Definitions of Technical Terms 2018
Terms / DefinitionsAmmeter /
- Howis an ammeter usually connected… = In series with the circuit
- Whatinstrument is used to measure electric current? = An ammeter
- Ammetercalibrated in amperes used to measure a 3000-milliampere current = readingshows 3 amperes
Amperes, Amps /
- Electricalunit of current
- Intensityof the movement of charge in a conductor
- SeeOhm’s Law questions.
Band /
- What property ofradio waves is often used to identify the different frequency bands? = Theapproximate wavelength
Bandwidth /
- How wide a signal is, or how much room it takes up. FM voice signals have a larger bandwidth than SSB signals, and CW signals are narrower than SSB.
Battery /
- Component 4 in figure T1
- Stores energy chemically
- Rechargeable types: Nickel-metal hydride, Lithium-ion, Lead-acid gel-cell
- Not rechargeable type: Carbon-zinc
- Shorting the terminals can cause burns, fire, or an explosion
Capacitor /
- Storesenergy in an electric field
- Consistsof two or more conductive surfaces separated by an insulator
- Usedtogether with an inductor to make a tuned circuit
- Unitof capacitance is the Farad or microfarad
- Whatkind of hazard might exist in a power supply when it is turned off anddisconnected? = Electric shock from stored charge in large capacitors
- Component6 in figure T2
Carrier Squelch /
- Muting receiveraudio solely by the presence or absence of an RF signal
- Allows currentto flow in only one direction
- Cathode leadusually identified? = With a stripe
- Names of theelectrodes of a diode = Anode and cathode
Dipole /
- Simpledipole mounted so the conductor is parallel to the Earth’s surface = Ahorizontally polarized antenna
- Changea dipole antenna to make it resonant on a higher frequency? = Shorten it
- Approximatelength, in inches, of a 6 meter ½ wavelength wire dipole antenna? = 112
- Approximate length, in inches, of a quarter-wavelength vertical antenna for 146MHz? = 19
- Inwhich direction is the radiation strongest from a half-wave dipole antennain free space? = Broadside to the antenna
Doppler shift /
- An observed change in signal frequency caused by relative motion between the satellite and the earth station
Electromagnetic /
- Type of wavethat carries radio signals between transmitting & receiving stations
- Usual name forelectromagnetic waves that travel through space = Radio waves
Farad /
- Basic unit ofcapacitance
Frequency /
- #of times alternating current flows back & forth in one second
- Hz= one time per second (or one cycle per second)
- 300/(Wavelengthin meters) = Frequency in MHz
Fuse /
- Purpose= To interrupt power in case of overload
- Unwiseto install a 20ampere fuse in the place of a 5-ampere fuse = Excessivecurrent could cause a fire
- Safetyequipment should always be included in home-built equipment that is poweredfrom 120V AC power circuits = a fuse or circuit breaker in series with theAC “hot” conductor
- Whatelectrical component is used to protect other circuit components fromcurrent overloads? = Fuse
Hertz /
- Unitof frequency
- Onecycle per second
- Whatis the formula for converting frequency to wavelength in meters? = Wavelengthin meters equals 300 divided by frequency in megahertz
- Whatis another way to specify a radio signal frequency of 1,500,000 hertz? =1500 kHz
- Ifa frequency readout calibrated in megahertz shows a reading of 3.525 MHz,what would it show if it were calibrated in kilohertz? = 3525 kHz
Inductor /
- Storesenergy in a magnetic field
- Basicunit of inductance = The Henry
- Usuallycomposed of a coil of wire
- Component3 in figure T3
- Usedtogether with a capacitor to make a tuned circuit
- LightEmitting Diode
- Component8 in figure T2
Meters /
- Wavelength
- 300/(Frequencyin MHz) = Wavelength in meters
microfarad /
- 1,000,000picofarads = 1 microfarad
microvolt /
- Oneone-millionth of a volt
- How many voltsare equal to one kilovolt? = One thousand volts
- How many volts
- are equal to one microvolt? = One one-millionth of a volt
milliampere /
- 1/1000Ampere
- 1.5amperes = 1,500 milliamperes
Ohms /
- Resistance
- Impedanceof most commonly used coaxial cable in typical amateur radio installations =50 ohms
- SeeOhm’s Law questions
Oscillator /
- The name of a circuit that generates a signal at a specific frequency
Picket Fencing /
- Rapidfluttering sound from mobile stations moving while transmitting
picofarad /
- 1,000,000picofarads = 1 microfarad
Potentiometer /
- Adjustablevolume control
- Controlselectrical parameter of Resistance
Radio Waves /
- Electromagneticwaves change direction greater than 20,000 times/second
- Travelsspeed of light, 300 million meters/second
Rectifier /
- Changesalternating current to varying direct current signal
Relay /
- An electrically-controlled switch
Resistance /
- Opposethe flow of current in a DC circuit
- SeeOhm’s Law questions
Resistor /
- Opposes flow ofcurrent in DC Current
Single Sideband /
- Formof amplitude modulation
- Normallyused for 10 meter HF, VHF and UHF single-sideband communications = Uppersideband
- Primaryadvantage of single sideband over FM for voice transmissions? = SSB signalshave narrower bandwidth
- Approximatebandwidth of a single sideband voice signal? = 3 kHz
- Controlcould be used if the voice pitch of a single-sideband signal seems too highor low? = The receiver RIT or clarifier
- Typeof voice modulation most often used for long-distance or weak signalscontacts on the VHF and UHF bands
Squelch Control /
- Mute receiveroutput noise when no signal is being received
Transistor /
- Componentcapable of using voltage or current signal to control flow
- Electronicswitch or amplifier
- Threelayers of semiconductor material? = Bipolar junction transistor
- Whichof the following electronic components can amplify signals? = Transistor
- Whatdoes the abbreviation “FET”standfor? = Field
- effect transistor
- Whatis the term that describes a transistor’s ability to amplify a signal? =Gain
- Whichsemiconductor component has a gate electrode? = Field effect transistor
- Component2 in figure T1
UHF and VHF /
- VeryHigh Frequency, Ultra High Frequency
- Radiationtype is non-ionizing
- Whichof the following types of feedline has the lowest loss at VHF and UHF? =Air-insulated hard line
- Whyare UHF signals often more effective from inside buildings than VHF signals?= The shorter wavelength allows them to more easily penetrate the structureof buildings
- Whatantenna polarization is normally used for long-distance weak-signal CW andSSB contacts using the VHF and UHF bands? = Horizontal
- Whatcan happen if the antennas at opposite ends of a VHF or UHF line of sightradio link are not using the same polarization? = Signals could besignificantly weaker.
- Whatmay occur if VHF or UHF data signals propagate over multiple paths? Errorrates are likely to increase
- Whyare “direct” (not via a repeater) UHF signals rarely heard from stationsoutside your local coverage area? = UHF signals are usually not reflected bythe ionosphere
- Whatmode is responsible for allowing over-the-horizon VHF and UHF communicationsto ranges of approximately 300 miles on a regular basis? = Troposphericscatter
- Whydo VHF and UHF radio signals usually travel somewhat farther than the visualline of sight distance between two stations? = The Earth seems less curvedto radio waves than to light.
Volts /
- Basicunit of electromotive force (EMF) that causes electron flow
- Lowestvoltage that can cause a dangerous electric shock? = 30 volts
- Howmany volts are equal to one kilovolt? = One thousand volts
- Howmany volts are equal to one microvolt? One one-millionth of a volt
- Whichinstrument would you use to measure electric potential or electromotiveforce? = A voltmeter
- Whatis the correct way to connect a voltmeter to a circuit? = In parallel withthe circuit
- Whichof the following might damage a multimeter? = Attempting to measure voltagewhen using the resistance setting
- SeeOhm’s Law questions
Watt /
- Electricalpower is measured in Watts
- Power(Watts) = Volts times Amps
- P =E x I
- Maximumpower level that an amateur radio station may use at frequencies above430MHz before an RF exposure evaluation is required = 50 Watts PEP at theantenna
- Equivalentto 500 milliwatts? = 0.5 watts
- Maximumpower allowed when transmitting telecommand signals to radio controlledmodels? = 1 watt
Wavelength /
- Distanceradio wave travels in one complete cycle
- Measuredin meters
- Howdoes the wavelength of a radio wave relate to its frequency? The wavelengthgets shorter as the frequency increases
- Wavelengthin meters equals 300 divided by frequency in megahertz
- Bandsare named by wavelength: 1.25m, 2m, 6m, etc.
- Whatproperty of radio waves is often used to identify the different frequencybands? = The approximate wavelength
- Whatis the approximate length, in inches, of a quarter-wavelength verticalantenna for 146 MHz? = 19
- Whatis the approximate length, in inches, of a 6 meter ½-wavelength wire dipoleantenna? = 112
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