March 25, 2015

The meeting was called to order by Lewis Schiliro, Secretary, Department of Safety and Homeland Security, Public Safety Building, Main Conference room in Dover. Those in attendance were as follows:

Council Members

Anthony GuzzoDVFA

Alan RobinsonState Fire Prevention Commission

Steve MurphyTrauma Systems Committee

Lawrence TanNew Castle County EMS

William Wagner Practicing Paramedic(Alt.)

Ross MegargelState EMS Medical Director

Robert StuartSussex County EMS

Colin FaulknerKent County EMS

Maria Carmen DiazEMSC Advisory Committee

Paul ShavackDSP Aviation

Kevin BristoweDE ACEP (Alt.)

Wayne SmithDelaware Healthcare Association

Steve BlessingDHSS (Alt.)

Edwin Cooke DE Police Chiefs Council

Mike McMichaelDVFA Ambulance Committee

Council Staff

Britany Huss OEMS

Guests in Attendance

Warren JonesDVFA

Allen MethenyDVFA

MarySue JonesOEMS

Andrew FultonOEMS

Mark CipolleChristiana Care


DEMSOC members, staff and guests introduced themselves.


The minutes from the November 12, 2014 meetingwere reviewed and approved.


Steve Blessing stated the preparedness is working on Ebola issues, mainly on the coordination level. The section has received additional supplemental grants, through both HPP and PHEP. The Section is currently handling five grants. The focus is on improving Ebola response issues, capabilities, monitoring and improving technological issues. They are working to increase the ability to provide decontamination equipment and PPE and the purchase of isopods. They are working on community preparedness issues, increasing lab equipment and responder safety & health and mass fatality.

The section recently completed a POD exercise. This exercise was part of a 5 year training plan; this stage was the distribution to the PODs and the public.


1)Transport/Emergency Patient Care Subcommittee

Secretary Schiliro stated that the question was posed as to whether we are delivering emergency care in New Castle County in the most effective and efficient manner possible. This issue falls on DEMSOC to review. Based upon this question, DEMSOC made a motion and approved the formation of the EMS Delivery System Review Subcommittee for New Castle County. Secretary Schiliro distributed a list of committee members. Concerns were raised to make sure we continue to look at this issue from a clinicalstandpoint, continuing to keep the focus on the best interest of the patient. Deviation from this toward special interests, etc. could cause problems.

2)EMSC Update

MarySue Jones gave a brief overview of the history of the EMSC program within our office, to include the Pediatric Emergency Care Facility Recognition Program and the National Pediatric Readiness Project. The Readiness Project was a voluntary survey essentially showing what facilities can do to improve their pediatric disaster preparedness. Delaware received 100% participation in the project. The next step is to ensure that all hospitals include pediatrics in their disaster plans.

3)Annual DEMSOC Report

Britany Huss reported that we are in the final draft of the annual report and need BLS data for the report. To date the office has received zero reports from BLS agencies. We are also in need of the BLS financial data.


1)Agency Reports

Sussex County

The Sussex County EOC currently has no vacancies.

The County continues to promote Smart911, its new high-tech tool designed to give first responders critical information about those in need when seconds count. Since September 11th, over 1,500 profiles have been created by Sussex County residents in the Smart911 database.

The Sussex EOC is still geared up for the 2014/2015 Winter Storm season. They are preparing for the upcoming 2015 hurricane season.

Sussex County EMS currently has one vacancy and has lost six personnel so far in FY2015. Two of those vacancies are personnel who retired, one in January and one in February. In January they interviewed 23 applicants for their vacant paramedic positions. As a result of these interviews, they hired four paramedics to fill current vacancies at the beginning of March and created a hiring list from which to fill future vacancies.

On August 4, 2014, they started a west side pilot project where they spilt Medic 102 and 107 into four single medics covering the west side of Sussex County, basically from Delmar to Greenwood. The project lasted six months and the data collected from the pilot is under review. They are currently trialing a Power Unit staffed with one paramedic first responder in the Seaford/Blades area with backup from either Medic 102 or 107 (split Medic). As with the pilot project, all ALS calls will have two paramedics dispatched unless resources are not available.

They are working on a new station in the southeast area of Sussex County currently served by Medic 105 out of Millville. The new station will be located on property owned by the County and will be located next to the South Coastal Wastewater Facility (SCRWF) in the Ocean View area. They broke ground in January and hope to move in late in the spring or early summer of 2015.

To date, through community outreach programs, SCEMS personnel have taught 564 lay people hands-only CPR. Additionally, they have taught over 150 Sussex county EMT’s and Firefighters high performance CPR.

They are gearing up for a very busy special events season again this year. They are expecting to participate/support between 150 and 200 events this year. They will be participating in and supporting a number of drills and exercises including an upcoming annual response and readiness drill with DelDOT and some of their partners on April 14, 2015.

Kent County

Colin Faulkner reported that on April 7th he will present a proposal to Levy Court to adopt Smart 911 in Kent County.

Chief Faulkner asked to have two topics placed on the agenda for the May meeting. The first is fire service leadership and the second is the southeast pilot program.

Wayne Smith suggested DEMSOC have the DAG look at the Fire Chiefs law to bring clarity to this law. Ross Megargel stated that from a medical point of view, the medic on scene first is the medical authority unless an ems medical director shows up on scene and that the fire chief or the ranking fire service person is responsible for scene safety.

New Castle County

Larry Tan reported that the Paramedic class graduation was held on March 4th, with 15 graduates. 13 out of 15 have completed registry requirements and approved by OEMS for entry into field certification process for Delaware certification.

NCC EMS is in the promotional process to fill a vacant assistant chief as well as a lieutenant position.

The 3rd annual sudden cardiac arrest survivor reunion was held the end of February, with approximately 142 people recognized.

NCC EMS is working on a 2-3 week pilot project with Christiana Care to shorten stroke care, going directly from triage to CT scanner.

In February, the county ALS chiefs met with the controller general’s office. The meeting was prompted by the epilogue language in the grant in aid bill for the current fiscal year. The language would have the State appropriate based on the last full fiscal years’ worth of expenditures, which would be 2 fiscal years prior to the present year. The concern with ALS is this would be budgeting off of a budget 2 years prior. If this is implemented, it would be a further reduction of funding to the counties.


Paul Shavack reported that the 429’s have been fully air ready for the last three months. In that time they’ve observed effective response and transport times. From Ocean View to Christiana is a 21 minute transport time, Milford to A.I. duPont is 14 minutes. They are continuing their 429 orientation and familiarization training with ALS and BLS agencies. They have scheduled 15-20 agencies statewide to receive the training.

EMSC Advisory Committee

Maria Diaz stated that Nemours/A.I. duPont Hospital will hold their 3rd Annual Pediatric Transport and Prehospital Skills Course on June 25th. Further information is available on

Healthcare Association

Wayne Smith stated that the DMOST bill has been introduced, with a hearing today. Wayne will be attending the hearing.

The next legislation that will be introduced shortly is the Free Standing Medial Unit legislation, which is primarily a definitional legislation.

Police Chief’s Council

Edwin Cooke introduced himself as a new member of DEMSOC. Edwin is a retired DSP trooper, with six years in the aviation section. Edwin expressed his concerns with Peace Officer Narcan program.

Medical Director

Ross Megargel discussed the stroke study article that he passed out to members. The study shows that with interventional stroke care, stroke mortality can be improved by 50%. It has been discussed for years and is now more evident than ever for the need for a comprehensive cardiovascular stroke system in Delaware. This needs to be a system that consists of more than just the EMS medical directors. This continues to be a fiscal issue.

Trauma System Funding continues to be an issue.

DVFA Ambulance Committee

Mike McMichael expressed concerns with Ebola/Infectious disease training for providers and cost associated with Narcan, CPAP and Albuterol.

Quarterly meeting is March 26 in Slaughter Beach.


Anthony Guzzo reported that the DVFA is working on determining the cost of an ambulance run. They have hired an accountant to assist and are working with the insurance commission and fire commission to try to resolve this. They are expecting to see the first draft of a formula by the end of this week. They are due to report this to legislature by April 15, 2015.

State Fire Prevention Commission

Alan Robinson stated that there are three new ambulances in service. Since January 1st David Truax has inspected 39 units. Transcare will cease operations in Delaware as of July 21, 2015.

Two items that continuously come up in commission meetings are how to manage the 10% scratch rate and a method of check in/out for EMT hours.