Grade 6 Screener Test
Name: ______Class: ______
1. Therewere20girlsand10boysontheswimteamlastsummer.Thissummer,thenumberofgirlsdecreasedby30%butthenumberofboysincreasedby40%.Howmanymembersareontheswimteamthissummer? (6RP3c)
A 25 B 28 C 30 D 32
2. Two samples of orange paint have been made by mixing yellow and red paint together. Sample A uses 6 gallons of yellow paint mixed with 4 gallons of red paint. Sample B uses 9 gallons of yellow paint mixed with 6 gallons of red paint.
Which sample will have the darkest shade of orange? (6RP3b)
ASample A B Sample B C They will be the same D There is not enough information to tell
3.Jasonrodehisbike26milesataconstantspeedfor2hours.Howlongwillittakehimtoride104milesatthesamespeed? (6RP3b)
A 4hours B 5hours C 7hours D 8hours
4.Abananabreadrecipecallsfor2cupsofsugarforevery5cupsofflour.Whichpointwouldnotbeonplotthatdescribesthissituation? (6RP3a)
A (2,5) B (6,15) C (8,20) D (12,25)
How manyapplepiesdidthebakermake? (6RP3b)
A 8 B 9 C 25 D 40
6. The largest bag of dog food available at the pet shop holds 75 pounds of dry food. Rene feeds his dog Bowser ½ pound of food each day. Rusty gets ⅓ pound, and Brownie gets twice that amount. How many days does one bag of dog food last? (6NS1)
A 35days B 40days C 50days D 75days
7. LastweekRandyworked42hoursin5days.WhichequationcouldRandyusetofindtheaveragenumberofhoursheworkedeachday?(6EE7)
A= 45 B 5h=42 C= 5 D 42h=5
8. Anewschoolhasagirl-to-boy ratio of 3:4. If there are 252 students at the school, how many boys are at the school? (6RP3b)
A 63 B 84 C 108 D 144
9. Whichisthesolutiontotheequation2r -36=62? (6EE7)
A r=13 B r=26 C r=49 D r=98
10. Which is not equivalent to ? (6RP3c)
A B C 60% D 70%
11. Simplify:21y+3-7y–9 (7EE1)
A 8y B 24y–16 C 12y–4 D 14y–6
12.Thetablebelowshowsaproportionalrelationship.Oneofthecellsofthetableiscoveredbyadropofink.Whatvalueiscoveredbytheink? (7RP2b)
Time (sec) / 3 / 5 / 11 / 17Distance (ft) / 10.2 / 17 / 57.8
A 23.7 B 27.2 C 37.4 D 46.7
13.Bradboughtaskateboardfor$2lessthanhalfitsoriginalprice.Ifhepaid$21.50,whichskateboarddid hebuy? (7EE4a)
Skateboard / Price ($)Go Green / 45
Speedster / 47
Up and Down / 43
With the Flow / 41
A GoGreen B Speedster C UpandDown D WiththeFlow
14. Matchtheproportionwithitssolution. (7RP2c)
A 10 B 12.5 C 13.5 D 27
15.Oneschoolbuscanseat42passengers.Howmanyschoolbuseswillbeneededtotransportatotalof180passengersonatriptothestatelegislature? (7EE3)
A 4 B 5 C 138 D 222
decreaseinstockvalueeachday? (7NS3)
A -5 B -8 C -40 D -200
17. A recipe for applesauce calls for ⅓ cup of honey. The recipe makes 8 servings. How many cups of honey are needed to make 20 servings? (7RP3)
A ⅔ cup B ⅚cup C2½ cups D 2⅔ cups
18. Decidewhichisthebetterbuyforacontaineroffrozenorangejuice:
18ouncesfor$2.70 (7RP2b)
A Bothcostthesameperounce. B 18-ozsize C 10-ozsize
19. Expandthefollowingexpression: (7EE1)
6(2k –3)
A 8k –3 B 9k C 12k –3 D 12k –18
20. Compare the following two expressions and indicate the correct symbol in place of the
- 3 + -52 -3 + (-5)2 (7EE1)
A = B > C <
21. Shanaisatthegrocerystorecomparingtwobrandsofjuice.BrandAcosts$3.84fora16-ouncebottle.
BrandBcosts$4.50fora25-ouncebottle.Whichbrandisthebetterbuy?Explainyourreasoning. (6RP3)
Oneofthephotographsthattheywanttoenlargeisa3"x4"photo.Katiesaysthatshecanenlargethephototo9"x12",butJacobdisagrees.Hesaysitwillbe11"x12".Whoiscorrect?Explainyourreasoninginwords. (6RP3)
23. Atown'stotalallocationforfirefighter'swagesandbenefitsinanewbudgetis$600,000.Wagesarecalculatedat$40,000perfirefighterandbenefitsat$20,000perfirefighter.
Part A:Writeanequationwhosesolutionisthenumberoffirefightersthetowncanemployiftheyspendtheirwholebudget.
Equation: ______
Part B: Howmanyfirefighterscanthetownemployiftheyspendtheirwholebudget?Explainyouranswer. (6EE7)
Answers: 1B 2C 3D 4D 5C 6C 7B 8D 9C 10D 11D 12C 13A 14C 15B 16B 17B 18B 19D 20C
21 Brand B is 18c/oz Brand A is 24c/oz
22 Katie is correct
23 Part A: 600,000 = 60,000x
Part B: 10