PQA 2005


History of Changes
Number / Revision
Date / Revision Summary
Initial Release / 1/10/06
Revision 1 / 5/23/06 / Added QY-10, SRPC form

Tim Donkin 5/23/06

Quality Assurance Manager Date


·  Supplier Quality Assurance personnel (3)

·  Quality Assurance Manager

·  Materials Acquisition

This publication is available on the L-3Communications - Combat Propulsions System (L-3 CPS) Website at www.L-3 in the Procurement Section



● Supply Chain Management 4

● Minimum Quality System Requirements 4

● Special Processes 5

● Supplier Rating 5

● Graded Fastener Requirements 5

● No Change Clause (NCG) 6

● Supplier Request for Process Change………………………………………………………...... 6

● Certification (COC) 7

● First Piece Inspection (QY11) 7

● Flow Chart / Control Plan (QY-10) 9

● L-3 CPS Source Inspection (EQD 2A.0) 9

● Inspection Delegation (QCS 83-8) 10

● First Article Inspection (FAI) First Article Test (FAT) (QY2) 12

● Control Test (QY-3) 13

● Corrective Action 13

● Supplier Quality Material Report (SQMR) 15

● Contact Information 15

● Web Site Map 16

● Frequently Asked Questions 16

● Appendix I Forms 18

○ Inspection Request Form (QY-11) 19

○ Flow Chart / Control Plan Work Sheet Request Form (QY-2) 20

○ Inspection Delegation (ID) Record / Resume Form (QJ-21) 22

○ 7-D Corrective Action Form 23

○ SQMR Request Form 24

○ SQMR Request Form Instructions 25

○ SRPC……………………………………………………………………………………………….26

○ SRPC Instructions…………………………………………………………………………………..27


The goal of L-3 Communications – Combat Propulsion Systems (L-3 CPS) is to provide high quality, low cost products and services that meet or exceed the needs and expectations of our customers. As such, we believe suppliers are very important team members in our processes. Together we share the responsibility of providing goods and services that consistently meet contract requirements and customer expectations.

An initial Purchase Order review is key to assuring contractual obligations are met. It is imperative that L-3 CPS suppliers perform a through review to assure a sound understanding of the order and that the proper flow down of requirements are handled with sub-tiers. On several occasions L-3 CPS has experienced issues with new or follow on orders where suppliers did not perform a review for which configuration or other changes had been made which were missed. Reviews must also be conducted when supplements are given to assure no changes impact product.

To achieve these goals we need to reduce variation by standardizing processes through the use of various tools such as Process Flow Charting, Controlling Product Characteristics, Error Proofing, along with Lean and Six Sigma initiatives to maximize process capabilities.

This manual is published in support of the Technical Data Package and Purchase Order Requirements. The following information is to be used as an aid in helping a supplier fully comprehend a given requirement through a narrative discussion of the requirement and its intent.

We anticipate future procurements to include activities / requirements such as ISO-9001:2000, AS-9100, Six Sigma, Lean Manufacturing, Kaizen, Five-S, Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA), Key Product Characteristics, Process Flow Charts, Control Plans, Error Proofing, Detailed Work Instructions……


Supplier’s shall develop, document, implement and maintain a quality system providing a high degree of confidence that material and services will conform to contract requirements. The quality system can be patterned after, or in accordance with, MIL-Q-9858, MIL-I-45208, ISO-9000 and under certain circumstances, the standard inspection clause. Commercial Suppliers may qualify under the Standard Inspection Clause. The required level for a given supplier can be found in the purchase order.

Measuring and test equipment used to determine acceptability of product is to be calibrated utilizing traceable standards. The calibration system can be patterned after, or in accordance with, MIL-STD-45662A or ANSI/ISO 9000 standards.

The supplier's quality system shall provide for control of purchases and services from sub-contractors to include, but not limited to, conveyance of applicable contract and technical requirements, and a method of assessing sub-contractors capability and performance to contract/technical requirements.

The supplier's quality system is subject to periodic review by L-3 CPS and/or government agencies. These reviews may be reduced or eliminated for suppliers whose quality systems are certified to by a registered third party (i.e. ISO 9000, QS9000, AS9100, etc.).


Special processes (painting, plating, welding, etc.) are a vital component of manufacturing an item and normally include vulnerability on the part of a supplier. Realizing this, L-3 CPS has developed and maintains an Approved Process Supplier Listing. This list is comprised of process suppliers that have been audited by L-3 CPS to the specification requirements and found acceptable. The suppliers listed are subject to L-3 CPS audits at scheduled frequencies to assure their systems remain in compliance. The Special Process Listing is available on request from the L-3 CPS-SQA assigned Regional Lead. The Special Process List is a recommended source listing across all programs except for Graded Fasteners where it is required. Suppliers who perform these Special Processes in house will be subject to L-3 CPS audits of the process.

Often special processes require individual or process certifications; it is the supplier’s responsibility to ensure these are in place and kept current.


L-3 CPS suppliers are expected to make the necessary commitments to achieve and maintain a 100% Quality and Delivery Rating.

In the event a Supplier fails to maintain the minimum of 98% for either Quality or Delivery Ratings pursuant to any award issued as a result of the Purchase Order, L-3 CPS may elect to begin termination for default proceedings in accordance with the Purchase Order Terms and Conditions 26-002-0029. In addition, Supplier may be subject to permanent elimination from the L-3 CPS Supply Base.

It is crucial for a supplier to react to rejected material with prompt corrective actions documenting their analysis. If the analysis reveals the defect is not the supplier’s responsibility, immediate formal notification should be sent to the buyer stating so. If the analysis determines a supplier is at fault, positive corrective action must be implemented and documented.


High strength fasteners (Grade 5 and 8) are used in specific assembly applications for various reasons. When the application is critical as determined by engineering, the purchase order will contain a unique requirement indicating so. Review the purchase order for specific Quality Clauses relative to Graded Fasteners. If identified the clause requires direct procurement from manufacturers approved by L-3 CPS, a copy of the list is available from your Regional SQA Lead or Responsible Buyer. Actual test results such as Physical, Chemical and Plating requirements must be provided upon request.


Seller shall make no change in design, manufacturing or assembly processes or source of supply, after approval of the first production test item or after acceptance of the first completed end item, without the written approval of the respective SQA Regional Lead and the Respective Buyer. This requirement is also to be flowed down through your Supply Chain. Historically, unauthorized Supplier changes after First Piece Inspection (FPI), First Article Inspection (FAI) and First Article Test (FAT) approval have been one of the largest areas for non-conformances to occur.

These changes by either our Suppliers or their Sub Tiers have caused quality and performance issues at the vehicle level. We must be notified of any potential changes.


Per the Purchase Order Terms and Conditions No Change Clause (listed as “NCG”), the Seller shall make no change in design, manufacturing or assembly processes or sources of supply after approval of the first production test item or after acceptance of the first completed end item, without the written approval of the respective SQA Regional Lead and the Purchasing Agent. Examples of process changes*:

Change of manufacturing location

Change of sub supplier

Change of sub processor (i.e. heat treat, plating, etc.)

Change of manufacturing or assembly process

A request for written approval can be requested utilizing the Supplier Request for Process Change form (SRPC). The SRPC form can be accessed through the L-3 CPS website. Upon completion of the SRPC document please submit via fax to 231-724-2395.


Suppliers are encouraged to utilize statistical methods to control processes, improve quality and reduce costs. The application of statistical methods to the manufacturing process and/or product characteristics can be based on:

·  Major/minor characteristics identified in the Technical Data Package (QAR’s, SQAPS, Specs, etc.)

·  Repetitive failures associated with the manufacturing process and are responsible for high defect quantities and/or cost.

·  Dominant process characteristics

When control charts are used as the basis for product acceptance, charts should clearly indicate:

·  Identification of product/process to the control plan

·  The sample measurements used to calculate data points and the date taken

·  Corrective action taken for out of control conditions and/or out of specification conditions

A supplier desiring certification of their SPC Program must present a written procedure, control plans and sample data collection and Capability analysis to the assigned SQA Regional Lead. The Regional Lead will review the submittal, co-ordinate with the supplier and ultimately issue a certification letter for the supplier’s files.


Acceptable statements of quality should completely identify and be traceable to the material or item by lot, production run or heat number, production date, and item serial number if applicable. The specification or drawing number, revision, and date should also be indicated. The test method such as go/no-go, variable test, etc. and the inspection date and location must also be included. Lastly, the certification should state when/where the objective evidence would be available for review by L3-CPS or government personnel and whether the material was found to be acceptable.

Material certifications must contain the following information as a minimum:

·  The heat/lot number

·  Applicable specification

·  Inspection data, as applicable

·  Date performed / tested

Certifications for protective coatings, such as anodizing or cadmium plating, must specify the class, type and/or grade to which the finished product conforms. In addition to the specification number/revision, any special testing the material must be subjected to; including test results such as corrosion resistance testing, salt spray and adhesion test must be included.

Note: Drawings may reflect additional process drawings which may stipulate Single Source Material Requirements.

Proper planning and review of the requirements of all applicable specifications, prior to the issuance of any purchase order, will enable suppliers to provide adequate statements of quality. Adequate review and verification of the information upon receipt by the supplier will prevent unnecessary delay of acceptance of supplies or materials.


FPI must be satisfied prior to the first shipment on any order requiring an FPI. The purpose of the requirement is to assure the Supplier/Delegate has reviewed the product against the Purchase Order for all characteristics and found them conforming. FPI is considered satisfied if a First Article Inspection (FAI) has been completed in accordance with QY-2.

It is the supplier’s responsibility to verify conformance of all Physical, Chemical, Process and Test requirements specified as part of the order. The requirement may be satisfied by objective evidence available in the supplier’s normal system such as in-process operational Process Controls, final inspection records, test reports, certifications, SPC data, etc.

When supplier developed software is used as a means for functional product acceptance, it must be approved by L-3 CPS as part of the FPI process. Software should be submitted for review prior to the L-3 CPS on site visit.

Upon completion of the initial production run, the Documentation & Inspection Package is prepared for review by the supplier ID delegate or Quality representative. Once the FPI documentation is completed, the supplier is required to notify L-3 CPS SQA via the L-3 CPS First Piece Inspection Request Form located on the L-3 CPS website ( Upon completion of the FPI request, please fax to 231-724-2395. A verification audit will be arranged within five (5) days of the request.

An L-3 CPS Quality Representative will visit and conduct an audit of the process, product, and objective evidence. A walk through of the manufacturing process to include a review of the work instructions should be anticipated as a means to validate FPI and process requirements. Upon approval of the FPI by the L-3 CPS rep., the Supplier’s Delegate is authorized to release the initial shipment. A copy of the audit report is to be maintained in the delegate’s file and will be required as part of the Delegation Audit criteria.

In the case of distributors, the requirement can be considered satisfied by presenting the L-3 CPS SQA representative with a certificate of conformance from the manufacturer as long as it states objective evidence is on file and available. Manufacturers of Qualified Parts or Products List (QPL) parts are only required to produce evidence of current qualifications for QPL parts.

An FPI is considered extended by L-3 CPS from one purchase order to the next providing that:

·  No change to the Technical Data Package

·  Part is manufactured at the same facility

·  Manufacturing process has remained the same

·  No more than (1) year break in production

·  No formal corrective action has been required

·  The sub-tier suppliers and special processors have not changed

SQA must be notified if any of the above conditions cannot be met.


·  FPI required prior to shipment

·  Supplier to validate FPI package for completeness prior to L-3 CPS notification

·  Allow/plan for five (5) day lead time for L-3 CPS to schedule source

·  Notify SQA Regional Lead prior to visit if a nonconformance exists.

·  In accordance with the No Change Clause communicate any changes after FPI to the L-3 CPS Buyer and SQA Regional Lead

·  Retain Documentation on file for five (5) years after P.O. completion

FPI Data Package

·  Copy of L-3 CPS Purchase Order

·  Drawing and applicable QAP/QAR

·  Product to be evaluated

·  Certifications for materials and processes