Balochistan Rapid Community Assessment
Rapid Assessment
Name of village ______Hamlet______
Select 1 village ; 2 hamlets /settlements and complete the following:
- Community level rapid assessment form
- Focus group discussions: (these need to be small groups in a private / enclosed space)
- 1 with group of 4-6 men
- 1 with group of 10-12 women
- What are the main sources of income in the community?
► Identify predominant livelihoods; variety of income sources in the community; and asset and landownership structures. Discuss livelihood losses, if any. Check whether they expect any changes (or sale) of assets post earthquake.
- What are the coping strategies you usually adopt in winter? How will these be different this year?
►Probe or focus discussion more on coping strategies such as migration, storing of grain or food stocks; resorting to borrowing, children dropping out of school, sale of cattle or other assets, etc. Try to identify how much more severe they expect it to be this year and the long term impact of households adopting negative coping strategies.
- Who are the most vulnerable in this hamlet, in your opinion? Why? Give specific examples.
►Try to identify whether they think this is the same as always, or different after the Earthquakes and in what ways. Would they be able to identify more vulnerable families for a more selective targeting strategy?
- What are the priorities needs in this location, in your opinion?
- How arefamilies managing to meet their immediate needs (for water , food , shelter , clothing, blankets, quilts)?
►Determine what initiatives they have taken. Probe to see whether their ability to meet their needs is different for different households within the hamlet.
- What is the status of animals?
►Check what losses (if any) they incurred with respect to animals. This could include losses of cattle sheds, fodder, etc. Identify plans for sale, consumption and care through winter.
- How are you feeling after the earthquake? How has it affected you or your family members?
►Try to identify symptoms of trauma or stress; cite specific examples. Determine whether there are any difference between men, women and children..
Women’s group:
- How are the issues different for women and young girls than for men? What specific challenges are you facing post earthquake?
► Probe to check whether responses are the same during normal times as compared to now.
Men’s group:
- Shelter questions
What is the predominant type of house? Do people typically build on their own?
If not, is labor available?
What type of materials (if any) are available in the village or nearby?
What do you plan to do for your family since winter is coming?
What is salvageable from the houses? Are they willing to reuse these materials for transitional shelter?
When and how do they plan to rebuild their houses?
Rapid Community Assessment
Instruction: This form is intended as a rapid 15 minutes questionnaire to be completed with key (non-government) informants, such as village leaders.
Union Council:______Name of village : ______
Distance fromQuetta is ____ kmName of hamlet : ______
Total #Total number of nuclearfamilies
Total individuals or persons
# Female-headed households
(widows, deserted, divorcees)
Level of damage:
Total number of houses:Total number not usable:
Other infrastructure damage:
- school / ___ total ___ partial ___ no damage
- mosque / ___ total ___ partial ___ no damage
- BHU / ___ total ___ partial ___ no damage
- Observation – scale of damage / ___ 1 to 5 (with 5 = 90%)
Water Infrastructure:
What sources of water existed before earthquake? (Tick all that apply / What is the main source of drinking water? / DamageHandpumps / ( )Y ( ) N
Water supply scheme (PHE) / ( )Y ( ) N
Kareze / ( )Y ( ) N
Tubewell (with electrical pump) / ( )Y ( ) N
Comments: (on secondary sources)
What is the quality of water available? ____ Clean ____ Turbid
Did families have latrines before the earthquake?Y ( ) N ( )
If yes, what type? ____ dry pit latrine _____ pour flush latrine
Are there bathing facilities after earthquake?Y ( ) N ( )
If yes, are they separate for women and men? Y ( ) N ( )
Health / Hygiene
Following the earthquake, has there been:
an increase in number of cases of diarrhea amongst children? Y ( ) N ( )
an increase in number of cases of chest infections? Y ( ) N ( )
an increase in number of cases of eye infection?Y ( ) N ( )
Other ______
Settlement / shelter:
What is the predominant type of shelter? ____ cement ____ mud
Have households received any tents? Y( ) N ( )
Are they sufficient for the coming winter? Y( ) N ( )
Have households received any other shelter materials? Y( ) N ( )
If yes, what? ______
Relief Received
Do families have NIC cards?Y( ) N ( )
Have they received relief? Y( ) N ( )
If, now, why? _____ No ID card ___ Level of Isolation _____ Other (Specify______)
What kind of relief has been received in this village? (tick all that apply)
____food ____water containers ___ tents ___ plastic sheets ___ bedding
____kitchen sets ___ clothes ___other:______
Have they received any tokens for shelter? Y( ) N ( )
Who distributed this?
______NGO (name: ______)
Form Completed by: