March 18, 2015

Meeting opened at 7:00pm with a moment of silence followed by the Serenity Prayer.

The 12 Traditions and The 12 Concepts were read.







Group Name






Group Name



Never Too Early



A New Beginning

/ X /

New Friends



A Promise of Freedom




New Visions of Hope



Adventures in Recovery*




One Addict Helping Another



Alive Again




One Step Closer



Back to the Basics




Page 87



Circle of Hope




Point of No Return



Darby Group




Recovery @ 8



Darby Hilltop Group of NA




Recovery In Rosetree



Recovery- It's No Secret



Desire to Stop Using




Recovery on Wednesday



Easy Does It




Ridley Park Group



Free To Recover




Saturday Morning Step



Garden Group




Serenity Group



Get A Grip




Serenity on 420



Get Another Day




Spiritual Connections



Get Honest




Strength in Recovery



Get It Together




The Journey Continues in Chester



Gift of Life




Thursday Night Folsom



Glenolden Day Group




To The Rescue



Good Feelings




Try Living Clean



HOW Group




Ultimate Weapon



Its No Secret




Unity Group



It Works




Welcome Home Group



It’s About Time




We Are Hiding

X /

Keep It Simple




We Are Ready



Kiss II




We Have a Choice Today



Life As We Know It




WeCovery in Eddystone



Monday Night Step




When at the End of the Road



NA Rocks




Women Rock Recovery



Never Alone Group

*Returning Groups to Area **New Groups Voted in to Area.

Strikethrough = absent 3 or more and removed from roll



















Meeting List Chair







Meeting List Co-Chair



Activities Chair




Policy Chair



Activities Co-Chair




Policy Co-Chair

Regional Convention Comm. RepOPEN




P.R. Chair

Regional Convention Comm. Alt (OPEN)


P.R. Co-Chair (OPEN)



Delco Area Conv. Chair





Delco Area Conv. Co-Chair





H&I Chair







H&I Co-Chair


Co-Secretary (OPEN)



Literature Chair







Literature Co-Chair


Co-Treasurer (OPEN)



Digital Media Chair



Digital Media Co-Chair



Literature Review Chair

Literature Review Co-Chair (OPEN)

Groups in Need of Support/Group Reports:

--Tuesday nite Ridley One Addict Helping Another: Happy to announce the home group will be celebrating 29 years of opening up the door for the recovering addict on Tuesday March 31st. Please come out and join us in this celebration. We are looking for support and also we are looking for people to chair.

-- A Desire To Stop Using Group of NA: 3 home group members. Group still struggling but the doors are still open. Gloria celebrated 10 years on March 14.

Sub-Committee Reports

Convention Committee: Our meeting went well on Saturday. Thank you for your support. We filled a vacant position; merchandizing chairperson. We also extended the deadline for our logo to April 12th. Please submit all ideas to any committee member or bring them to subcommittee 5:00pm April 12th.

We will be hosting a speaker jam April 18th 1:00pm to 9:00pm at HancockUnitedMethodistChurch in SpringfieldPA. There are flyers at the front table please spread the word.

If anyone is interested in joining the convention committee or has any ideas please come out. Thank you for allowing Corey and me to serve.

Delco Convention Committee Treasurers Report February 2015

Wrote a check for Church Rent for Speaker Jam $175.00

Wrote a check for Gil (fundraising chair) to purchase food, beverage and supplies for speaker jam $325.00

Made online payment for Insurance Policy $137.00

PO Box check was returned they said that we were paid up to date. I will resend when due

Made a withdrawal of $100.00 dollars for change for Speaker Jam. Will keep 100 in change for future events

Reimbursed Gil $56.00 for costs that were over the budget

Deposited $481.00 from speaker jam

Current Balance - $1745.52

Wells Fargo Statement for February is attached to the Report

Activities:DelawareCounty Narcotics Anonymous Upcoming Events for our Area: March 27th, 2015: Bowling 8pm-10pm (Sproul Lanes, Springfield)

May 23, 2015- Memorial Day Picnic 12pm till dusk (Ridley Creek State Park Pavillion #8)

June 19th-21st Camping trip (check-in at 3pm) Hershey Park Camp Ground

Contact Jill G. 610-764-9620 or Joan P. 610-529-0501 for more information on upcoming events

Please get in service and help volunteer!!!!

H&I: All committments are currently filled except for Crozier Crisis (mon and wed). A year or more clean time is required for speaker and chairs. Also we would like to thank the ECCC for our case of basic texts that we will be donating to Delco Prison and Lima. Thanks

Meeting List: 1 meeting was added this month, the “Life as We Know It” group that meets on Tuesday night 7:30pm-8:30pm in Linwood. Due to a significant price hike, we have switched printing vendors from Staples to the CountyPress in Media. The new vendors price is $180.00, compared to $256.00 for Staples.

I attended the Regional meeting at RoxboroughMemorialHospital on March 7th. All Delco meetings are up to date. I did not purchase regional Booklets due to the fact that the latest editions went to print on March the 9th. I will be contacting the treasurer this month to arrange a purchase of $200.00 booklets. There is an email address that any group in the area can email any changes to their group. The email address is . I did not email this months PDF form mtg list to digital media chair, I will do that tomorrow. World has been updated as well.

Literature Review: We met April 15th, five addicts in attendance. We covered the eight and nineth traditions, we also decided to continue to do the input at our Sunday meeting. The review process will be done on the sub-committee Saturday, anyone who wants to help review the work as it comes from World. will be more than welcome to take part in the process. That is 6pm on the second Saturday of the month at Glenolden Presbyterian Church.

Public Relations:

Delco PR March ASC Report

  • We met at5pmlast Saturday and had seven people in attendance including our regional phone line rep. We are scheduled to meet again onApril 11 at 5pmat the First Presby Church of Glenolden; HOWEVER the PR chair will be out of town and we currently don’t have a PR co-chair.The committee is welcome to meet and I can provide a format if wanted.
  • The Regional PR subcommittee is talking about holding another multi-area learning day. This was originally planned for April, but the committee put it on hold for now.
  • Area Inventory – I apologize, but I haven’t had the bandwidth to tally up results.If anyone would like to volunteer, we could use the help of someone who has experience with Excel.
  • The Regional PR chair person is reviewing the Delco PR policy (still); once it’s reviewed and we make final updates, we will provide a copy to the Delco policy committee.
  • We are looking into pricing for nice blue and white help line posters (see example) from the Region.We think they could be beneficial if placed in various locations throughout the county.
  • We discussed reaching out to rehabs and IOPs to offer PR presentations and help-line signage. We asked H&I to email us mailing addresses for all the rehabs we bring presentations to. Another member is putting together a list of IOP programs. The PR chair will draft a letter to share with committee when we meet again.
  • Motion: Increase the donation to the Phone line to $40.00 a month; Intent: Continued funding for the orientation manuals and information flyer for new phone line volunteers
  • I was asked to document that the ECCNA committee donated 28 basic texts to the Delco Area, given to the Delco Co-chair, to be used in prisons in the county.
  • Statement from Chairperson: My career is demanding more time and energy than I care to offer it – but it is what it is. For example, I will be working out of town a total of 20 days between now through mid-May. I am going to be scrambling for time to keep up with other life priorities – first and foremost, my personal recovery.With that, I will have a hard time showing up for Area and Regional PR commitments and projects. I hope everyone understand that I couldn’t have predicted this over a year ago when I agreed to the co-chair and chair positions.I am happy to continue serving when work settles down unless the Area suggests I step down or someone else is willing to serve.(Note: We could really us a co-chair!)

In loving service,

Becky M.

Follow up: We had a lot of volunteers step up to help – plus gained a co-chair! Thank you!


From: Literature Review

Motion: To get $65.00 per month to help pay for toner and paper for the printing of input and review for the tradition project. This includes a $5.00 donation to the Church for the use of the copier

Intent: To copy and distribute the material coming from World for the project

For: 32 Against: 1 Abstain: 6

From: Monday Night Step

Motion: Amend Policy to say New & unusual money w/regards to convention is heldin the Area for a minimum of 12 months

Intent: Not rush to spend money based on time constraint


From: Page 87

Motion: To nominate Tim S. for Co-chair of Digital Media

Intent: To fill a vacant position

For: 27 Abstain: 4 (voted on at ASC)

What is your clean date? April 30, 2013

What is the name of your HG? Page 87

What service work have you been involved with in the past? GSR

Are you willing and able to complete the full term of office? yes

Is NA your primary source of recovery? Yes

Have you ever failed to serve the full term of a previous commitment and if so, why? No

From: Glenolden Day Group

Motion: To nominate Shannon K. for Literature Co-Chair

Intent: To fill an empty position

For: 25 (voted on at ASC)

What is your clean date? September 28, 2010

What is the name of your HG? Glenolden Day

What service work have you been involved with in the past? H&I, GSR, HG service

Are you willing and able to complete the full term of office? yes

Is NA your primary source of recovery? Yes

Have you ever failed to serve the full term of a previous commitment and if so, why? No

From: M.N.S.

Motion: To nominate Drew A. for Literature Co-Chair

Intent: To fill a vacant position

For: 2 (voted on at ASC)

What is your clean date? June 20, 2012

What is the name of your HG? M.N.S.

What service work have you been involved with in the past? H&I, Convention committee Bucks co.

Are you willing and able to complete the full term of office? yes

Is NA your primary source of recovery? Yes

Have you ever failed to serve the full term of a previous commitment and if so, why? No


From: We Are Hiding

Motion: To take the surplus convention committee money and donate it to World and Region perASC policy

Intent: So that we are not diverted from our primary purpose

From: Public Relations

Motion: To increase the donation to the Regional Phone line to $40.00 a month (an increase of $20.00)

Intent: Continued funding for the orientation manuals and information flyer for new phone line volunteers

From: Alive Again

Motion: To amend policy so that Literature Review is included in Area Service meeting format to give a report

Intent:To maintain continuity in the ASC meeting

From: Public Relations

Motion: To nominate Jim C as DelCo Public Relations Co-chair

Intent:Fill an open position

What is your clean date? 11/03/2010

What is the name of your HG? Get It Together

What service work have you been involved with in the past? RCM, other…

Are you willing and able to complete the full term of office? yes

Is NA your primary source of recovery? Yes

Have you ever failed to serve the full term of a previous commitment and if so, why? No

For: 28 Abstain: 3 (voted on at ASC)

From: RidleyPark Day

Motion: To hold any new and unusual money for no more than 3 months in the area treasury

Intent:Not to rush to spend money based on time constraint


From: Jim C.

Motion: I am asking for the Area’s permission to carry a proxy vote for April, so I can discuss Insurance Certificates, Region Meeting list and any other issues. This proxy vote would be for one month only. – Jim C.

For: 26Abstain: 1 (voted on at ASC)

2015 Delco ASC Officers

Jen GChair

Al NCo-chair

Amanda HSecretary


Chrissy CH&I Chair

Bret MH&I Co-chair

Jimmy FLiterature Chair

Shannon KLiterature Co-chair

Bill OLiterature Review Chair

Jill GActivities Chair

Joan PActivities Co-chair

Mike BDigital Media Chair

Tim SDigital Media Co-chair

Becky MPR Chair

Jim CPR co-chair

Lindsay PMeeting List Chair

Mark LMeeting List Co-chair

Julie P DCCC Chair

Corey S DCCC Co-chair

Robin OPolicy Chair

Bill BPolicy Co-chair

The following are NOW OPEN POSITIONS and anyone interested in serving can ATTEND THE ASC meeting and the vote will take place there.

Regional Convention Committee RepresentativeRCM

Regional Convention Committee AlternateRCM Alternate

Literature Review Co-ChairCo-Secretary


Area Treasury Report 03-18-2015

Previous Balance$8456.52

Deposit $2955.34

Total Cash$11,411.86


Secretary$ 60.80

Area Rent$ 20.00

H&I Rent (Feb, April, June, Aug, Oct, Dec) (60.00)$ 60.0

Regional Phone Line Donation$ 20.00

Literature (WSO) $1519.78 + 236.88 $ 1756.66

Regional Meeting Lists$ x

Meeting List (CountyPress)$ 180.00

Meeting List (extra cost)$ x

Activities $ x

PO Box Rental (April) ($TBD)$ x

Insurance Bond (April) ($TBD)$ x

Bank Fees$ 2.00

Miscellaneous (policy expenses)$ 102.83

Miscellaneous NA insurance (final donation)**$ 380.00

Total Expenses-$ 2582.29


GPRSO -$ x

WSO-$ x

Balance $ 8829.57

Less Prudent Reserve -$3,000.00

Final Balance [ + or -] $ 5829.57

Comments: Less DCCC $ (on hold). – 4765.89. Adjusted Final Balance + 1063.68*

*to be donated equally to world and region $531.84 each

**final payment- NA insurance for fiscal year 2014/2015 total $1430.00