1. Face-to-Face office visit

Definition:Face-to-face encounter between client and case manager at case manager’s office. This encounter may be formal or informal but should emphasize a process by which to assess, coordinate, implement, and/or monitor care options and services that meet the needs of the client.

Provide Documentation:

Create Activity > Progress Log

Provider: Name of Case Manager

Date: Must be the actual date of meeting

Start Time: Must be the actual start time of meeting

Minutes: Must be the actual amount of time spent with client

Note Type: Case Management Note

Contact Flag: Made

Face-to-Face Flag: Yes

Contact Party: Client

Contact Type: Office

Funding Source: Funding source of the Case Manager

Activities: Must check off all activities related to progress note

Brief Description: Concise statement summarizing progress note

Full Description: Must be a full description of encounter. SOAP or DAP outline may be used

  1. Face-to-Face Medical Accompaniment

Definition: Case Manager accompaniment of either a newly diagnosed or lost to care client to a medical appointment. A newly diagnosed client is a client that has been diagnosed within the last 18 months. A lost to care client is a client that has not had a medical appointment within the last 6 months.


Provide Documentation:

Create Activity > Progress Log

Provider: Name of Case Manager

Date: Must be the actual date of meeting

Start Time: Must be the actual start time of meeting

Minutes: Must be the actual amount of time spent with client

Note Type: Case Management Note

Contact Flag: Made

Face-to-Face Flag: Yes

Contact Party: Client

Contact Type: Clinic

Funding Source: Funding source of the Case Manager

Activities: Must check off all activities related to progress note

Brief Description: Concise statement summarizing progress note

Full Description: Must be a full description of encounter. SOAP or DAP outline may be used

  1. Face-to-Face Home Visit

Definition:Case Management home visit for clients with special needs, impairments, or recovering from an intensive medical procedure that prevents/impairs commute to case management office.

Provide Documentation:

Create Activity > Progress Log

Provider: Name of Case Manager

Date: Must be the actual date of meeting

Start Time: Must be the actual start time of meeting

Minutes: Must be the actual amount of time spent with client

Note Type: Case Management Note

Contact Flag: Made

Face-to-Face Flag: Yes

Contact Party: Client

Contact Type: Home

Funding Source: Funding source of the Case Manager

Activities: Must check off all activities related to progress note

Brief Description: Concise statement summarizing progress note

Full Description: Must be a full description of encounter. SOAP or DAP outline may be used

  1. Face-to-Face Discharge

Definition: Closure of clients who have either successfully completed care plan goals and have become self-sufficient or for individuals that need to be administratively or situationally discharged. A definition of each type of discharge is documented below:

a)Self-Sufficient Discharge-Clients that are adherent to their medication and medical appointments and no longer perceive any direct barriers to their care

b)Administrative Discharge-Clients with major behavioral issues that prevented their continued involvement in case management services

c)Situational Discharge-Clients that are deceased, lost to care, or disengaged and theirwhereabouts unknown

For a client to be discharged, a face-to-face meeting with the client, case manager and case manager supervisor will take place to ascertain the reason for the discharge. Case Manager and Case Manager Supervisor will complete and sign off on the discharge paperwork and will scan in the discharge sheet into Provide.Additionally, the Case Manager will write a progress log describing the reason for the discharge as well a description/update on all care plan goals that were met/unmet.

Provide Documentation:

Create Sub Record > Scan

Attach discharge form under Miscellaneous scan

Create Activity > Progress Log

Provider: Name of Case Manager

Date: Must be the actual date of meeting

Start Time: Must be the actual start time of meeting

Minutes: Must be the actual amount of time spent with client

Note Type: Case Management Note

Contact Flag: Made

Face-to-Face Flag: Yes

Contact Party: Client

Contact Type: Discharge

Funding Source: Funding source of the Case Manager

Activities: Must check off all activities related to progress note

Brief Description: Concise statement summarizing progress note

Full Description: Must be a full description of encounter. SOAP or DAP outline may be used

  1. Face-to-Face CM Care Conference

Definition: A formal face-to-face collateral contact with another licensed provider(s) directly involved in the client’s care. Examples of licensed providers include mental health therapists, substance abuse counselors, housing case managers, etc.

If a care conference includes a physician as one of the present providers, code this as care coordination with primary care provider.

Provide Documentation:

Create Activity > Progress Log

Provider: Name of Case Manager

Date: Must be the actual date of meeting

Start Time: Must be the actual start time of meeting

Minutes: Must be the actual amount of time spentdiscussing the client’s care

Note Type: Case Management Note

Contact Flag: Made

Face-to-Face Flag: Yes

Contact Party: Collateral

Contact Type: CM Conference

Funding Source: Funding source of the Case Manager

Activities: Must check off all activities related to progress note

Brief Description: Concise statement summarizing progress note

Full Description: Must be a full description of encounter. SOAP or DAP outline may be used

  1. Telephone/Text/Email Contact

Definition: Non face-to-face contacts or attempted contacts between case manager and clients involving monthly check ups, well-being checks, referral follow-up and/or follow-up adherence counseling.

Provide Documentation:

Create Activity > Progress Log

Provider: Name of Case Manager

Date: Must be the actual date of meeting

Start Time: Must be the actual start time of meeting

Minutes: Must be the actual amount of time spent with client

Note Type: Case Management Note

Contact Flag: Made or Attempted

Face-to-Face Flag: No

Contact Party: Client

Contact Type: Telephone/Text/Email

Funding Source: Funding source of the Case Manager

Activities: Must check off all activities related to progress note

Brief Description: Concise statement summarizing progress note

Full Description: Must be a full description of encounter. SOAP or DAP outline may be used

  1. Face-to-Face Other Visits

Definition: Face-to-Face encounter between case manager and client at a designated location other than office or home setting. Examples of locations designated as other are substance abuse or mental health facilities, nursing home/hospices, halfway house, emergency rooms, etc.

Provide Documentation:

Create Activity > Progress Log

Provider: Name of Case Manager

Date: Must be the actual date of meeting

Start Time: Must be the actual start time of meeting

Minutes: Must be the actual amount of time spent with client

Note Type: Case Management Note

Contact Flag: Made

Face-to-Face Flag: Yes

Contact Party: Client

Contact Type: Other

Funding Source: Funding source of the Case Manager

Activities: Must check off all activities related to progress note

Brief Description: Concise statement summarizing progress note

Full Description: Must be a full description of encounter. SOAP or DAP outline may be used

  1. Care Coordination with Primary Care Provider

Documentation:A formal or informal face-to-face or telephone contact with a client’s primary care provider or HIV specialist to discuss/communicate information about the client’s care. The primary care provider may be a physician, advanced practice registered nurse, or physician assistant who provides primary health care to the client.

If a care conference includes a physician as one of the present providers, code this as care coordination with primary care provider.

1)Scan in the AFC medical form

Provide Documentation:

Create Sub Record > Scan

Scan in and attach the AFC 2-page medical form

2)Progress log

Provide Documentation:

Create Activity > Progress Log

Provider: Name of Case Manager

Date: Must be the actual date of meeting

Start Time: Must be the actual start time of meeting

Minutes:Must be the actual amount of time spent discussing the client’s care

Note Type: Case Management Note

Contact Flag: Made

Face-to-Face Flag:Yes or No

Contact Party: Collateral

Contact Type:Office or Telephone Made

Funding Source: Funding source of the Case Manager

Activities: Must check off all activities related to progress note

Brief Description:PCP Communication

Full Description: Must be a full description of encounter. SOAP or DAP outline may be used

  1. Other Type of Contact or Referral Service Provided

Definition: An internal or external referral to a service that meets the clinical or supportive needs of the client. The referral may be mailed, faxed, submitted electronically or completed over the phone.

Provide Documentation:

Create Activity > Referral

Referring Person: Name of Case Manager

Referral Date: Must be the actual date that the referral was completed

Referred for Service Type: Select service from the drop down list

Press Submit

After a referral has been made, a case manager must state the outcome of the referral at a later date.

Outcome of the Referral

View > Activity > Referral > Double click on the submitted Referral > Edit

Disposition: Select the outcome from the drop down list

Press Close