October 16, 2006

The Council on Police Training meeting was held at 0910 hours on

Monday, October 16, 2006 at the DelawareStatePoliceAcademy, Conference Room, Route 13, and Dover, Delaware.


Capt. Elizabeth Shamany DSP

Major Harry Downes DSP

Capt. Matthew Jamison New CastleCountyPD

Lt. Bruce Mulrine Wilmington PD

Chief Jeffrey Horvath Dover PD

Capt. Elwood WilliamsNewark PD

Mr. George C. WrightDe League of Local Government

Dr. Dean BettsDept. of Education


Sgt. William Kent Dover PD

Lt. Jack CawmanDelaware River and Bay Authority

Lt. Tom RahmerUniversity of Delaware PD

Meeting called to Order at 9:10.

Welcome and Intro by Captain Elizabeth Shamany.

Capt. Shamany had everyone introduce themselves.

Capt. Shamany checked to make sure the Council had a quorum.

Motion was made by Mr. Wright to approve the minutes from the July 18, 2006 COPT meeting.

Seconded by Dr. Dean Betts.


Capt. Shamany asked for a motion to amend the agenda to add Brendan O’Hanlan under Certification of Police Officers and to add under Certified Instructor the class held on July 10-14. 2006.

The motion was made by Dr. Betts.

Seconded by Chief Horvath


Certification of Police Officers

A.77th DSP and 65th Municipal Class. Roster attached.

B.31stNew CastleCountyClass. Roster attached.

C. Jason Scott Seaford PD

D.Col. Rick Gregory NCCPD (new Chief)

E.Brendan O’Hanlan NC City PD

Motion made by Dr. Betts to approve A-E for certification as police officers.

Seconded by Chief Horvath.


Motion made by Chief Horvath to recertify Officer Matthew A. Rausch (Clayton PD)

Seconded by Mr. Wright.


Motion made by Mr. Wright to certify the list of officers as Firearms Instructors (roster attached). Seconded by Chief Horvath.


Motion made by Chief Horvath to approve Frank Besaw (University of De PD), Hudson M. Keller (DSP), and the list of officers who attended a course in July (roster attached) as certified instructors.

Seconded by Dr. Betts.


Motion made by Chief Horvath to decertify Charles Mullett (DSP).

Seconded by Dr. Betts.


Old Business

COPT Funds will be addressed at the next meeting.


Capt. Shamany said the test is outdated and needs to be changed. Sugggested we use EB Jacobs as a vendor to validate a new test. First we need a course syllabus from all the instructors.

“Proposal for Certification to become Inactive upon Retirement, Resignation or Involuntary Termination.” Michael Tupman and Martin Johnson not present, this will be addressed at the next meeting.

New Business

COPT Regulations – Regulatory Implementing Order

Martin Johnson not present, this will be addressed at the next meeting.

Lt. Cawman asked if they have an officer who is a certified Firearms instructor in New Jersey, what do they have to do to have him certified in Delaware. Capt. Shamany told him to send her the paperwork. She would review it and get back with them.

Motion made by Chief Horvath for adjournment.

Seconded by Dr. Betts.


Question concerning status of Cameron Maurer, who was voted and approved for decertification at the last COPT Meeting. It is still in the hands of the attorneys.

Next meeting Tuesday, January 16, 2007.