St. Margaret’s Church, Oxford

Joint Benefice of St. Giles and St. Philip and St. James with St. Margaret

Sunday, 19 March 2017 (3rd Sunday of Lent)

8:00 am: Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer)

Celebrant: Tom Albinson

10:30 am: Parish Eucharist

Celebrant & Sermon: Andrew Bunch

I heard the voice of Jesus say
As pants the hart for cooling streams
All ye who seek a comfort sure / Psalm:
Exod. 17:1-7
Rom. 5:1-11
John 4:5-42
Insanae et vanae curae (Haydn)

Coffee and tea will be served at the back of the church

after the Parish Eucharist – please stay and join us.

The church is equipped with an audio induction loop system –

please switch your hearing aid to the T position if applicable.

6:00 pm: Evening Prayer

Officiant: Michèle Crawford

Lord, hear the praises
The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended / Psalms:
1, 112
Gen. 50:15-26
Matt. 2:13-end

Services and events this coming week

Tuesday / 8:30 am
9:00 am / Morning Prayer
Wednesday / 8:30 am / Morning Prayer
Thursday / 8:30 am
9:00 am / Morning Prayer
Friday / 8:30 am
9:00 am / Morning Prayer
Toddler Service
(The Annunciation) / 9:00 am
10:00 am / Eucharist
Sunday / 8:00 am
10:30 am
6:00 pm / Holy Communion
Parish Eucharist
Evening Prayer

St. Margaret’s Church, Oxford

Vicar: Canon Andrew Bunch, The Vicarage, Church Walk, Oxford OX2 6LY.

Telephone 01865 510460 – email .

Associate Priest: Rev’d Tom Albinson, 19a St. Margaret’s Road, Oxford OX2 6RX.

Telephone 01865 515409 / 07426 948251 – email .

Visit our website at:

Notices for Sunday, 19 March 2017

Thank you to everyone who supported the recent Jam, Jelly and Marmalade sale. The remaining jars will be on sale after the Parish Eucharist today – money raised will be helping with the purchase of choir cassocks and aprons for the catering team.

Sunday 26 March is Mothering Sunday, when we give thanks for those who have Mothered us and those who continue to Mother us in life and in faith. All are welcome to the service, which starts at 10:30am. After the service Isabel Tate will be selling some cakes to raise money to support the women (all mothers) she was teaching in Peru last year.

Would you like to do help out occasionally at the 10.30 service, by doing a reading, leading the intercessions or serving tea and coffee afterwards?

A new rota will be produced this month, and new volunteers for any of these duties would be very welcome. It's not a big commitment and is much appreciated. Please get in touch with Frances Bagnall-Oakeley (frbagnall or 01865 310886) if you might be able to help. Thank you!

MOET: We are organising another shipment for the orphanage in Malawi that Stuart Brand introduced us to. The container will be leaving in May.

If anyone would like to contribute please contact Samantha or James: light-weight and knitted children's clothes, girls' and boys' underwear, shoes; jotters, pencils, crayons, pencil sharpeners, rubbers, ball point pens; some flat footballs or rugby balls with pumps and needles for inflation, tennis balls; reading books (not too many as they are so heavy), board games, e.g. draughts, chess. A special request is for laptops with good battery life as there is only an intermittent power supply and PCs are useless when the power is off. We will also need some cash to cover transport costs. E-mail: or .

Kneelers: A group meets monthly to create new kneelers for St. Margaret’s. We would very much welcome some more stitchers. Experience is not necessary. For details email .

Sunday 2 April, 3:00pm in St. Margaret’s: there will be an informal concert in memory of Sheila Weatherhead. Everyone is welcome to attend. The performers are drawn from the wider St Margaret's Church family and friends, young and old. The music will include Mozart's Flute and Harp Concerto and Fauré’s Requiem. There will be afternoon tea after the concert.

Tuesdays 4 and 11 April, 6:00pm in Queen’s College Chapel: This year’s two Oxford Lent Concerts will feature choral and instrumental music by Taverner, Tye, and Vivaldi, along with rarely heard pieces by Steffani, Cardoso and Leitão de Aviles. The Baroque music’s Lenten themes will be illuminated by modern icons by artists Alison Berrett, Nicholas Mynheer,

Tim Steward and Roger Wagner. Admission free – retiring collections for Christian Aid, Médecins Sans Frontières and The Gatehouse, Oxford.

For disabled access telephone the Porters’ Lodge on 01865 279120.

For full programme details visit

Daniel and Sandra Howe, members of St Margaret’s since 1993, living now in Los Angeles, California would like to learn about available housing in Oxford for some or all of the period 26 July – 25 August. Renting, house-sitting, or house-swapping are all possibilities. Please reply to .

There is now a community notice board in the porch for advertising items wanted or for sale, holiday accommodation etc. Items for the notices or pewsheet should be handed to Michael Brooker or emailed to by 12:00 pm on Thursday.

Prayer Requests

Sick: Audrey Faber, Raoul Franklin, Christina Dagleish, Margaret Holmes, Polly, Anne Screech, Seth Ward, Tina Milkovic, Pius Munoli, Hilda Langwec, David Upton, Jeanne Needham, Beth Fairbairn, John Davey

RIP: Ann Taylor (23/2/2017)

Year’s mind: James William “Jim” Harris (22/3/2004), Anthony Aston Smith (22/3/2010), Pauline Moon (22/3/2013), John Ashby (24/3/2015)