Supplemental Instruction
Iowa State University / Leader: / Hailie B
Course: / Psych 101
Instructor: / Phillips
Date: / 9/28/2016
Class Review:
When thinking about the idea of a "bird," we tend to bring to mind the image of a robin more easily than the image of a penguin. Robin in this case is an example of a ______.
Define Cognition according to lecture:
Mental Images Activity:
Class Review:
Joe, Mike, and John are getting ready for a big basketball game. Joe decides he’s good to go and doesn’t practice. Mike visualizes himself making all his shots and John practices for a few hours the night before. Who will probably perform the best and who will perform the worst? Why?
In small groups compare and contrast the following terms: Concepts, Prototypes, Schemas and Stereotypes:
“Thinking is Doing”:
In groups, name and describe the four different problem solving strategies mentioned in class: