Defining Moment in World War 1

Grade 10 Academic History Research Project

Due Date:______Library Dates:______

Rationale: The purpose of this assignment is to allow students to focus on both the research aspect and outline of a proper thesis-based argumentative essay. The topic is based upon a defining moment/person in history.

Task: A turning point or defining moment/person in history is an event or series of events after which a country or a person is not the same; things have gone in a different direction. Canada experienced such events during World War I. Choose a major turning point and explain why this event can be considered a defining moment.


The Battle of Ypres

The Battle of Vimy Ridge

Weapons Technology of WWI

Treaty of Versailles

How the war changed Canada

Women on the Western Front and on the Home Front

War MeasuresAct

Wartime Propaganda

Conscription Crisis

The Last 100 Days: The Final Offensive


-Select your topic. You must complete a Works Cited. You will be introduced and instructed on how to complete this in the library.

  • You must include five (5) sources in your Works Cited.
  • Of your five sources, you must have a variety:

-only two websites can be used

-one on-line subscriber database such as e-library can be used.

-the rest may be books or periodicals.

Library note-taking sheets must be used and handed in with ALL of your research. This means that you have 5 sheets.

***Please be forewarned that your outline must be written in your own words; information must not simply be “lifted” or copied from your sources. Summarize or paraphrase the ideas ALWAYS, and identify the sources even if you have modified the wording. Give the sources of quotations. Consider yourself warned that plagiarism (copying directly from a source) will result in a mark of ZERO.


  • Formulate your Focus Question from which your thesis statement can develop.
  • Your thesis MUST relate to the theme of the assignment: Why is your topic a defining moment or turning point for Canada during World War One?


  • Complete the essay outline template provided as though you were preparing to complete a formal essay.
  • Your outline must include the following: a proper introduction including a thesis, three body paragraphs that support your argument, a proper conclusion summarizing your original thesis statement

***Remember to consult your rubric for expectations.

Good luck!!