Delta Heritage Air Park
Delta Heritage Air Park Operating Committee (DapCom)
Meeting 164 Date: November 24, 2011
Call to Order: by Chair, Raymond Colley Call to Order: 19:33
Members and Guests Attending:
Raymond Colley, Tom Boulanger, Gerard Van Dijk, Rob Prior, Cyril Henderson, Ron Zeleschuk, Dave Askey, Ginny Ivanicki, Bob Sisler, Dave Turnbull, John Macready, Gary McBride, Dave Browning, Sean Walker, Ray Roussy
Corrections or Additions to Minutes: Nil
Correspondence: Nil
Metro Vancouver Parks/Management Committee: An invitation to the Cammidge House Christmas Lunch Buffet, formerly attended by Tony and Mary on behalf of Delta, was passed on to Raymond Colley at Tony’s request.
Budget, Revenues and Expenses: We are still under budget for the year.
Embree Heritage House Project: Nil
Buildings: Nil
Grounds: Nil
Hangers and Tie downs:
There is one tie down tenant who has not paid for all of 2011 but who is very difficult to find.
Dave Browning asked for clarification of the hangar waiting list. When a hangar becomes available, existing tenants are asked if they would like to upgrade first. Then the waiting list is contacted for the next in line.
The membership was consulted about Ray Brown’s hangar. Ray is considering giving up his hangar. Currently, Gerald Ohm is sharing the space with him.
1. It was decided that first, Ray Brown should be consulted as to whether or not he would like to stay should the hangar return to his exclusive use. If so, Gerald would be given 30 days notice to vacate.
2. Second possibility would be that should Ray prefer to give up the hangar, Dapcom would then consider who to have in the hangar. We would like someone who is active in helping out around the Park, pays rental dues on time and is generally a good tenant. Gerald would be considered if a) his debt to the RAA was paid in full and then b) he would be allowed to stay on a month to month probationary arrangement for a year.
3. The third possibility would be to mediate a functioning agreement between Ray and Gerald with clearly defined parameters that would allow them to share the space in harmony, if both are open to such a discussion.
4. And fourth possibility, would be to offer the hangar to the next person on the list with a suitable airplane for the small space.
Coffee Shop Operation: John Macready will be taking on the task of sprucing up the coffee shop with new paint and minor repairs followed by a re-hanging of the pictures. Ray Roussy would like to put acoustic tiles on the ceiling to help with the noise during functions. He mentioned that this would also save painting it. Dave Turnbull will look into what types of acoustic tile would be suitable and the cost. Someone will be hired to install the tiles. There are lots of improvements that could be done, but for now, just the cosmetic improvements will be tackled.
Flight Operations: The airpark is still getting buzzed by a Turbo prop (TBM) on it’s way to Boundary Bay at well below 1000’.
Fuel Management: Pumps have been working well. It was noted that Nanaimo is offering gas at $1.36 compared to our $1.52 and Boundary Bay’s $1.69 (pump) $1.89 (truck), but they bought a full rail car’s worth from the States in order to offer that price.
Environment Protection and Enhancement: Bob Sisler is continuing work on the Environment Management Plan. He has requested help in acquiring an aerial map of the airpark and identifying all the buildings. It was suggested he use the website photo. He would like to show all the drainage and ditches. Contacting Delta Engineering was also suggested, as they are very forthcoming with information and diagrams. Bob hopes to have the draft complete by next meeting.
Breakfast: Dec. 11th – hosted by Boundary Bay Flying Club
Events Calendar: BBFC’s Christmas dinner was held on Nov.26th in the café.
Next meeting will be scheduled for February 23rd, 2012, with a possible Special meeting held sooner should the need arise.
Motion to adjourn: Dave Turnbull Adjourned: 21:15
Seconded: Gerard Van Dijk