from another source (person, internet, book, etc.) and passed as one’s own without properly giving credit or a proper citation is committing plagiarism and will be punished to the full extent of classroom, school, honor code, and district rules.
Due 11/16 - Questions and ID’s from Chapter 20
Due 11/17 - Make a list of the key battles (at least 4) from each year of the Civil War. Included should be when, where, major leaders and strategy, winner, and impact on the war.
Due 11/18 -- Questions and ID’s from Chapter 21
Due 11/19 - Create a detailed thinking map showing the effects of the Civil War on both the North and the South, 1861-1865.