CRESTWOOD SIX MOVIE NIGHT-On Friday, July 11, we will be showing "Winter's Tale" starring Colin Farrell in this romantic drama adapted from the novel by Mark Helprin. Also starring are Russell Crowe, William Hurt, Jennifer Connelly and Eva Marie Saint. Cool off on this summer evening in mythical New York City in a story that spans more than a century. This movie is rated PG-13 and is 2 hours and 9 minutes long. Doors open at 6pm and the movie starts at 7pm. Come early to sit, chat and enjoy refreshments that will be served prior to the meeting. All are welcome for a low price of $2. Any questions, call Marianne or Julie at 732-849-5363. See you at the movies!

CHAIR & GENTLE YOGANow is the perfect time to start a yoga practice! Warm weather usually helps to ease stiff joints and aching muscles, and doing yoga will increase the benefits by warming you up from the inside as well. Using deep breathing techniques and gentle stretching, yoga can relax and rejuvenate the body and mind. In a calm and relaxed atmosphere, you'll increase your oxygen flow, lubricate joints and lengthen muscles. Stress and anxiety melt away as you gain clarity and focus. Along with relaxing, you will also strengthen bones and balance-exactly what we need to avoid falls and fractures. Come join us on Tuesday evenings at 6 pm for chair need to get on the floor. Friday mornings at 9:30 am, gentle yoga classes are held for those who can get on a mat and move from floor to standing/sitting. No experience necessary-all levels are welcome. Participants should wear soft comfortable clothing, and not eat an hour prior to class. Each session is 75 minutes long, ending with resting pose for quiet meditation and reflection. Please bring a yoga mat, even for chair yoga, as they are used underneath the chairs to prevent slipping. FIRST CLASS IS FREE FOR ALL NEWCOMERS. Classes run all year, in 6 week cycles-$36 for full session (6 classes) You may join in at any time; classes will be pro-rated if we're in mid session. Diane Bruton, RYT, is a resident to Village Six and can be reached at 732-849-5806. NO CLASSES WILL BE HELD ON FRIDAY JULY 4 OR TUESDAY, JULY 15.

WEDNESDAY BOOK CLUB-"Loving Frank" by Nancy Horan is a novel about the affair between two bold, intelligent and unforgettable real life characters. Mameh and her husband commissioned Frank Lloyd Wright to design their new home and thus began their affair-each married with children-which shocked society. Based on Mameh's diary, letters and newspaper articles, the author presents a story of a complex relationship of a genius and a woman who lived her philosophy of freedom women yearn to have and the consequences when they try to achieve it. Choices have consequences and our group discussed values and morals of the 1900's and now. New members are welcome to join. Our meetings are at the clubhouse 2pm and on July 23, we will be discussing "Breath-A memoir" Estelle Kraysler 732-350-8377

LIBRARY-Happy Summer everyone-let's hope it's a good one. This month we are featuring Big Beach Books, to help you enjoy the Beach, the Lake or your favorite place to relax. A little bit of everything-"State of Fear" by Michael Crichton, Linda Howard's "The Mackensies", "Caribbean" by James Michner, P.D.James "The Murder Room: and William Martins "Cape Cod". If you cannot find your book on the regular shelf, look in the "Large Print"section. Our collection is growing by leaps and bounds. Our "non-fiction" books are now in the large book case in the back room. True crime stories are here, among others that may interest you. Come in and check it out. "Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person will not be there again. Give time to love, give time to speak! And give time to share the precious thoughts in your mind. And always remember-life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away". George Carlin Maryann Keegan Library Committee

PINE BARREN BOOKWORMS-The Pine Barren Bookworms will meet on Sunday, July 20 from 2-4 pm. July's book discussion will be John Grisham's novel "The Confession". In 1998, in the small east Texas city of Sloan, Travis Boyette abducted and killed a popular high school cheerleader. He buried her body so that it would never be found, then watched in amazement as police and prosecutors arrested and convicted, a local football star, and marched him off to death row. Now nine years have passed. Travis has just been paroled in Kansas for a different crime. Travis suffers from an inoperable brain tumor. For the first time in his miserable life, he decides to do what's right and confess. But how can a guilty man convince lawyers, judges and politicians that they're about to execute an innocent man? For more information, call Kathy Hansen at 732-941-4353 or Adrianne Ciafardini at 201-294-0608.

DEERFIELD SONGSTERS-At the time of this writing, the Deerfield Songsters’ Spring Concert has not yet occurred, but it promises to be another “winner.” Since our concert is scheduled for Flag Day, we will include a number of patriotic songs, both in our performance and in the sing-along part of our program. Our accompanist Jane Wein and chorus member Nancy Matosko (also a fine pianist) will again treat us to a four-hands piano duet of a Sousa composition, Harmonica Wizard. As usual, the program features familiar songs as well as a few newer choral compositions that are a fine addition to our repertoire. We’re sure our audience will not have been disappointed and will be humming a happy tune as they leave our program. In addition to our wonderful piano accompanist Jane, we will have also been joined by Sal Sanfilippo, our excellent percussionist. This year we were fortunate enough to add Justin Lee, a very talented bass player. These fine musicians go a long way toward enhancing our performances. The Songsters will have a leisurely summer to rest up for the beginning of our fall season. Our first rehearsal will be September 4, 2014, at 9:45 AM the clubhouse. We are always happy to welcome new singers. Our group is available to present a December Holiday program in early to mid-December, or a spring program in late May or early June for local clubs or organizations. Please call me if you would like information about booking the Deerfield Songsters to entertain your group. Pam Unger, Director (732-716-1628)

RESIDENTS CLUB-As this is my last article for the Chatter, I would like to thank all the officers and volunteers who helped me make all our affairs the huge success they were. As we turn over the reigns to the new incoming slate of officers we would like to welcome Eva Lakowitz as the new President and her slate of officers. We wish them the best of luck in the operation of the Residents Club, and we, the outgoing slate will be there to help them get acclimated in their new positions. July 19th will bring Don Pesce to our monthly social. This will be a $10 dance with just snacks, dessert, coffee/tea and soda. Doors will open at 5:30 pm with music from 6-10 pm. Tickets can be purchased on Monday mornings from 10-11 am at the clubhouse or by calling Michele at 732-350-9026. (Michele Reina is remaining as the ticket chairperson). August 16 brings us "Wild Rose" and our September 20th dance will feature Sal Sanfillipio and the Big Band music of "The Nocturnes", so let's get out and support the new officers and the Residents Club by attending these affairs. A note that Sal Sanfillipio donates his time in performing with the Songsters and at the food bank concert put on in November of last year, so let's show our support for him and come to the September 20th social. More info will follow about the upcoming dances, as the new slate decides the venues. Residents Club membership expires on June 30th, so please stop in and renew your membership. The new cards will be the ones needed to receive your discounts from our "Preferred Merchants" list. There are no Residents Club meetings in July and August, so our next meeting will be September 16th at 1:30 pm. Once again, a big thanks to my fellow officers and our volunteers who helped me these past two years. Dennis Switana, Outgoing President

WOMENS CLUB-I am happy to announce the officers for 2014-16. President, Doris Penrose, 1st VP Jane Messenger, 2nd VP Rosie Weaver, Treasurer Rita Frawley, Secretary, Ginger Allen, Good and Welfare, Sharon Brauer, Membership, Barbara Hannill and Ginny Konefal and the ladies that set the tables and put out the refreshments at our meetings, Connie Rosa and Wanda Sznaza. Doris wants to thank all that contributed merchandise and those who helped make our silent auction a success. Our new membership enrollment starts July 1. Ginny and Barbara will be off for July and August. If you would like to join the Deerfield Womens Club, either Ginny or Barbara will be available every Monday from 10-11 am after Labor Day in the clubhouse. Also, you can join at our September 23 meeting. Membership is open to any woman, any village age 55 or older, so come out and have fun with us. Please continue reading our articles for any future updates. Jane Messenger, 1st VP 732-350-2390.

BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP-The group met on June 27, and speaker Anthony Lipari had a great presentation with a question and answer session following. The meetings are open to anyone in the area, not just Village 6. They are informal and informative with refreshments served. The group will break for July and August. Please check the Sun for fall dates in July and August. The group meets in the clubhouse on the fourth Friday of the month in the D&E rooms from 1-3. Any questions, call Rosie at 732-881-1044.

TRAVEL CLUB-Don't wait to the last minute to book one of our exciting trips since they fill up rather quickly. On Thursday, August 14 we will tour the United StatesMilitaryAcademy at West Point, NY. We'll lunch at the Brotherhood Winery and have a tour and wine tasting. Trip cost is $85. Deposit is $45 with balance to be paid by July 7. On Thursday, September 4, we return to Harrah's Casino and Harness racing in PA. You will receive $30 slot play with a trip that costs $30. Horse racing may change at the casino's discretion. On Thursday, October 9 we'll enjoy at pleasant sit-down lunch at the Crab Trap Restaurant overlooking the GreatEggHarborBay in Somers Point. We'll then move on to Resorts Casino on the Boardwalk. Resorts will be giving us a $25 slot bonus. Trip costs $50. Deposit is $25 with balance to be paid by August 25. On Thursday, October 23 we return for shopping and gambling at the Outlets at Sands Casino in PA. You will receive a $30 slot play and a $5 food coupon. Trip cost$30. On Thursday, November 6, enjoy a day of shopping at Peddler's Village in PA with lunch at the Cock'N Bull. Trip cost $50. Deposit is $25 with balance due September 29. Wednesday, December 3 we start the holiday season by being entertained by Bobby Vinton and Jimmy Sturr and his orchestra at the Taj Mahal. Slot plat is $25. Trip costs $65. Deposit is $35 with balance due by October 27. Tickets are sold every Monday morning between 10-11am. Non residents of Village VI are always welcome. As a reminder, all casino bonuses may be changed at the casino's discretion. Please call either Marianne at 732-849-5363 or Doris at 732-716-1460.

SAFETY PATROL-Thanks to the vigilance of our alert Safety Patrol members, 14 of our residents during May escaped having a deer in the living room. Now that the weather is nicer, please be aware that open garage doors are an invitation to our four legged friends to do havoc in the garage or even the living room. Most of our villagers are in compliance with the regulation that prohibits parked cars on the streets at night. Illegal parking is hazardous to police, ambulances and fire equipment. Warning letters are being posted on the car windows of people who don't seem to get it. Have a great summer. Fran O'Connor, Chief

Please help Any information you would like to see included in the newsletter, has to be put in my paper chute (36 Stonybrook Rd ) by the 5th of each month. Please be sure to use a clothespin to hold it in. Also, because of space, long items will be subject to editing. Thank you Jean Balliet, Editor.


If you have items you wish to sell, take it to Valerie or Camille in the Maintenance office. The office will get the information to me.

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