Minutes of Meeting of Denham Parish Council meeting held at 7.30 pm on Wednesday 1November 2017 at St Johns Church Denham.

PRESENT: Councillors Carol Rose, Tania Farrow,Margaret Reeves and Nick Farrow. Also in attendance: County Councillor Guy McGregor (left 19.42), District Councillor Elizabeth Gibson-Harries (left 20.37), Sarah Foote (Clerk) and three members of the public.

1. Apologies for absence


2.Declarations of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests from members on any item to be discussed and requests for dispensations

None. Councillors were reminded of the requirement for them to individually update their Register of Interests as appropriate.


There were no comments from member of the public.

Suffolk County Council – Cllr Guy McGregor reported that library location change would be happening in Eye and the library would move from Buckshorn Lane to the Cross Street. Regarding the Council Tax there would be an increase by Suffolk County Council this year. Cllr McGregor would be meeting with the Police and Crime Commissioner to discuss anti-social behaviour and drug abuse in Eye.

4. Approval of minutes

The minutes from the meeting of 27 September 2017wereagreed as a true record and duly signed by the Chairman.

5. Matters arising from minutes of 27 September 2017


6. Co-option

One vacancy remained on the Parish Council. There had been no applications for this vacancy.

7. Village Hall –

a. The content of the 1978 deed was noted and in particular the role of the Parish Council detailed within.

b. The existing arrangements for the management of the Village Hall were considered.

19.59 District Councillor Elizabeth Gibson-Harries arrived and gave her report and confirmed that she had recently met with representatives of the Village Hall. Cllr Gibson-Harries had endeavoured to meet with builders to provide quotations for renovation work to preserve this historically important community building and reported ideas which included a new kitchen and toilet block.

c. Meeting with Village Hall Management and way forward to access funding - Cllr T Farrow explained the Parish Council’s obligations as Custodian Trustees to the historic village building and the need for the Village Hall Management to fulfil their obligations as detailed in the 1978 deed. Cllr Gibson-Harries reported that the Village Hall Management had questioned this deed and alternative evidence of ownership, possibly involving private ownership. Cllr Gibson-Harries confirmed that Section 106 funding, Locality Funding and funding for one-off major projects could all be available for work to the Village Hall. The Clerk stated if this was the case it would be difficult to access public funding for the renovation of a privately owned building which the Parish Council had no involvement in. The Parish Council were very much in favour that a structural survey should be undertaken on the building to professionally assess the extent of the work required to make the building both legally compliant and fit for purpose. A long discussion concluded with the Chairman asking for a meeting with the Village Hall Management (to be progressed by Cllr Gibson-Harries) and confirming that the Parish Council would act as custodians of the building (as per the 1978 deed) to ensure that it stays in a fit state for use as a community building.

20.37 Cllr Gibson-Harries left the meeting.

8. Telephone Kiosk–it was confirmed that Fressingfield Scout Group were still willing to work on the renovation of the kiosk. A date was to be agreed and it may be that some tree/shrub branches would need to be removed before the work could be carried out.

9. Babergh and Mid Suffolk Draft Joint Local Plan – each of the 79 questions of the Local Plan Consultation was considered and a response agreed. The Clerk would submit these responses via the Planning Portal and a written record is appended to the minutes.


Correspondence received since the last meeting was noted as listed:

Date / From / Subject
20.10.2017 / Mid Suffolk District Council / Delivering A Vision For Prosperity in Stowmarket and Sudbury
18.10.2017 / Mid Suffolk District Council / Designation of Eye Neighbourhood Plan Area
Oct 2017 / Suffolk Association of Local Councils / Consultations on; Precept, Right Homes in Right Places and Councillor Disqualification. To note responses made.
10.10.2017 / Mid Suffolk District Council / Town and Parish newsletter


a. Bank Accounts: The Clerk report bank balances; Current Account £2,989and Business Premium Account £1,944.

b. It was agreed to make the following payments:

Amount / Payee / Details / Chq No / Power
£386.70 / Mrs S Foote / Clerk’s salary October, November and December 2017 / 100549 / LGA 1972 s112(ii)
£96.60 / HMRC / PAYE / 100550 / LGA 1972 s112(i)
£30.15 / Mrs S Foote / Clerk’s expenses – mileage, postage and stationery / 100551 / LGA 1972 s111(i)
£4.50 / Anglia Book Keeping / Payroll / 100552 / LGA 1972 s111(i)
£60.00 / Community Action Suffolk (One Suffolk) / Website hosting fee / 100553 / LGA 1972 s111(i)

12. Matters of report by individual Councillors.


13. Urgent Matters and matters for information

None. The next meeting would be held on Wednesday 24 January 2018 at Hoxne Playingfield Pavilion.

Meeting Closed 21.36.

Signed …………………………………………………………………… Chairman …………………………………………………………………… Clerk

Date ……………………………………………………………………

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