New 1/2017

California Department of Education

Career and College Transition Division

Request for Applications

California Health Science Capacity Building Project

Funding Period / May 1, 2017, through June 30, 2018
Amount of Grant Award / $30,000–$60,000
Application Submission Deadline / By 3 p.m.,March 1, 2017
Notification Date: / April 4, 2017


Cindy Beck, Health Careers Education Consultant

Phone: 916-319-0470


Darlene Kunz, Associate Governmental Program Analyst







A. Applicant Eligibility

B. Time Period and Funding Information

C. Required Activities

D. Expenditures

E. Information on the Internet

F. Assurances and Certifications

G. Project Narrative

IV. Application Instructions

A. Application

B. Application Package Format Requirements

C. Cost of Preparing the Application

D. Appeals Process


Application Cover Sheet and Certification


Pathway and Team Profile


Proposed Budget Estimate Form




This Request for Applications (RFA) invites submission and participation from public middle schools or high schools statewide. The California Department of Education (CDE) is pleased to announce the availability of grant funds for the California Health Science Capacity Building Project (CHSCBP), authorized by the Governor’s Career Technical Education (CTE) Initiative Senate Bill 1070.

In accordance with the Governor’s CTE Initiative, the primary purpose of the CHSCBP is to build quality pipeline programs statewide to prepare students to transition into healthcare occupations and postsecondary education programs that will result in qualified workers to meet the critical worker shortages in the healthcare industry.

Programs selected for funding must be structured so that participating students explore a variety of careers in healthcare beginning in grade seven. In grades nine through fourteen, students begin developing knowledge and skills that will prepare them for the transition to postsecondary education and specific careers in healthcare. This program must lead to a postsecondary health science related associate degree, certification and licensure,and/or a bachelor’s degree or employment options in healthcare.


This grant is administered through the CTE Leadership and Support Office. Approximatelytwenty (20) applicants will be awarded up to $30,000 (Establishment Grants) to $60,000 (Enhancement Grants)in urban, suburban, and rural communities in California.The CDE will make final award determinations based on application quality, geographic location, type of grant requested, and on additional funding received by the school for the requested pathway program. If funding is available, grant awards could be continued for two additional years.

The CHSCBP will provide funds for a one year period from May 1, 2017, through
June 30, 2018. Continuation of funding for up to three years may be available to applicants based on available funding through the yearly California State Budget and upon the successful implementation and progress report. In order to remain eligible for the CHSCBP, the grantee must be accountable to grant requirements and demonstrate progress. To validate continued grant progress and accomplishments ongoing accountability will pertain to all aspects of the project—adhering to: (1) building and sustaining a team,(2) completing ongoing pathway assessments,(3) creating and implementing a pathway workplan,(4) creating and aligning budget to pathway assessment and workplan, and (5) continuously communicating with CDE to ensure grant fulfillment.

This grant will provide funds for one year in either alternative: an Establishment grant or an Enhancement grant. Programs selected must provide a planned sequence of study, competencies, and courses within the Health Science Pathway Program beginning in grade seven. This sequence must include skills training at either a Regional Occupational Center and Program (ROCP) or school site CTE course and two or more years of postsecondary education. The sequence must culminate in an industry certificate or licensure, a health science related associate degree and/or a bachelor’s degree, or employment options. As a result, the CDE expects that there will be high-quality, innovative approaches to standards-based curriculum, academic and CTE competency, course sequencing, articulation, and overall program excellence.

Grantees must be committed to the continuation of a quality Health Science Pathway Program after grant funds are expended.

Establishment Grants

Establishment grants will provide up to $30,000 for one year of funding for the establishment of new, high-quality Health Science Pathway Programs. Establishment funds will be used to cover Health Science Educators’ Institute (Institute) costs, plan and design the new program, write new curriculum or align current curriculum with California’s CTE Model Curriculum Standards and health science content, develop and implement articulation agreements or dual credit options with postsecondary partners, obtain professional development for the educators who will be implementing the program in subsequent years, provide student leadership opportunities through California Health Occupations Students of America (Cal-HOSA), and purchase equipment and laboratory materials directly related to the pathway.

Enhancement Grants

Enhancement grants will provide up to $60,000 for one year of funding. Enhancement grant funds are to be used to expand or improve a pathway program that is currently being implemented at a school site. These funds are not intended to be used to maintain an already existing pathway. The funds will be used to cover Institute costs, articulate and implement dual credit options with postsecondary education programs, provide student activities such as job shadowing experiences, field trips, leadership opportunities through Cal-HOSA, work-based learning activities, and purchase updated equipment and laboratory materials directly related to the pathway.


A. Applicant Eligibility

Public middle schools or high schools statewide,establishing or enhancing a health science pathway in grades seven through fourteenare eligible to submit an application for funding.The application must represent a team approach and include a letter of commitment and responsibilities from each of the required partnersto receive funding.Applications that do not include the commitmentletters of all required partners with specific roles and responsibilities and a commitment to attend the Institutewill be disqualified and will not be read. Grant funds will be used for Institute expenses.

A team approachis defined in this RFA as a team consistingof all the partners listed below working together to develop a workplan, budget, and program implementation activities. Include in your application a list indicatingname, title,or position; employing agency; and how the individual meets the partnerrequirements as indicated below.

Required Partners

  • School district representative
  • Secondary administrator
  • Middle school administrator or teacher
  • Postsecondary representative involved in this RFA’s identified pathway coordination (sequencing and/or articulation)
  • Secondary counselor or career technician or guidance technician
  • Two core academic teachers representing different subject areas:
    English-language arts, history-social science, science, mathematics
  • CTE designated subjects credentialed teacher specific to the selected pathway;teacher must have experience working in healthcare as related to this RFA’s selected pathway
  • Healthcare industry partner(s)(Not required to attend the Institute)

CTE instructional content must be aligned with the California CTE Model Curriculum Standards adopted by the California State Board of Education in May 2012.

The CHSCBPmust have a pathway or programadvisory body that is actively involved in the establishment or enhancement of the proposed pathway as part of the application process.

B. Time Period and Funding Information

Time Period

It is anticipated that the initial grant will begin May 1, 2017, and continue through

June30, 2018.


The grant award amount may vary depending on the amount of additional fundsthe existinghealth science pathway program is receiving. Programs without significant additional fundingwill receive priority. Other funding may includeSpecialized Secondary Programs, California Partnership Academies, California Career Pathways Trust, CTE Incentive Grant, Multiple Pathway funds, or any other state or federal funds for health science activities. Submitted applications must include a list of additional funding for a specific pathway in the application.

Programs are eligible to receive up to $30,000–$60,000.

Grant funding is contingent upon appropriation in the annual California Budget Act. If insufficient funds are appropriated for the work in the grant, CDE may cancel the grant with no liability to the state. Granteeswill not be obligated to perform any work or the grant can be amended by CDE to reflect a reduction of work and reduce appropriation subject to appropriate governmental agency approval.

C. Required Activities

Grantees are required to:

  • Attend the Instituteduring May 2017 in Sacramento, California, with a full complement of team members and stay in the designated Institute hotel. Institute expenses should be reflected in the submitted Proposed Budget Estimate Form.
  • Provide an overview of the pathway and a validated effective practice document for dissemination at the Institute.
  • Participate in one or more site visits for verification of compliance to requirements of the RFA.
  • Provide meeting minutes with all required team membersparticipation as evidence of a health science pathway program advisory body that is actively involved in the establishment or enhancement of the proposed pathway as part of the application process.
  • Establishment grant applicants must implement a Cal-HOSA chapter in year one of the grant if the pathway has students enrolled, maintain the Cal-HOSA chapter for the duration of the grant, and participate in regional and statewide Cal-HOSA activities.
  • Enhancement grant applicants must demonstrate the existence of an active Cal-HOSA chapter in year one of the grant if program has students. A Cal-HOSA chapter must be active and be in good standing as defined by Cal-HOSA Policies and Procedures.For more information visit the Cal-HOSA Website at
  • Applicants that do not have an active Cal-HOSA chapter must include a Cal-HOSA advisor training in the budget. For more information visit the Cal-HOSA Website at
  • Participation in regional and statewide Cal-HOSA activities and the State Leadership Conference is required by all.
  • Demonstrate the existence of at least one CTE course with a Health Science and Medical Technology credentialed designated subjects teacher in the specified pathway.
  • Demonstrate substantial opportunity for students to gain appropriate career exploration, leadership skills, and workplace learning opportunities within the healthcare industry as related to the specific pathway program.

D. Expenditures

Applicants and the required team of eight representatives as described in the RFA mustattend the Institute to be eligible to receive grant funds.Grant funds will be used to cover Institute costs.

Establishment grant applicantsreceiving up to $30,000 that don’t have students do not adhere to the same budget restrictions as the Enhancement grants. Funds should be spent on activities necessary to implement a successful health science pathway program in the following school year. Budget expenditures will be reviewed and approved at the Institute.

Enhancement grant applicantsreceiving up to $60,000 are required to spend 50 percent of the grant on student or classroom activities, field trips, or limited materials and equipment. The purchase of materials and equipment must be directly related to the pathway goals, outcomes, and impact plan for enhancement. Grant coordination, teacher stipends, professional development, travel, and substitute pay cannot exceed 50 percent of the grant in total. Technology and software are limited to 20 percent of the total grant. The budget expenditures will be reviewed and approved at the Institute.

Purchase of food is not an allowable expenditure.

Out-of-state travel is not an allowable expenditure.

Please note: Grant funding is for establishment and enhancement costs only as described in the RFA.Funds cannot be used for program maintenance or for supplementing current fixed costs.

Products developed by the granteesmust be submitted to the CDE and may be distributed in the future by other entities.

E. Information on the Internet

In accordance with efforts by the State of California to reduce paper waste, information that is available on the Internet will only be referenced in this RFA and will not be appended to the RFA.

F. Assurances andCertifications

General Assurances and Certifications are requirements of applicants and grantees as a condition of receiving state and federal funds. Applicants do not need to sign and return General and Assurances and Certifications with the application; instead they need to download them and keep them on file to be available for compliance reviews. Applicants that participate in the Consolidated Application (ConApp) should already have a copy of the general assurances and certifications on file and do not need to keep a separate copy.

Assurances and Certifications are available on the CDE Funding Forms Web page at

G. Project Narrative

The project narrative must include a description and name of the HSCBP being proposed and clearly describe the overarching educational goals, outcomes, and impact that will be accomplished over the duration of the grant and beyond. The final and complete educational goals, outcomes, and impact will be developed with a team approach involving all required partners, in grades seven through fourteen, during the Institute using the Health Science Capacity Building Program model template. The model template will be provided to the grantees at the Institute.

Description of Establishment or Enhancement Health Science Pathway Program

The project narrative must describe how grades seven through fourteen pathways will include the following:

  • Pathway activities
  • Health Science and Medical Technology course sequence
  • Integrated curriculum
  • Articulated or dual enrollment courses at community college
  • Student enrollment by grade level
  • Cal-HOSA membership in grades seven through fourteen
  • Student and program improvement plans
  • Career exploration and work based learning experiences for all students
  • Professional development specific to the project

The pathway must be a model for integrated standards-based instruction, be rich in curriculum content, and provide varied instructional methodologies that emphasize the study of health science content area(s). Programs selected for funding should be structured so that participating students explore healthcare occupations and develop knowledge and appropriate skills in the determined pathway and have preparation for postsecondary education and employment.

IV.Application Instructions

A. Application

The CHSCBP pathway grant process will be highly competitive. Applications lacking the required components will not be read. All applications will be evaluated according to a scoring rubric. The program narrative may be no more than two single sided pages in length, printed on 8 ½" by 11" paper, have 1-inch margins, be double spaced, and Arial, 12-point font.

Applicants for the CHSCBPare required to complete an application and submit all required documents as described in this RFA.Applications must be received by 3 p.m. on March 1, 2017. One signed original and two copies of the Application Cover Sheet and Certification are required. The applications can be submitted by regular postal service, express courier, or hand-delivered, and must be sent to the CDE at the following address:

Darlene Kunz, Associate Governmental Program Analyst

Career Technical Education Leadership and Support Office

California Department of Education

1430 N Street, Suite 4202

Sacramento, CA 95814

Important Notices

1.Applications received after the above posted time and date will not be accepted.

  1. Transmission of application by electronic mail or by facsimile will not be accepted.
  1. Applications that are not complete will not be read.

B. Application Package Format Requirements

The application and attachments should be stapled together for submission. Please do not use binders, covers, flat folders, sleeves, or cover letters.One signed original and two copies of the Application Cover Sheet and Certification must be included at the time of submission of the application.

To be considered a complete application, the application package must include information and forms in the order indicated below:

  1. Application Cover Sheet and Certification. (Refer to Appendix A.)

One signed original and two copies.

  1. Pathway and Team Profile. (Refer to Appendix B.)
  1. Letters of commitment, responsibilities, and collaboration from each of the identified required partners for this project. (Refer to section III. General Application Information, A. Applicant Eligibility.)
  1. List of required partners that includes name, title or position, employing agency, and how the individual meets the partner requirements.(Refer to sectionIII. General Application Information, A.Applicant Eligibility.)
  1. HSCBP Narrative. (Refer tosection III. General Application Information, G. Project Narrative.)
  1. List the dollar amount of all additional funding allocated for specific pathways in the application. (Refer to section III. General Application Information, B. Time Period and Funding Information.)
  1. Proposed Budget Estimate Form.(Refer toAppendixC.)

C. Cost of Preparing the Application

The costs for preparing and delivering the application are the sole responsibility of the applicant. The State of California will not provide reimbursement for any costs incurred or related to an applicant’s involvement or participation in the RFA process.

D. Appeals Process

Unsuccessful applicants who wish to appeal a grant award decision must submit a letter of appeal to:

Darlene Kunz, Associate Governmental Program Analyst

Career Technical Education Leadership and Support Office

California Department of Education

1430 N Street, Suite 4202

Sacramento, CA 95814

The CDE must receive the letter of appeal with an original signature by the authorized person who signed the Application Cover Sheet and Certification no later than
April 12, 2017.

The appeal shall be limited to the grounds that the CDE failed to correctly apply the standards for reviewing the applications as specified in the RFA. The appellant must file a full and complete written appeal, including the issue(s) in dispute, the legal authorityor other basis for the appeal position, and the remedy sought. The CDE will not consider incomplete or late appeals. The appellant cannot supply any new information that was not contained in the original application.