Department of EnvironmentLand Water & Planning
Name: / Phone:Company: / Mobile:
Address: / Fax:
E-mail: / DX:
CIP Contact: / Date:
Intended Use(for inclusion in partner
licence agreement schedule and specification document)
Information to include:
- applications,
- expectations of use,
- distribution/sub-licensing, etc
- intended products / services
Prior Imagery/Elevation Utilisation
(has imagery/elevation been usedbefore for similar project,what resolutions were used,have you been satisfied withprior imagery/elevation acquisition,etc)
Capture Cycle
(how often imagery/elevationwould ideally be captured) / Yearly
2 yearly
3 yearly
Other (please specify)
For planning purposes, do you have the ability to modify this cycle in order to align with neighbouring partners if this can lead to economy of scale savings?
Capture Type:
(Type of capture for imagery or elevation products.) / Aerial Photography:
True Colour (RGB)
True Colour and Infra-Red (RGBI)
Satellite Imagery:
Multi Spectral
Photogrammetry (Aerial Photography)
Capture Window
(Over what timeperiod is the capture to occur) / Start Date:______
End Date:______
Area / Location
Information to include:
- LGA, CMA, management area,project area,townships
- buffer required?
- area in Km², etc
- Full Image Tiles required?
Buffer extent file (km):______
Digital Format
Information to include:
GIS format
image format
projection, datum
Tiling size (1km, 2km 5km etc)
hardware/software, etc / GIS Format:
MapInfo TAB
Image Format:
Tiff (Uncompressed)
Other______/ Projection-Datum:
Tiling Size:
Special Requirements
(seasonal capture,time of day,consideration for environmentalfactors such as flood, drought,bushfire,delivery date required tomeet project deadlines, infrared band etc)
Aerial Photography: Height Displacement/Building Lean: / Potential for extreme lean of elevated features. Typically used for flat terrain with minimal vertical structures (eg. Flat terrain with sparse population/buildings).
Some lean of elevated features is acceptable. Typically, with areas with a number of vertical structures (eg. Suburban and rural townships with minimal tall buildings).
Minimal lean of elevated features is acceptable. Typically, in areas of a high number of tall vertical structures (eg. Metropolitan and CDB areas with a buildings 5m to 40m in height).
Near vertical view of elevated features are acceptable. Typically, in areas of a high number and density of tall vertical structures (eg. CDB areas with building greater than 40m in height).
Indicative Resolution(s)And Quality
(list resolutions required forvarious applications orproject requirements and what quality aspects may be important for your intended use) / Resolution:
0.10m (very detailed feature recognition, potential for engineering/survey applications)
0.15m (detailed feature recognition, generation of 1m contours)
0.35m (good feature recognition, monitoring urban growth or forest decline)
0.50m (limited feature recognition, general change over time applications)
1m (urban vs rural feature recognition, broad-scale overview applications)
Other (please identify resolution required)
Quality Considerations:
High / Medium / Low
Spatial Accuracy / O+ 2 pixels / O+ 4 pixels / O> 4 pixels
Colour Balancing / O Complete / O Partial / O Not Required
Edge Matching / O Seamless / O Partial / O Not Required
General Considerations:
Do you require the infrared band?
Do you require no white space (ie supply full tiles)?
If you also require elevation data, please indicate basic specs here:
DEM accuracy at 68% (cm) + ______
Contour interval (m): ______
(which of the following best describes budget scenario) / Fixed budget with “as good as budget can buy”
Indicative budget only with “known image specifications”
Indicative $_
Indicative budget only with “unknown image specifications”
Indicative $
None for this year but would like to be kept informed on projects in my area
Other (please specify)
The budget information above is for internal use only for planning purposes and will not be disclosed to providers or other partners without your prior approval.
Additional Notes
Return to: or Land Information Spatial Services, Dept of Environment Land Water & Planning,PO Box 500, East Melbourne Vic 3002
Inquiries: Phone:9194 0204
CIP Purchase Partner Requirement (November 2017)
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