1 / Dee Dee’s Pawn Star Shop Website /

Executive Summary

[Overview of Executive Summary


xecutive Summaries are exactly what they imply, a brief description of the project that a busy executive may read to understand the purpose, main points, and deliverables of a project. They are tailored so upper management understands how the project fits into the mission and goals of the organization.

Unlike the aforementioned templates in this document the Executive Summary is known for its brevity. However, the importance of this template is to be able to recognize and report the most important things the executives need to know so there are no “surprises” during the project run.


Insert Executive Summary narrative here.

Executive Summary

Version Control

Project Charter

Team Contract

Project Scope

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)


Communications Matrix

Risk Matrix

Project Schedule



Reflections: What I Learned

Version Control

Version Number / Assignment Number / Date
1.0 / U01a1

Project Charter

We will determine the needs for hardware, cost of hosting and developing this site and discuss that in detail with the client prior to starting. After those needs are determined and agreed upon we will aggressively move toward completion.

Project Title: Operation Website

Project Start Date: 4/8/2014 Project Finish Date: 5/15/2014

Budget:Total budget for this project is $10,000

Project Manager: Monica Thomas

Project Objectives: We will determine the needs of Dee Dee’s Pawn Star Shop and create a website to suit their needs.

Approach:Through strong communication with the client and regular meetings.

  • Meet with client to determine their needs
  • Create a design for the webpage
  • Create a database to integrate with the website for Dee Dee’s Pawn Star Shop.
  • Launch website and present it to the client for review.
  • Complete project with a happy customer.

Our background experience and skills will ensure success with this project.

  • Strengths:Our Company has successfully created websites for over 20 years. All of our team members are senior level experts.
  • Weaknesses We must work on staying within our budget.
  • Opportunities We take advantage of certifications and trainings to keep our staff well skilled.
  • Threats Our competitors are working for rates that are much lower than ours and at faster speed.

KnownProject Risks, Constraints, & Assumptions

  • Risks Going over budget
  • Constraints Time is our biggest constraint because we only have a month.
  • Assumptions We assume that Dee Dee’s Pawn Star Shop has funding in place at the start of the project.

Roles and Responsibilities:Monica will oversee the project, Blake will be developing the website and Lisa will create the database for their website.

Name / Role / Position / Contact Information
Monica Thomas / Project Manager / PM / 555-555-5599
Blake Smalls / Web Developer / Developer / 555-555-5598
Lisa Harris / Database Developer / DBA / 555-555-5597

Team Contract

We will complete this project on time and within budget. Three weekly meetings are required for each team member to communicate needs and progress as we move forward. We absolutely are limited to $10,000 on this budget and must stick to that. Please contact the project manager with any problems as they arise.

Project Name: Operation Website
Project Manager: Monica Thomas
Team Members. /
  1. Monica Thomas
  2. Blake Smalls
  3. Lisa Harris

A. Commitments. / Analyze project needs and create a website to fit the needs of the company.
B. Team Meeting. / The participation ground rules include:
  1. Everyone must participate and convey their current status to the team.

The communication ground rules include:
  1. Each person will be given 5 minutes to deliver their current status to the team.
  2. All follow-up questions or comments must wait until everyone has had a chance to deliver their status in order to make sure there is time for everyone to speak.

The problem-solving ground rules include:
  1. Any issues that are blocking a team member’s progress will take precedence in the follow-up discussion. Any other issues will be discussed if time permits.

The decision-making ground rules include:
  1. Every team member is allowed to give input for all decisions, but the Project Manager has the final say.

The conflict-handling ground rules include:
  1. Team members will attempt to work out any conflicts that may arise on their own.
  2. If necessary, the Project Manager willmediate a discussion about the conflict in a separate meeting with the relevant team members.

C. Meeting Guidelines. / 1. Meetings will be held every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9:30 am for one month.[FJ1]
2. Meetings will be called by Monica Thomas.
3. Agendas will be issued every Monday by Monica Thomas
4. Meetings will be facilitated by Blake Smalls.
5. Evaluations of meetings will be conducted every third meeting.
6. Lisa Harris will issue minutes within one day of the meeting.
D. Meeting Procedures. /
  1. The Project Manager will make any necessary announcements to the entire team.
  2. The Project Manager will select each person to deliver their status until everyone has had a turn.
  3. The Project Manager will revisit any issues brought up by each team member in order of importance, and the team will discuss how to solve these issues.
  4. Once all of the issues have been resolved or time runs out, the meeting will end. If any issues still exist, a follow-up meeting with the relevant team members will be scheduled.

Team Member Signatures:


Project Manager: Monica Thomas


Sr. Web Developer: Blake Smalls


SQL Database Developer: Lisa Harris


  • Monica Thomas- Project Manager
  • Blake Smalls – Web Developer
  • Lisa Harris – Database Developer
  • Code of Conduct (New Section)

Our Code of Conduct includes working with a high level of ethics and sticking to our deadline and to the client’s requirements.

  • Collaboration Tools: MS Project, regular meetings [FJ2]and white board check list.

Project Scope

Dee Dee’s Pawn Star Shop has an existing web site that contains three pages. The home page talks about the pawn shop and why[FJ3] their services. The second page introduces the staff of the pawn shop to their customers. The third page contains their contact information and location.

We will be redesigning the entire site. Our redesign includes five pages:

  • The home page will still feature the services of the pawn shop. It will be redesigned to include a scrolling photo of three pictures. Dee Dee’s Pawn Star Shop has given us the three pictures for this page. The pictures are of happy customers. One picture is of a customer holding a check from her pawned merchandise. The second picture is of a happy customer who has purchased an Xbox at a discount price. And the third picture is of a customer leaving with a laptop that they purchased.We are adding a header to include a drop down menu[FJ4]. This header will appear on each page.
  • The second page will have a linked data base where each customer will be required to set up their account.[FJ5] Each user will be able to access their accounts, make payments, view their balance and due dates. They will be able to apply for an extension on their account. This will be granted based on “if else” rules. If the customer is not allowed an extension the page will show a message to call the store.
  • The third page of this website will feature the products that are on sale. Each item displayed will allow the customer to purchase the item and have it shipped to their house.
  • The fourth page will display a picture of the Owner, Manager and Assistant Manager of Dee Dee’s Pawn Star shop. A bio will be displayed beside the picture along with a link to their email address.
  • The fifth page will give directions to the store from 3 major highways in the city.

Project Scope

The scope of this project includes and excludes the following items:

In scope:

  • Redesign of website
  • Development of SQL database.[FJ6]
  • Training for users/employees.
  • Hosting services.

Out of scope:

  • Future redesigns or changes to the website.
  • Future training sessions.
  • Upgrades or changes to the database.

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

The second view is a list view or outline of the WBS.

Project: Dee Dee’s Pawn Star Shop Website


1.1Redesign website


2.1Client has provided all web content

2.2Redesign website[FJ7]

2.3Create and link database

2.4Meetings on updates every Monday, Wednesday and Friday


3.1Test site and database

3.2Employee training on new site

4.0Hosting plan

4.1Host Plan for client.


5.1Project Complete


  • Our scope includes
  • Web development
  • Database development
  • Training for users
  • Hosting of the site


Our budget is $10,000 and this includes us completing this project in a month. Developing the website, linked database and hosting are included in this.

  • Each employee is on our payroll.[FJ8]
  • Life time hosting is included in the rate[FJ9].
  • Training of Dee Dee’s Pawn Star employees is in the rate.
  • Author Comments – Add Column

Communications Matrix

We will strive to address all communication needs for this project for its duration through Project Status Reports, Voice mail status updates, status meetings and regular video conferencing with stakeholders.

Information / Provider / Recipient(s) / Frequency / Medium / Location
Project Status Report / PM / Stakeholders / Bi-weekly / Email / SharePoint
Status Updates Voice Mail / PM / Stakeholders / weekly / Voice mail / Phone
Status Meetings / PM / Client / Weekly / Face to Face / On site
Video Conferencing / PM / Stakeholders / Weekly / Video Conference / Cisco web conference

Risk Matrix

We do not anticipate that we will run into problems however we create this risk matrix for our stakeholders to be aware of what potential problems may be and how we will approach them if they do come into the picture. We hold the utmost confidence in our team and anticipate an outcome to exceed your expectations.
Our Project Manager Monica Thomas is experienced in web and database development. She is proficient in CSS, JAVA Script, HTML and SQL. These are the tools that will be used in this project. She will be able to direct developers on any coding problems that may come up. Because of her background and skilled leadership if we run into the problem of skillsets not being up to date this can be addressed with hands on training and mentoring from the Project Manager.

A second potential risk is the client rejecting the redesign, to address this we will be holding meeting twice a week on Monday and Wednesday to update them on the look of the site, functionality and how this fits into the final picture. The client will have a weekly update and visual picture of the progress and anticipated outcome. Any concerns that they have will immediately be addressed during these sessions. The Lead Developer and Project Manager will be in these meetings and can make changes as well as demonstrate any visual features that the client may be seeking. Our team will be updated on these changes and the meeting updates as they happen.

Another potential risk is being unprepared prior to our start date. We address this by having our requirements in place prior to the start date, we have a design prepared and will meet with our entire team beforehand. In this meeting they will be given an overview of Dee Dee’s Pawn Star Shop operations, current web site along with our objectives. Task will be assigned and a time line issued.

Our last part of the risk matrix will address the risk of limited access to the Project Manager. Our Project Manager has interviewed all team members, they all have her phone number and e-mail address. Monica will also be onsite and actively involved with the project. In addition to this three meetings a week will be held with all team members. In the event of illness or emergency our Senior Developer will be on site for contact.

These risk will be monitored by Lead Developers and the Project Manager. Once a risk is identified we will move into a corrective solution. The Project Manager will be notified by phone. We will rate the risk based on a system of low, medium and high. Ranking is based on how long it will take to correct the risk and the impact that it has on the overall project. The stakeholders will be notified and presented with our detailed corrective solution.

Risk / Probability (L,M,H) / Severity (L,M,H) / Mitigation Approach / Notify / Reaction time
Team skill sets not up to par / L / H / Re-train team, mentor skillsets / PM / Immediate
Client rejecting website / L / H / Meet with client and share updates, ask for feedback twice a week / PM / Immediate
Not being prepared prior to project start date / L / H / Detail of req and plan before start date / PM / Immediate
Limited access to PM / L / H / PM is onsite, regular metins / PM / Immediate

Example of Risk charts as they will appear in the report

Color code = red is HIGH, yellow is MODERATE, and green is LOW

Project Risk

RISK / Notify / Action Plan / Corrected / Update Sent
Client rejected redesign / Monica Thomas / In progress / Yes / yes
Limited Access to PM / Jada Picket- Executive Assistant / activated / Yes / yes

Project Schedule



chedules are used throughout the project. Usually a project manager is told how much time is available to complete a project. Many times a project manager has to make the project “fit” into the time allotted. However, when a detailed schedule is created the project manager may have to go back to the sponsor to discuss a more realistic schedule to achieve the product of the project.

A detailed schedule is not put in place until the Scope Statement and Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is discussed and created by the project team. The schedule emanates from the Scope Statement and Work Breakdown Structure.

Part of the reason for introducing students to Microsoft Project software is to enable them to use this tool to effectively create a project schedule for their assignment. Do not be afraid to use features introduced in the MS Project Labs such as hyperlinks to relevant websites or using notes or comments to clarify the milestones or tasks.

Embedded below is a blank Microsoft Project document:][L10]

[GUIDANCE: Moving towards Distinguished Performance on the Project Schedule

Please add this additional information in the appropriate places in the body of the section above. Here are some additional things that may be added to the template to customize it or elaborate on information that is known about the project:

  • Separate Word Document explaining and clarifying the schedule.
  • If the Task is Greater than 8-10 Working Days, it May Need to Be Broken Down Into Smaller Tasks
  • Schedule Shows Predecessors to Tasks.
  • Use of the Note Feature in MS Project.
  • Use of the Comment Feature in MS Project.
  • Use of the Hyperlink Feature in MS Project.
  • Add Resources to the Tasks.
  • Customize the Look of the Gantt chart.
  • Create a Callout on a Specific Task that will need Attention.][L11]



Reflections: What I Learned

[Within your reflections narrative, please answer the following questions:

  • What did you learn from the project?
  • What was the most important thing you learned?
  • Is this information immediately helpful to you now?
  • How are you able to apply these skills to future IT projects?
  • Any other relative thoughts or comments on the course subject matter?][L14]

Capella University IT3125 | Confidential /

[FJ1]Where? How long will the meeting be? Since you have a tight time constraint, it should probably be relatively short.

[FJ2]Will any of these meetings be online? You could add the online meeting tools you’ll use (Lync, GoToMeeting, etc.)

[FJ3]Why their services what? Or do you just mean “and their services”?

[FJ4]What’s included in the drop down menu? I would think you would also want a login page as well so they only have to login once to view their account and to make purchases.

[FJ5]The account setup could be part of the login page by including that as an option (“Want to Register? Click here.”), and the account details page will only be an option in the dropdown menu if they are logged in.

[FJ6]Since you’re including a new ordering page, are you hooking it up to an existing interface for the business to see orders, or does this interface need written as well? I’m assuming the customer wouldn’t want to look at a raw SQL database to see orders.

[FJ7]Why is this listed twice? If this is really different from 1.1, you should describe it in a different way. It also sounds like it should go into the “Execute” category unless this is just the brainstorming portion.

[FJ8]You may want to estimate what portion of the $10,000 each of these items will consume.

[FJ9]Does this include support cases as well?

[L10]DELETE this OVERVIEW and this COMMENT BEFORE submitting u04a1.

[L11]DELETE this GUIDANCE and this COMMENT BEFORE submitting u04a1.

[L12]Textbooks, periodicals, website information may be documented here. DELETE this COMMENT BEFORE submitting u05a1.

[L13]Any additional information or views of the project plan may be placed here. DELETE this COMMENT BEFORE submitting u05a1.

[L14]DELETE this COMMENT BEFORE submitting u05a1.