Strategic Plan 2015-2017
Delta Omega Chapter STTI
Category / Action / Responsibility / Expected Outcomes / Actual OutcomesLeadership Development /
- Continue the intern/extern program
- Explore leadership development opportunities for members.
- Add 5 registrants to the VIP Profile yearly.
- Explore sponsoring member to member mentor experiences.
All board members
Members and Board
Board Members / -Positive, active mentor experience with succession management to board positions/ committee chair.
-Participation of interns/externs at board meetings and activities
-Completion of evaluation by intern/extern
Include leadership in a program offered by Delta Omega.
5 members will register with VIP profile
At least one member mentored / Our 2015-16 intern and our 2016-17 intern have been working with committees and mentored by the faculty counselor. Both have participated consistently in board meetings and edit our newsletter and keep up our Facebook page. Their evaluations have been positive. The chapter will actively recruit new interns and externs.
This was done at our 2016 & 2017 Inductionsby our guest speakers.
5 new Delta Omega members registered in 2016.
5 new Delta Omega members registered in 2017
Make this a goal for 2017-2018
Member Engagement /
- Continue chapter programming opportunities
- Encourage postingPowerPoint summary ofDelta Omegafunded research on chapter website
- Incorporate the use of The Circle for Chapter Information and news
- Collaborate with other NE Ohio Chapters to coordinate a program in 2016-2017.
- Track and highlight professional presentations of members.
- Support delegates, student representative and presenters to conferences, tuition
- Provide judging and funding at high school science fairs and honors projects
- Develop strategies to re-engage retired nurse members and engage new members
Research/awards Chair
Board Members
1st VP
Board and members
All members via notification
Board members and interns/externs.
President/Newsletter editors
Delta Omega Board
Board, interns, externs, membership
President/board members / Send Program information to other local chapters.
Delta Omega members provide summary of research funded by Delta Omega and share this with the members.
Offer 3 programs per year. One with another chapter, possibly Kent, Walsh, Malone.
Request information from members through newsletter and publish accomplishments of members in newsletter.
Sponsor and give scholarships to 5-10 participants to attend conferences.
Provide two poster awards at science fair to high school students each year.
-Invite milestone and newly inducted members to transition meeting in June each year.
-Internship program
-Survey newly inducted members / Three yearly programs were offered each year.
Research shared via website and board meetings
A link to our Delta Omega website was placed on The Circle
2017spring program presented in collaboration with Delta Xi and Pi Chi Chapters
Newsletter articles reflecting professional presentations of members
The chapter supported Carolyn Murrock to attend MNRS and present her research and also Linda Shanks to attend QSEN and present her research which was collaborative with Eileen Fleming and other Delta Omega members.
Student Intern Ashley Capestrain was supported to attend- Leadership Connection
Judged at Western Reserve Science Fair on March 19, 2016 and March 18, 2017. 2 Awardees chosen each time.
Milestone members invited to transition meeting in 2016.
Internship program in 2016 & 2017 very successful
Newly inducted members surveyed in 2016
Chapter Operations / 1.Develop approve a strategic plan 2015-2017
2.Fund scholarships/grants for students/members
3.Update Bylaws / President and Board
Research Committee
Governance chair / Plan adapted following Biennial Convention
Fund 2-4 research proposals. Financially support 2-4 student and member professional activities
3-6 book scholarships / 2015-17 Completed
Funded 3 projects in 2016
and 2 projects in 2017
Provided 3 book scholarships each year. In 2017 provided 2 additional book scholarships.
Updated in 2016
Publicity & Recruitment /
- Engage in community projects
- Explore other opportunities for community education and activities possibly through the Center for Nursing
- Scheduled update of bulletin board on 2nd floor MGH.
- Recruit community members as Nurse Leaders or transfer members.
- Develop strategies to engage students earlier in the nursing program
- Update UA Website and Facebook Page. Include The Circle
- Explore strategies tosupport International Foundation (financial or in-kind)
- Support nurses within in the community
- Encourage donations to the chapter.
President/Past President/designees
Board members
Board Members
Newsletter editor/AU intern
Board Members
Board president and student intern.
Newsletter editor and Board Members.
Board Members
Board Members / Increase member participation.
Adopt an OPEN M family for Christmas.
Provide 2 hot lunches at OPEN M per year.
Monthly bag lunches for preschoolers
Increase the ability to provide health education to the community.
Bulletin Board is up-to-date
2-4 new nurse leaders or transfer members
Link with other student organizations. Be a speaker at the Intro to Nursing course and perhaps higher level courses.
Annual donation to STTI Giving Club
Sponsor a table at Cameos of Caring, Nurses week
Include a reminder in the chapter newsletter to inform members about the opportunity to make a donation through the online renewal form. / Christmas for the Love of Children-sponsored 2 families
Hot Lunch January 2016 and September 2016 and February 2017. 18 members participated in January, around 6 in September.
Bag lunches provided each month and continuing.
Financially supported Bridges Health Fair through Delta Omega member Sheri Hartman in 2016 and 2017
3 Nurse Leaders joined Delta Omega in 2015-16
5 Nurse Leaders joined Delta Omega in 2016-17
Continue for next 2 year period 2017-2019
UA Website and Facebook page are kept up to date. A link to our website was provided on The Circle.
Donated $444 to the STTI Giving Club in 2016 and $441 in 2017.
Sponsored a table at Cameos each year. Awards provided for Excellence in Practice during Nurses’ Week.
Included a reminder in Spring 2016 newsletter.
$382.75 in chapter donations
Included a reminder in the Spring/Summer 2017 newsletter.