Table 1A
Demographic, Diagnostic, Behavioral, and Treatment Characteristics of the Latent Class Trajectories for Reading
Reading Group 1 / Reading Group 2 / Reading Group 3 / Reading Group 4 / Reading Group 5 / Reading Group 6Female / 3 (16.7 %) / 14 (28.0 %) / 23 (25.0 %) / 23 (23.7 %) / 16 (19.0 %) / 10 (19.6 %)
Male / 15 (83.3 %) A / 36 (72.0 %) A / 69 (75.0 %) A / 74 (76.3 %) A / 68 (81.0 %) A / 41 (80.4 %) A
Community Tx Control / 4 (22.2 %) A / 10 (20.0 %) A / 22 (23.9 %) A / 25 (25.8 %) A / 17 (20.2 %) A / 11 (21.6 %) A
Medication Only / 4 (22.2 %) / 13 (26.0 %) / 19 (20.6 %) / 21 (21.6 %) / 18 (21.4 %) / 15 (29.4 %)
Combined Tx / 7 (38.9 %) / 16 (32.0 %) / 22 (23.9 %) / 24 (24.7 %) / 24 (28.6 %) / 13 (25.5 %)
Psychosocial Tx Only / 3 (16.7 %) / 11 (22.0 %) / 29 (31.5 %) / 27 (27.8 %) / 25 (29.8 %) / 12 (23.5 %)
No/slight impairment / 6 (46.2 %) A / 23 (59.0 %) A / 23 (34.8 %) A / 39 (54.9 %) A / 33 (52.4 %) A / 17 (44.7 %) A
Mild impairment / 4 (30.8 %) / 9 (23.1 %) / 24 (36.4 %) / 23 (32.4 %) / 23 (36.5 %) / 13 (34.2 %)
Moderate/worse / 3 (23.8 %) / 7 (18.0 %) / 19 (28.8 %) / 9 (12.7 %) / 7 (11.1 %) / 8 (21.0 %)
Missing = 102
Non-White / 9 (50.0 %) / 26 (52.0 %) / 36 (39.1 %) / 30 (30.9 %) / 27 (32.1 %) / 13 (25.5 %)
White / 9 (50.0 %) B / 24 (48.0 %) B / 56 (60.9 %) AB / 67 (69.1 %) AB / 57 (67.9 %) AB / 38 (74.5 %) A
Mother’s Education
High School or Less / 7 (38.9 %) / 18 (36.0 %) / 24 (26.1 %) / 19 (19.6 %) / 16 (19.0 %) / 8 (15.7 %)
Some College or more / 11 (61.1 %) C / 32 (64.0 %) BC / 68 (73.9 %) ABC / 78 (80.4 %) AB / 68 (81.0 %) AB / 43 (84.3 %) A
Father’s Education
High School or Less / 12 (66.7 %) / 32 (64.0 %) / 51 (55.4 %) / 36 (37.1 %) / 30 (35.7 %) / 17 (33.3 %)
Some College or more / 6 (33.3 %) C / 18 (36.0 %) C / 41 (44.6 %) BC / 61 (62.9 %) AB / 54 (64.3 %) AB / 34 (66.7 %) A
0-$30,000 / 10 (58.8 %) C / 19 (38.0 %) BC / 36 (40.0 %) ABC / 26 (27.7 %) AB / 18 (21.4 %) A / 12 (23.5 %) A
$30,001-$60,000 / 5 (29.4 %) / 24 (48.0 %) / 31 (34.4 %) / 36 (38.3 %) / 37 (44.1 %) / 17 (33.3 %)
Greater Than $60,000 / 2 (11.8 %) / 7 (14.0 %) / 23 (25.6 %) / 32 (34.0 %) / 29 (34.5 %) / 22 (43.1 %)
Missing = 6
Reading Group 1 / Reading Group 2 / Reading Group 3 / Reading Group 4 / Reading Group 5 / Reading Group 6
ADHD Dx at Baseline
Non-combined type / 4 (22.2 %) / 8 (16.0 %) / 9 (9.8 %) / 12 (12.4 %) / 11 (13.1 %) / 6 (11.8 %)
Combined type / 14 (77.8 %) A / 42 (84.0 %) A / 83 (90.2 %) A / 85 (87.6 %) A / 73 (86.9 %) A / 45 (88.2 %) A
ODD Dx at Baseline
0 / 13 (72.2 %) / 28 (59.6 %) / 56 (62.9 %) / 46 (49.5 %) / 43 (53.1 %) / 30 (58.8 %)
1 / 5 (27.8 %) A / 19 (40.4 %) A / 33 (37.1 %) A / 47 (50.5 %) A / 38 (46.9 %) A / 21 (41.2 %) A
Missing = 13
CD Dx at Baseline
0 / 12 (66.7 %) / 44 (88.0 %) / 78 (84.8 %) / 84 (86.6 %) / 76 (90.5 %) / 43 (84.3 %)
1 / 6 (33.3 %) A / 6 (12.0 %) B / 14 (15.2 %) B / 13 (13.4 %) B / 8 (9.5 %) B / 8 (15.7 %) B
Delinquent Total / 4.6 A / 3.7 AB / 4.4 A / 3.9 AB / 3.4 AB / 2.9 B
Aggressive Total / 25.4 A / 21.5 A / 24.2 A / 22.6 A / 22.5 A / 23.0 A
Internalizing Total / 9.1 A / 11.3 A / 12.6 A / 10.5 A / 12.8 A / 12.6 A
% Medication Days, Cumulatiive / 0.38 B / 0.47 AB / 0.42 AB / 0.42 AB / 0.46 AB / 0.54 A
Special Education, Hrs per wk Cumulative / 34.2 A / 26.4 B / 10.9 C / 11.6 C / 4.9 CD / 3.1 D
Counseling, Hrs per wk Cumulative / 1.3 A / 0.5 B / 0.3 B / 0.3 B / 0.2 B / 0.4 B
WISC-III Full-Scale IQ / 85.4 D / 92.8 C / 97.4 C / 104.1 B / 107.0 B / 113.9 A
Excellent Tx Response (Parent) / 0.6 A / 0.5 A / 0.5 A / 0.6 A / 0.5 A / 0.4 A
Excellent Tx Response (Teacher) / 0.6 A / 0.5 A / 0.4 A / 0.7 A / 0.6 A / 0.6 A
Note. Means followed by the same letter within each row are not significantly different at the 0.05 level.
Table 2A
Demographic, Diagnostic, Behavioral, and Treatment Characteristics of the Latent Class Trajectories for Math
Math Group 1 / Math Group 2 / Math Group 3 / Math Group 4 / Math Group 5 / Math Group 6Female / 5 (20.8 %) / 22 (26.5 %) / 27 (25.7 %) / 19 (19.2 %) / 14 (24.6 %) / 2 (8.3 %)
Male / 19 (79.2 %) A / 61 (73.5 %) A / 78 (74.3 %) A / 80 (80.8 %) A / 43 (75.4 %) A / 22 (91.7 %) A
Community Tx Control / 4 (16.7 %) A / 18 (21.7 %) A / 22 (21.0 %) A / 26 (26.3 %) A / 14 (24.6 %) A / 5 (20.8 %) A
Medication Only / 5 (20.8 %) / 19 (22.9 %) / 29 (27.6 %) / 21 (21.2 %) / 11 (19.3 %) / 5 (20.8 %)
Combined Tx / 9 (37.5 %) / 26 (31.3 %) / 25 (23.8 %) / 22 (22.2 %) / 16 (28.1 %) / 8 (33.3 %)
Psychosocial Tx Only / 6 (25.0 %) / 20 (24.1 %) / 29 (27.6 %) / 30 (30.3 %) / 16 (28.1 %) / 6 (25.0 %)
No/slight impairment / 8 (40.0 %) A / 29 (46.0 %) A / 33 (42.3 %) A / 36 (51.4 %) A / 25 (61.0 %) A / 10 (55.6 %) A
Mild impairment / 6 (30.0 %) / 20 (31.8 %) / 27 (34.6 %) / 25 (35.7 %) / 12 (29.3 %) / 6 (33.3 %)
Moderate/worse / 6 (30.0 %) / 14 (22.2 %) / 18 (23.1 %) / 9 (12.9 %) / 4 (9.8 %) / 2 (11.1 %)
Missing = 102
Non-White / 17 (70.8 %) / 42 (50.6 %) / 37 (35.2 %) / 30 (30.3 %) / 11 (19.3 %) / 4 (16.7 %)
White / 7 (29.2 %) C / 41 (49.4 %) B / 68 (64.8 %) AB / 69 (69.7 %) A / 46 (80.7 %) A / 20 (83.3 %) A
Mother’s Education
High School or Less / 8 (33.3 %) / 28 (33.7 %) / 30 (28.6 %) / 20 (20.2 %) / 5 (8.8 %) / 1 (4.2 %)
Some College or more / 16 (66.7 %) B / 55 (66.3 %) B / 75 (71.4 %) B / 79 (79.8 %) AB / 52 (91.2 %) A / 23 (95.8 %) A
Father’s Education
High School or Less / 16 (66.7 %) / 52 (62.6 %) / 54 (51.4 %) / 39 (39.4 %) / 13 (22.8 %) / 4 (16.7 %)
Some College or more / 8 (33.3 %) D / 31 (37.4 %) D / 51 (48.6 %) CD / 60 (60.6 %) BC / 44 (77.2 %) AB / 20 (83.3 %) A
0-$30,000 / 12 (50.0 %) B / 35 (43.2 %) B / 37 (35.9 %) B / 29 (29.9 %) B / 6 (10.5 %) A / 2 (8.3 %) A
$30,001-$60,000 / 7 (29.2 %) / 29 (35.8 %) / 41 (39.8 %) / 40 (41.2 %) / 21 (36.8 %) / 12 (50.0 %)
Greater Than $60,000 / 5 (20.8 %) / 17 (21.0 %) / 25 (24.3 %) / 28 (28.9 %) / 30 (52.6 %) / 10 (41.7 %)
Missing = 6
Math Group 1 / Math Group 2 / Math Group 3 / Math Group 4 / Math Group 5 / Math Group 6
ADHD Dx at Baseline
Non-combined type / 4 (16.7 %) / 12 (14.5 %) / 9 (8.6 %) / 12 (12.2 %) / 4 (7.0 %) / 9 (37.5 %)
Combined type / 20 (83.3 %) A / 71 (85.5 %) A / 96 (91.4 %) A / 87 (87.8 %) A / 53 (93.0 %) A / 15 (62.5 %) B
ODD Dx at Baseline
0 / 12 (50.0 %) / 42 (54.6 %) / 59 (57.8 %) / 65 (67.7 %) / 27 (47.4 %) / 11 (47.8 %)
1 / 12 (50.0 %) A / 35 (45.4 %) A / 43 (42.2 %) A / 31 (32.3 %) A / 30 (52.6 %) A / 12 (52.2 %) A
Missing = 13
CD Dx at Baseline
0 / 19 (79.2 %) / 69 (83.1 %) / 93 (88.6 %) / 82 (82.8 %) / 52 (91.2 %) / 22 (91.7 %)
1 / 5 (20.8 %) A / 14 (16.9 %) A / 12 (11.4 %) A / 17 (17.2 %) A / 5 (8.8 %) A / 2 (8.3 %) A
Delinquent Total / 4.7 A / 4.3 AB / 4.1 ABC / 3.5 ABC / 3.1 BC / 2.9 C
Aggressive Total / 24.8 A / 23.9 A / 22.4 A / 23.7 A / 20.0 A / 25.1 A
Internalizing Total / 8.7 B / 11.4 AB / 11.8 AB / 12.1 AB / 11.8 AB / 14.5 A
% Medication Days, Cumulative / 0.40 A / 0.40 A / 0.44 A / 0.47 A / 0.53 A / 0.46 A
Special Education, Hrs per wk Cumulative / 33.6 A / 22.8 B / 9.7 C / 6.2 C / 4.0 C / 3.3 C
Counseling, Hrs per wk Cumulative / 1.0 A / 0.6 B / 0.4 BC / 0.2 BC / 0.1 BC / 0.1 C
WISC-III Full-Scale IQ / 85.4 D / 92.8 C / 97.4 C / 104.1 B / 107.0 B / 113.9 A
Excellent Tx Response (Parent) / 0.6 A / 0.5 A / 0.5 A / 0.5 A / 0.5 A / 0.5 A
Excellent Tx Response (Teacher) / 0.5 A / 0.5 A / 0.5 A / 0.6 A / 0.8 A / 0.6 A
Note. Means followed by the same letter within each row are not significantly different at the 0.05 level.
Table 3A
Demographic, Diagnostic, Behavioral, and Treatment Characteristics of the Latent Class Trajectories for Social Skills
Social Skills Group 1 / Social Skills Group 2 / Social Skills Group 3 / Social Skills Group 4Female / 1 (4.4 %) / 4 (21.0 %) / 28 (20.6 %) / 32 (39.5 %)
Male / 22 (95.6 %) A / 15 (79.0 %) AB / 108 (79.4 %) AB / 49 (60.5 %) B
Community Tx Control / 7 (30.4 %) A / 4 (21.0 %) A / 26 (19.1 %) A / 22 (27.2 %) A
Medication Only / 5 (21.7 %) / 4 (21.0 %) / 31 (22.8 %) / 17 (21.0 %)
Combined Tx / 4 (17.4 %) / 5 (26.3 %) / 38 (27.9 %) / 23 (28.4 %)
Psychosocial Tx Only / 7 (30.4 %) / 6 (31.6 %) / 41 (30.2 %) / 19 (23.5 %)
No/slight impairment / 5 (33.3 %) A / 4 (33.3 %) AB / 43 (42.2 %) AB / 39 (66.1 %) B
Mild impairment / 5 (33.3 %) / 7 (58.3 %) / 35 (34.3 %) / 17 (28.8 %)
Moderate/worse / 5 (33.3 %) / 1 (8.3 %) / 24 (23.5 %) / 3 (5.1 %)
Missing = 71
Non-White / 14 (60.9 %) / 8 (42.1 %) / 44 (32.4 %) / 20 (24.7 %)
White / 9 (39.1 %) B / 11 (57.9 %) AB / 92 (67.6 %) A / 61 (75.3 %) A
Mother’s Education
High School or Less / 10 (43.5 %) / 5 (26.3 %) / 31 (22.8 %) / 15 (18.5 %)
Some College or more / 13 (56.5 %) B / 14 (73.7 %) AB / 105 (77.2 %) AB / 66 (81.5 %) A
Father’s Education
High School or Less / 13 (56.5 %) / 8 (42.1 %) / 55 (40.4 %) / 36 (44.4 %)
Some College or more / 10 (43.5 %) A / 11 (57.9 %) A / 81 (59.6 %) A / 45 (55.6 %) A
0-$30,000 / 10 (50.0 %) B / 7 (36.8 %) AB / 48 (35.8 %) AB / 17 (21.2 %) A
$30,001-$60,000 / 7 (35.0 %) / 5 (26.3 %) / 43 (32.1 %) / 34 (42.5 %)
Greater Than $60,000 / 3 (15.0 %) / 7 (36.8 %) / 43 (32.1 %) / 29 (36.2 %)
Social Skills Group 1 / Social Skills Group 2 / Social Skills Group 3 / Social Skills Group 4
ADHD Dx at Baseline
Non-combined type / 4 (17.4 %) / 3 (15.8 %) / 11 (8.1 %) / 15 (18.5 %)
Combined type / 19 (82.6 %) A / 16 (84.2 %) A / 125 (91.9 %) A / 66 (81.5 %) A
ODD Dx at Baseline
0 / 14 (60.9 %) / 9 (52.9 %) / 65 (50.0 %) / 55 (70.5 %)
1 / 9 (39.1 %) A / 8 (47.1 %) A / 65 (50.0 %) A / 23 (29.5 %) A
Missing = 11
CD Dx at Baseline
0 / 15 (65.2 %) / 16 (84.2 %) / 122 (89.7 %) / 72 (88.9 %)
1 / 8 (34.8 %) A / 3 (15.8 %) B / 14 (10.3 %) B / 9 (11.1 %) B
Delinquent Total / 5.7 A / 3.8 B / 3.5 B / 2.5 B
Aggressive Total / 30.8 A / 23.5 B / 21.9 B / 18.7 B
Internalizing Total / 13.0 A / 14.8 A / 10.8 A / 11.4 A
% Medication Days, Cumulative / 0.36 A / 0.36 A / 0.49 A / 0.51 A
Special Education, Hrs per wk Cumulative / 23.0 A / 19.1 AB / 12.4 BC / 7.7 C
Counseling, Hrs per wk Cumulative / 0.8 A / 0.5 AB / 0.4 B / 0.1 B
WISC-III Full-Scale IQ / 89.8 B / 100.7 A / 102.0 A / 105.3 A
Excellent Tx Response (Parent) / 0.4 AB / 0.2 B / 0.5 A / 0.6 A
Excellent Tx Response (Teacher) / 0.2 B / 0.3 B / 0.6 A / 0.8 A
Mean WIAT Reading Score / 88.7 B / 101.2 A / 97.2 A / 95.4 AB
Mean WIAT Mathematics Score / 88.3 B / 97 A / 98.6 A / 100.7 A
Note. Means followed by the same letter within each row are not significantly different at the 0.05 level.
Figure 1A. Dual trajectory analyses for (a) mathematics achievement latent trajectory class conditional on reading achievement latent trajectory class (top panel) and (b) reading achievement latent trajectory class conditional on mathematics achievement latent trajectory class (bottom panel).
Figure 2A. Dual trajectory analyses for (a) Social Skills Rating System-Teacher latent trajectory class conditional on reading achievement latent trajectory class (top panel) and (b) reading achievement latent trajectory class conditional on Social Skills Rating System-Teacher latent trajectory class (bottom panel).
Figure 3A. Dual trajectory analyses for (a) Social Skills Rating System-Teacher latent trajectory class conditional on mathematics achievement latent trajectory class (top panel) and (b) mathematics achievement latent trajectory class conditional on Social Skills Rating System-Teacher latent trajectory class (bottom panel).
Figure 4A. Dual trajectory analyses for (a) teacher-rated inattention symptom latent trajectory class conditional on reading achievement latent trajectory class (top panel) and (b) teacher-rated hyperactivity-impulsivity symptom latent trajectory class conditional on reading achievement latent trajectory class (bottom panel).
Figure 5A. Dual trajectory analyses for (a) teacher-rated inattention symptom latent trajectory class conditional on mathematics achievement latent trajectory class (top panel) and (b) teacher-rated hyperactivity-impulsivity symptom latent trajectory class conditional on mathematics achievement latent trajectory class (bottom panel).
Figure 6A. Dual trajectory analyses for (a) Social Skills Rating System-Teacher latent trajectory class conditional on teacher-rated inattention symptom latent trajectory class (top panel) and (b) Social Skills Rating System-Teacher latent trajectory class conditional on teacher-rated hyperactivity-impulsivity symptom latent trajectory class (bottom panel).