Sponsor: / College of Nursing
Executive Summary: / The proposed revisions will address gaps in the curriculum identified by a
thorough evaluation of the Doctor of Nursing Practice program, which included
input from faculty, students, and graduates.
Description and Justification /
- Delete NUSP 502, Strategic Planning and Outcomes Evaluation for Clinical Programs (3sh) and NUSP 503, Financial Resource Management for Nursing Decision Makers (3sh) from the degree requirements and replace with NURS 553, Strategic and Financial Planning for Clinical Programs (3sh) (new course). (Note: Students in the Advanced Community Health Nurse and Occupational Health/Advanced Community Health Nurse concentrations will take NUSP 503 in lieu of NURS 553. Students in the Executive Nursing Leadership concentration are not required to take NURS 553.)
- Add NURS 554, Translating Evidence to Clinical Practice (3sh) (new course), to the degree requirements.
- Delete the following courses from the degree requirements:
- NUPR 582, DNP Residency I: Direct Care Role (4sh) or NUPR 586, DNP Residency I: Systems-Focused Role (4sh)
- NUPR 583, DNP Residency II: Direct Care Role (4sh) or NUPR 587, DNP Residency II: Systems-Focused Role (4sh)
- NUPR 584, DNP Practicum I (4sh) (new course)
- NUPR 585, DNP Practicum II (4sh) (new course)
- Delete NURS 551, Promoting Health: Translating Science to Practice from the degree requirements for the Executive Nursing Leadership concentration.
The total credit hours required for Doctor of Nursing Practice varies by concentration, with a minimum of 90 hours required for the degree. With these changes, the required credit hours requiredwill stay the same.
Catalog Statement: / Present / Proposed
Minimum Semester Hours Required At least 90 semester hours from the baccalaureate (actual hours will vary by concentration), at least 45 semester hours from the master’s. Students who have previously earned a master’s degree or its equivalent from UIC or another accredited institution may be granted 45 semester hours of credit toward the doctoral degree if approved by the Director of Graduate Studies. / Same
- Course Work BSN to DNP Curriculum: Core Practice Competency Courses (29-32 hours)—NURS 525, 526, 527, 528, 529, 550, 551, and 552; NUSP 502 and 503; EPID 400 or 403; BHIS 510. (Students in the Advanced Community Health Nurse Specialist, Occupational Health/Advanced Community Health Nurse Specialist, and Occupational Health/Family Nurse Practitioner concentrations are not required to take NUSP 502.)
- BSN to DNP Curriculum: Specialty-Specific and Role Competency Courses (38–51 hours).
- BSN to DNP Curriculum: DNP Synthesis Project and DNP Residency (20 hours)—NURS 560, 561, and 562; NUPR 582 or 586, 583 or 587.
- MS to DNP Curriculum: Core Practice Competency Courses (25 hours)—EPID 400 or 403; BHIS 510; NURS 550, 551, and 552; NUSP 502 and 503; 3 hours of graduate-level electives to support Direct Care or Systems-Focused practice.
- MS to DNP Curriculum, Concentration in Executive Nursing Leadership: Core Practice Competency Courses (31 hours)—EPID 400 or 403; NURS 550, 551, and 552; NUSP 580, 581, 582, 583, 584, 585 (at least 1 hour); 5 hours of graduate-level electives (may include additional hours of NUSP 585).
- Course Work BSN to DNP Curriculum: Core Practice Competency Courses (32 hours)—NURS 525, 526, 527, 528, 529, 550, 551, 552, 553, and 554; EPID 400 or 403; BHIS 510. (Students in the Advanced Community Health Nurse and Occupational Health/Advanced Community Health Nurse concentrations will take NUSP 503 in lieu of NURS 553.)
- Same.
- BSN to DNP Curriculum: DNP Synthesis Project and DNP Practicum (20 hours)—NURS 560, 561, and 562; NUPR 584 and 585.
- MS to DNP Curriculum: Core Practice Competency Courses (25 hours)—EPID 400 or 403; BHIS 510; NURS 550, 551, 552, 553, and 554; 3 hours of graduate-level electives.
- MS to DNP Curriculum, Concentration in Executive Nursing Leadership: Core Practice Competency Courses (31 hours)—EPID 400 or 403; NURS 550, 552, and 554; NUSP 580, 581, 582, 583, 584, 585 (at least 1 hour); 5 hours of graduate-level electives (may include additional hours of NUSP 585).
Catalog Statement (cont’d): / MSN to DNP Curriculum: DNP Synthesis Project and DNP Residency (20 hours)—NURS 560, 561, and 562; NUPR 582 or 586, 583 or 587. / MSN to DNP Curriculum: DNP Synthesis Project and DNP Practicum (20 hours)—NURS 560, 561, and 562; NUPR 584 and 585.
- Preliminary Examination Required.
- Same
Minority Impact Statement: / The revisions being made to improve the program will have no negative impact on minority students, but will benefit all students.
Budgetary and Staff Implications: / No impact anticipated; current faculty and staff resources are sufficient to teach the reorganized courses.
Library Resource Implications: / Library resources are sufficient for the revised program.
Space Implications: / The revisions will have no impact on space, which is currently sufficient.
Unit (e.g. department) approval date:
College (educational policy committee, faculty) approval dates: / Advanced Practice Curriculum Subcommittee: October 5, 2010
Curriculum Committee: November 29, 2010
General Faculty: December 1, 2010
Contact Person: / Dr. Connie Zak
Director, Doctor of Nursing Practice program
Proposed Effective Date: / Fall, 2011
Course Descriptions of New Courses:
NURS553Strategic and Financial Planning for Clinical Programs.3 hours. Provides decision makers with state of the art tools to analyze issues affecting health care and formulate financially viable strategic plans for healthcare initiatives.
NURS554Translating Evidence to Clinical Practice.3 hours. In this course, the student develops competencies in effectively utilizing methods and measures for translating evidence to clinical practice.Prerequisite(s): NURS 550.
NUPR584DNP Practicum I.2 to 4 hours. Individualized practicum experience that will expand clinical expertise and specialized knowledge in the selected advanced nursing practice specialty role. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only. May be repeated.Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor.
NUPR585DNP Practicum II.2 to 4 hours. Individualized practicum experience that will expand clinical expertise and specialized knowledge in the selected advanced nursing practice specialty role.Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only. May be repeated. Prerequisite(s): NUPR 584; and consent of the instructor.
Course Descriptions of Existing Courses:
NUPR 582DNP Residency I: Direct Care Role. 2 TO 4 hours. Individualized residency experience that will expand clinical expertise and specialized knowledge in the selected direct care, advanced nursing practice specialty role. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only. May be repeated. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor.
NUPR 583DNP Residency II: Direct Care Role. 2 TO 4 hours. Individualized residency experience that will facilitate development of systems-level clinical expertise in the selected direct care advanced nursing practice specialty role. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only. May be repeated. Prerequisite(s): NUPR 582 and consent of the instructor.
NUPR 586DNP Residency I: Systems-Focused Role. 2 TO 4 hours. Individualized residency experience that will expand expertise and specialized knowledge in the selected systems-focused advanced nursing practice specialty role. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only. May be repeated. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor.
NUPR 587DNP Residency II: Systems-Focused Role. 2 TO 4 hours. Individualized residency experience that will expand development of systems-level expertise in the selected systems-focused advanced nursing practice specialty role. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only. May be repeated. Prerequisite(s): NUPR 586 and consent of the instructor.
NURS 550 Evidence-Based Practice. 3 hours. Application of evidence-based practice to healthcare delivery systems and clinical issues. Emphasizes the integration of retrieved evidence with client preferences in order to design and evaluate best practices. Prerequisite(s): NURS 527 or the equivalent.
NURS 551Promoting Health: Translating Science to Practice. 3 hours. Examine theories/models of health promotion, disease prevention, and teaching/learning for their application to direct care and systems-focused nursing practice. Prerequisite(s): Credit or concurrent registration in NURS 550.
NURS 552 Advanced Nursing Leadership Concepts. 3 hours. Emphasizes leadership in direct care and systems-focused advanced nursing practice roles. Focuses on synthesis of theoretical leadership concepts with personal/professional values and working with multiple disciplines and multiple constituencies. Prerequisite(s): Credit or concurrent registration in NURS 528 or the equivalent.
NURS 560Synthesis Project Development. 1 TO 4 hours. Students design a doctoral nursing practice project related to an aggregate of individuals/selected population of interest. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only. May be repeated. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor.
NURS 561Synthesis Project Implementation. 1 TO 4 hours. Students implement a doctoral nursing practice project related to an aggregate of individuals/selected population of interest. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only. May be repeated. Prerequisite(s): NURS 560 and consent of the instructor.
NURS 562Synthesis Project Evaluation and Dissemination. 1 TO 4 hours. Students analyze and disseminate findings from the doctoral nursing practice project. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only. May be repeated. Prerequisite(s): NURS 561 and consent of the instructor.
NUSP 502Strategic Planning and Outcomes Evaluation for Clinical Programs. 3 hours. Analysis of trends and issues affecting health care systems in the context of planning appropriate strategies for the development and growth of clinical programs and services.
NUSP 503Financial Resource Management for Nursing Decision Makers. 3 hours.Provide the clinical decision maker with state of the art tools to plan, implement, and evaluate the financial viability of health care programs and initiatives. Prerequisite(s): Knowledge of Excel is required.
February 11, 2011
Post-Master’s DNP Curriculum
Current Degree Requirements
/Proposed Degree Requirements
Course # /Course Title
/ SH / Course # /Course Title
/ SHCore Courses: 22 SH / Core Courses: 22 SH
EPID 400 or EPID 403 / Principles of Epidemiology
Introduction to Epidemiology: Principles and Methods / 3 / Same / 3
BHIS 510 / Health Care Information Systems / 4 / Same / 4
NURS 550 / Evidence-based Practice / 3 / Same / 3
NURS 551 / Promoting Health: Translating Science to Practice / 3 / Same / 3
NURS 552 / Advanced Nursing Leadership Concepts / 3 / Same / 3
NUSP 502 / Strategic Planning and Outcomes Evaluation for Clinical Programs / 3 / NURS 553 / Strategic and Financial Planning for Clinical Programs / 3
NUSP 503 / Financial Resource Management for Nursing Decision Makers / 3 / NURS 554 / Translating Evidence to Clinical Practice / 3
Graduate-level electives / 3 / Same / 3
DNP Synthesis Project and DNP Practicum: 20 SH / DNP Synthesis Project and DNP Practicum: 20 SH
NURS 560 / Synthesis Project Development / 4 / Same / 4
NURS 561 / Synthesis Project Implementation / 4 / Same / 4
NURS 562 / Synthesis Project Evaluation and Dissemination / 4 / Same / 4
NUPR 582 or 586 / DNP Residency I: Direct Care Role or Systems-Focused Role / 4 / NUPR 584 / DNP Practicum I / 4
NUPR 583 or 587 / DNP Residency II: Direct Care Role or Systems-Focused Role / 4 / NUPR 585 / DNP Practicum II / 4
Total Hours / 45 / Total Hours / 45
Credit for prior master’s degree / 45 / Credit for prior master’s degree / 45
Total Degree Hours / 90 / Total Degree Hours / 90
Post-Master’s DNP Curriculum: Executive Nursing Leadership Concentration
Current Degree Requirements
/Proposed Degree Requirements
Course # /Course Title
/ SH / Course # /Course Title
/ SHCore Courses: 31 SH / Core Courses: 31 SH
EPID 400 or EPID 403 / Principles of Epidemiology
Introduction to Epidemiology: Principles and Methods / 3 / Same / 3
NURS 550 / Evidence-based Practice / 3 / Same / 3
NURS 551 / Promoting Health: Translating Science to Practice / 3 / NURS 554 / Translating Evidence to Clinical Practice / 3
NURS 552 / Advanced Nursing Leadership Concepts / 3 / Same / 3
NUSP 580 / Leadership Reflections: Building a Personal Map / 2 / Same / 2
NUSP 581 / Collaboration for Strategic Financial Management in Healthcare / 3 / Same / 3
NUSP 582 / Ethical Leadership in Providing Healthcare / 2 / Same / 2
NUSP 583 / Transforming the Healthcare Organization / 3 / Same / 3
NUSP 584 / Systems Approach to Healthcare Quality and Safety / 3 / Same / 3
Electives to support Executive Nursing Leadership Role (a minimum of one NUSP 585 seminar must be taken) / 6 / Same / 6
DNP Synthesis Project and DNP Practicum: 20 SH / DNP Synthesis Project and DNP Practicum: 20 SH
NURS 560 / Synthesis Project Development / 4 / Same / 4
NURS 561 / Synthesis Project Implementation / 4 / Same / 4
NURS 562 / Synthesis Project Evaluation and Dissemination / 4 / Same / 4
NUPR 582 or 586 / DNP Residency I: Direct Care Role or Systems-Focused Role / 4 / NUPR 584 / DNP Practicum I / 4
NUPR 583 or 587 / DNP Residency II: Direct Care Role or Systems-Focused Role / 4 / NUPR 585 / DNP Practicum II / 4
Total Hours / 51 / Total Hours / 51
Credit for prior master’s degree / 45 / Credit for prior master’s degree / 45
Total Degree Hours / 96 / Total Degree Hours / 96
February 11, 2011