Year 4/5/6 – Topic – “From Farm to Fork” Summer Term 2016

Ideas for supporting your children’s learning

Subject / Theme(s) / How to help
/ Year 6
Classic Poetry – “The Spider and the Fly”
Persuasive writing
Short Stories
Take one book– “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.” (14.06.16 Visit Warner Brothers Harry Potter Studios)
Descriptive writing - Spells
Non-Chronological report – Mythical Creatures
Letter writing – Personal / Formal
Year 4/5
Take one poet
Report writing
Take one book
Poetry Slam
English from our Literacy Heritage
Discussion Texts / Ø  Take part in our ‘Read for a Star.’ Reading includes a variety of texts and it does not have to be their regular reading book. Try reading comics, magazines, instructions, newspapers, signs etc. Please take the time to discuss reading materials with your child and why not pop along to one of our reading cafes?
Ø  Practise writing, spelling and grammar @ BBC Revisewise,, or google Coxhoe Primary School for even more activities.
Ø  Come along and join in with our Reading Cafes. (Dates/Texts to follow).
/ Year 4/5 / Year 6 / Ø  Practise times tables to 12x12.
Ø  log-in to their Manga High account at:
Ø  Useful websites: Hit the Button, Topmarks, BBC Revisewise,,,, Woodlands Junior Maths website, Coxhoe Primary Website.
Ø  Come along and join in with our ‘Maths Cafes.’ (Dates/Texts to follow).
Wk 1:
Wk 2:
Wk 3:
Wk 4:
Wk 5:
Wk 6:
Wk 7: / Fractions
Four Operations
Bar Graphs
Line Graphs
Whitwell / 24 hour time
Roman Numerals
+ - Revision
x ÷ Revision
SATS WEEK (09.05.16)
Eaton Vale
Wk 8:
Wk 9:
Wk 10:
Wk 11:
Wk 12:
Wk 13:
Wk 14: / + / - Calculations
X / ÷ Calulations
Inverse operations
Catch Up
Problem Solving / Measuring Ourselves
Games & Puzzles
Maths in nature
OVA Y6s last week
Charity Event
Charity Event
Charity Event
/ Plants & Lifecycles
Living things and their habitats
Healthy Eating / Ø  The BBC Bitsize website has many excellent short class clip videos to watch, which are linked to these areas of science learning.
/ Email – Googlemail.
Creating and Publishing – Purple Mash - 2Do It Yourself – quizzes and games.
Designing/Coding – App Design – Blippit/Appshed.
Communicating information – Prezi Presentations.
Databases – Purple Mash - 2Question Branching Databases.
Creative Design – Purple Mash – 2Paint a Picture. / Ø  Your child will be provided with a monitored school email address to use during the first half of the summer term.
Ø  Children can work on any “Purple Mash” pieces of software from home and save the work in their “My Work” folder to work on in school.
Art / D&T
/ Mixed Media response to a fiction story. / Ø  Please talk to your child about their learning.
/ Guitar and ukulele lessons on a Friday afternoon.
Regular singing sessions. / Ø  Learn songs for our summer production at home.
Ø  Research Composer of the Month.
Ø  Take part in Miss Brigg’s music challenges up on the display board opposite her classroom door.
/ Athletics, cricket, tennis, rounders, games, gymnastics, “Real PE.” / Ø  Swimming lessons for year 4/5 are now taking place every Tuesday afternoon.
Ø  PE sessions are Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
Ø  Please ensure your child has their full PE kit in school EVERY DAY and that it is NAMED.
/ French – Learning about French culture, singing songs and learning useful French phrases.
Latin - Some of us will also be learning Latin with Mrs Sheppard. / Ø  Practise their vocabulary at home.
Ø  Research the geography and history of France to give the children some context.
/ Christianity & Islam. Developing our understanding of the beliefs, customs, traditions and festivals. / Ø  Talk to your child about their learning.
Ø  Research online or visit the local library to deepen their understanding.
/ All children will continue with our PATHS programme developing personal and social life skills. Sex and relationships education will take place in all year groups during the second half of the summer term. A letter will be sent out prior to this inviting parents to attend an after school session where you are able to look through the teaching materials and watch the videos that we show the children. / Ø  Please talk to your child about their learning.
/ Geography – Economics and Fairtrade.
History - Stone age history with a trip to Gressenhall for a stone age workshop. / Ø  Research Fairtrade foods and other items. Find out what Fairtrade goods they have at home. Look into the history of Fairtrade and why it came about.
Ø  Research stone age history through books, website etc.

Do you have a talent relevant to our topic?

If you would be willing to share with our children, please let us know.