Defining civil society
GNDR membership is open to all civil society organisations and individuals affiliated to Civil Society organisations. Since its launch in 2007 GNDR has used the Civicus definition of civil society:
“The arena, outside of the family, the state, and the market, which is created by individual and collective actions, organisations and institutions to advance shared interests.”
With GNDR’s original ‘Views from the Frontline 2009’ handbook we provided a guiding checklist of civil society organisations in all their forms. This included:
- International and national non-governmental organisations (NGOs/INGOs)
- community groups
- faith-based organisations
- environmental organisations
- women’s organisations
- youth organisations
- think tanks, resource centres
- associations of marginalised or vulnerable groups
- trade unions
- community level groups and informal groups (those without constitutions, boards and other organisational trappings)
- networks and coalitions
- and many other associational forms
Beyond this, individual activists, including online activists, artists and writers and human rights defenders, when they act in the public sphere to advance or defend a viewpoint that others may share, are part of civil society too. This definition suggests that the arena for civil society is fluid and dynamic: groups and individuals can move in and out of it, and be within civil society and other spheres simultaneously.
GNDR members believe in the “added value” and complementarity of working together to achieve shared objectives and goals by undertaking joint actions and mutual support. The interaction between members is guided be shared values of trust, mutual accountability; gender equity; a respect for diverse identities, perspectives and beliefs; a commitment to inclusion and participation; and an openness to sharing and learning to build consensus and mutual understanding. All applicants are expected to be in agreement with these core values.GNDR Membership
GNDR membership is open to all civil society organisations and affiliated individuals with an interest, and who play a significant function, in supporting and advancing disaster risk reduction and a commitment to GNDR values and principles. GNDR has three membership categories:
Full Members
- All civil society organisations and affiliated individuals whom can comply with our values and principles.
- Organisations and individuals can quality for full membership upon successful completion of a FULL MEMBERSHIP application form submitted either online via the GNDR website or through application to the GNDR Secretariat.
Associate Member
- Open also to non-civil society organisations and individuals who have an interest in issues of disaster risk reduction and whom would like to receive updates, observe proceedings, support and associate with GNDR.
- Associate members do not having “voting rights”.
Honorary Members
- Awarded to individuals who are prepared to serve as “patrons” and good will ambassadors to GNDR. These will be individuals who have demonstrated an exceptional contribution to assisting vulnerable communities and championing disaster risk reduction issues.
Partnerships and Alliances
- GNDR may as appropriate form strategic alliances and partnerships with organisations and associations to engage in joint actions and promote shared agendas that contribute towards mutually shared goals and objectives.
Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction
8 Waldegrave Rd, Teddington, Middlesex, TW11 8HT (United Kingdom)
+44 (0)2089 777726 |