Demonstrator – Guidance for Casual Engagement

Version 1.0

Last amended: 12/08/2015

Faculty of Arts

Accompanists – Guidance for Casual Engagement

1. Accompanists

Accompanists in the Department of Music, School of Humanities, Faculty of Arts, are responsible for providing subsidiary musical accompaniment to a student singer, instrumentalist or choir.

2. Rate of pay

Each student undertaking the Performance module will be given an allowance for recital accompaniment dependent on the student’s year of study. Students are responsible for arranging this work and for negotiating payment. The Department has an approved list of Accompanists which are eligible to receive this allowance. If the Accompanist chosen is not on the Department’s approved list of Accompanists, the student will not receive any allowance and will have to fund this work themselves. Any further costs incurred by the student over and above the allowance are paid directly to the Accompanist by the student.

3. Travel expenses

Travel expenses are paid in exceptional circumstances only, after approval from the PVC of the Faculty, granted in advance of the casual engagement. Approval process: the member of staff wishing to pay the travel expenses should email a brief rationale to the Dean. No action should be taken until a response is received.

4. Engagement (not self-employed)

The engagement of an Accompanist who is not self-employed will be administered through the University’s HR unit. You will need to register with HR by completing an online registration form and visiting Music’s Office to present your eligibility to work in the UK documents (e.g. passport). To complete your registration HR will contact you to request your bank details to complete your registration and confirm your registration by issuing a payroll and casual assignment number.

The student is required to contact the Accompanist and arrange for him/her to accompany the recital and any required rehearsals. The student is required to inform Music’s Office of their accompaniment arrangements.

5. Self-employment

Self-employed individuals will be paid on receipt of invoice in line with University practice and timescales. However, the fact that an individual is registered for self-employment does not mean the engagement with the University is one of self-employment. Please speak to the School Office who will submit a non-employment status application form to HR for secondary assessment and authorisation.

6. Casual assignment

An Accompanist’s casual assignment consists of providing a subsidiary accompaniment to a student singer, instrumentalist or choir. If an accompanist is accompanying two or more students or choirs, the work will be presented as separate casual assignments.

7. Claiming payment (not self-employed)

Once the recitals are over, claims for payment need to be made using a PAY01 form. Payment is made on the penultimate working day of the month.