Deidre Ward Craythorne
47 Crandall Drive
Culloden, WV 25510
(304) 617-5954
EDUCATION: Marshall University, Huntington, WV
1993, B.A. Psychology
9/2004 – Present Child Care Policy Specialist, West Virginia Department of Health Human Resources, Charleston, WV 25301
Responsibilities Include: Federal grant management; Draft, revise and write child care subsidy policy regarding eligibility requirements, documentation requirements, improper payments and procedures for recovery, forms, and other projects as assigned. Provide technical assistance on such topics as needed. Assist in implementation of Federal directives for the child care program. Assist in quality assurance procedure development and implementation for child care subsidy management. Design and implement the federal improper payments project, including error rate reporting. Assist in the writing of the state child care plan and submit amendments as needed. Provide data on child care program usage and expenditures. Provide data analysis.
7/2001 – 9/2004: Director, Connect Child Care Resource and Referral
Charleston, WV 25301
Responsibilities included: Manage Connect’s budget, oversee daily operations of Connect, oversee provider recruitment, promote and oversee public awareness and consumer education efforts, promote and maintain interagency communication. Develop, manage and enact quality assurance procedures and policies. Conduct pre-hearing conferences with clients and providers requesting Grievance Hearings with the State Hearings Officer. Assist and guide staff in continuing education and staff development efforts. Oversee a staff of 29. Enforce the policies and procedures of River Valley Child Development Services. Any other duties as assigned by the Executive Director of River Valley Child Development Services as needed.
7/2000 – 6/2001 Coordinator of Family Services, Connect Child Care Resource and Referral, Charleston, WV 25301
Responsibilities included: Supervise Child Care Associates (case managers), Referral Counselor, and Data Entry, oversee subsidy payment process, manage CCA workflow, process customer and provider complaints and provide referrals to appropriate agencies. Implement quality assurance reviews to ensure case management integrity. Process escalated customer service issues, follow up to ensure provision of quality customer service, and enforce the policies and procedures of River Valley Child Development Services.
10/1998 – 9/2000 Customer Services Specialty Supervisor, Applied Card Services
Huntington, WV 25701
Responsibilities included: Supervise 25-40 Customer Service Representatives, provide continuing training and technical assistance to the specialty department, perform call monitoring and other quality assurance procedures, process escalated customer service calls and follow up to ensure provision of quality customer service, and enforce the policies and procedures of Applied Card Systems and Cross Country Bank.
12/1996 – 11/1998 Referral Counselor, Link Child Care Resource and Referral,
Huntington, WV 25701
Responsibilities included: provide appropriate child care referrals and parent education to parents seeking child care, maintain database of available child care options in an eight county area, provide appropriate referrals to other agencies when needed, conduct child care provider orientation and provider training in the subsidy program and in State of West Virginia Day Care Regulations, provide technical assistance to child care providers, assist in entering client and child care provider information into SSIS and FACTS, and assist in processing subsidy payment requests.
3/1996 – 11/1996 Lead Parent Counselor, National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies, Washington D.C.
Responsibilities included: maintain updated information on Child Care Regulations for all states and territories of the United States, provide continuing training for the Parent Counselor Department, provide child care consumer education to AmeriCorps participants, and assist AmeriCorps’ members obtain child care subsidy, and promote public awareness of child care issues.
9/1994 – 2/1996 Child Care Associate, Link Child Care Resource and Referral,
Huntington, WV 25701
Responsibilities included: Perform eligibility determination and redeterminations for child care assistance, maintain caseload standards, provide customer service to internal and external clients and child care providers.
5/1993 – 10/1994 Group Home Assistant Manager, Autism Service Center,
Huntington, WV
Responsibilities include: Assist in managing group home budget and resources, supervise and schedule 25-30 staff, develop and implement habilitation plans, complete monthly Waiver and Medicaid billing, participate on IEP Team developing IEPs for group home residents, plan residents weekly schedules, budget and monitor household expenditures, and enforce the policies and procedures of Autism Service Center.