WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 2015 ~ 6:00 P.M. – PUBLIC HEARING (School Board Meeting convenes at approximately 6:30 P.M.)
Members Present: Chair, Mr. Barry, Mr. Deely, Ms. Tetrault, Mr. Menard, Mr. Langlois Principal-P. Yergeau, Asst. Principal-B. Grieve, Supt. Patty Sherman, Kandy Davitt
The Deerfield Community School Board postponed the Public Hearing.
1. Call to Order – Mr. Barry, Chair
2. Expend Funds from the Playground Trust
3. Citizen’s Comments
4. Adjournment
1. Call to Order – Mr. Barry, Chair
Chair, Kevin Barry called to order the May 6th, 2015 Deerfield Community School Board meeting at 6:01pm.
2. Pledge of Allegiance – Mr. Barry
Chair, Kevin Barry led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Minutes – April 1, 2015
A motion to accept the minutes of April 1, 2015 was made by Peter Menard, seconded by Jim Deely.
All in Favor
Motion Carried
Minutes accepted as corrected
4. Immediate Business
A. Citizens’/Staff Comments
Maureen Mann, stated that she was a candidate for the upcoming election for the NH House of Representatives and asked the board if they had any questions about her stand on educational issues. Board members thanked Ms. Mann and stated that at this time they had no questions.
B. Agenda Review
Cindy Hanson-Building Use Policy
Jim Deely-CRB Committee member
Supt. Patty Sherman-Appt. and resignations -3 items
Mrs. Hanson (Athletic Director) spoke to the board about amending the fee schedule as stated in the Building Use Form. Mrs. Hanson informed the members of the board that there are groups interested in using the gym space but the fees prohibit these groups from doing so. Mrs. Hanson also asked the board if they wanted to give direction as to which group gets use of the facility after the school. Such as, who should be 2nd in the line-up, 3rd, etc. Currently Parks and Recs. uses the facility on weekends and evenings.
Mr. Barry, stated that they would review the policy at their next meeting. Supt. Patty Sherman requested that Mrs. Hanson send her the suggested changes. Also, in question is where the monies from fees that are brought in by these programs should be placed.
C. Consent Items (0)
No consent items were presented.
D. Board Reports
· Executive Board Report - Mr. Barry
Chair, Mr. Barry informed the members that the following items were discussed at the Executive Board meeting; SAU Policies and PACE Academy.
· Principal’s Report - Mr. Yergeau
Smarter Balance testing- Mr. Yergeau informed the board members that letters were mailed to the parents of 7th and 8th grade parents informing them of Smarter Balance testing dates. Mr. Yergeau also stated that no one opted out.
DCS Band will be playing this Friday night for the opening of the Fischer Cats game.
Art Show-The 1st Annual DCS Art Show was well attended. Every student had something on display.
PTO-celebrating Teacher Appreciation Week- The PTO members did a great job this week. The final day a vendor came giving students and teachers snow cones.
Kindergarten Registration –As of tonight’s meeting there are 61students registered for the 2015-16 kindergarten.
School Board meetings-The board members talked about filming meetings at DCS or at the GB White. Members agreed that they want to move forward and make a final decision tonight. Chair, Kevin Barry stated that the GB White is available and has the equipment in place.
A motion was made by Jim Deely to hold the next school board meeting at the GB White, seconded by Shelly Tetrault.
All in Favor
Motion Carried
CopSync-Mr. Yergeau update the board on grant money that is available for the program.
School Enrichment Program-Currently there are two people interested in facilitating the program. Mr. Deely will go forward with coordinating the program.
The school board discussed the Summer Art Camp that has been run by Jess Dickey and insurance coverage. The board agreed that Ms. Dickey should get insurance coverage for her program and will continue to discuss the costs.
E. FY 15 Update
The board discussed the 2014-15 budget and the need to hire a new kindergarten teacher for the 2015-16 school year. The members agreed to use monies from the 2014-15 budget ($75,000) to off-set the cost of hiring another kindergarten teacher for the 2015-16 school year.
5. Continuing Business
A. Land Posting – Mr. Yergeau
Assistant Principal, Brian Grieve shared with the board information that he gathered regarding the posting of the school property. Mr. Langlois stated that he did not feel the suggested types of posting satisfies the Fish and Game requirements. Zach Langlois will work with Mr. Grieve in gathering information about the requirements and the costs and review costs for signage.
6. Policies
No Policies were reviewed.
7. Informational Items
Curriculum Review Board- Mr. Deely spoke to the board about adding a member from the Deerfield Community to the Curriculum Review Board. The board members agreed that this was a request from the community and should be done.
Principal, Paul Yergeau was asked to write an article for the Bridge, Forum, etc. letting community members know about the opening.
Chair, Kevin Barry asked for the sense of the board regarding the Deputy School Treasurer position. Chair, Mr. Barry stated that Kelly Roberts has done it in the past and is willing to continue.
A motion was made by Jim Deely to name Kelly Roberts as the Deputy Treasurer, seconded by Shelly Tetrault.
All in Favor
Motion Carried
Chair Kevin Barry informed the school board members that he submitted paperwork to FEMA for the snow removal from the roof. The Deerfield District should receive $18,750.
Deerfield Para-Association-Supt. Patty Sherman stated that she was contacted by the Para Association regarding hourly pay vs. balanced pay. Supt. Patty Sherman noted that the Para’s preferred balanced pay but that the Dept of Labor stated that the law requires Para-professionals to be paid as hourly employees. Supt. Patty Sherman noted that currently there is legislation at the State level that would allow the Para-Professional to go back to the balanced pay option. In order to proceed negotiations with the Para’s would have to be re-opened.
Mary Mahoney Memorial- Chair, Kevin Barry read a letter from Martha Smith and Julie Kukla asking if they could plant a tree at the school in Mary’s memory and name the circle Mary’s way. Chair, Mr. Barry stated that the Deerfield Board of Selectmen would need a letter from the school board requesting the Highway Agent to put in the tree and a road sign. The consensus of the board was to go forward with the request.
8 Citizens’/Staff Comments
There were no Citizens’/Staff comments made.
9. Non-Public Session (NH RSA 91-A:3, II c)-Personnel Matter
A motion was made by Peter Menard at 6:50 pm for the Deerfield Community School Board to go into non-public in accordance to NH RSA 91-A:3 IIc seconded by Shelly Tetrault.
Roll Call
Chair, Kevin Barry-Yes
Peter Menard-Yes
Jim Deely-Yes
Shelly Tetrault-Yes
Zach Langlois-Yes
A motion was made by Peter Menard at 7:16 pm for the Deerfield Community School
Board to come out of non-public, seconded by Jim Deely.
Roll Call
Chair, Kevin Barry-Yes
Peter Menard-Yes
Jim Deely-Ues
Shelly Tetrault-Yes
Zach Langloies-Yes
A personnel issue was discussed.
Chair, Kevin Barry noted that no action was taken.
10. Appointments and Resignations
Supt. Patty Sherman informed the members of the board that the following people were retiring at the end of the year.
Jan Szelset-has been a para-professional since1979 and will be retiring at the end of the year
Martha Powers-Kindergarten Teacher will be retiring at the end of this school year and currently is under medical leave.
Kathy Whittaker-Spec. Educator, will be retiring at the end of this school year.
Supt. Patty Sherman noted that the school board does not need to take any action.
11. Adjournment
A motion was made by Shelly Tetrault to adjourn the May 6th, Deerfield Community Board meeting at 7:19 PM, seconded by Jim Deely.
Next Scheduled Meeting: June 3, GB White