DEATHS: John O'Halloran

ANNIVERSARIES:Nelly Young, Johnny Young, Annie Dineen, Maryanne Barron, Edmund Horgan, Bridget Harty, Maurice Harty, Denis Harty,Pearl Costelloe, Barth Costelloe


Sat. 7.30pm. Nelly & Johnny Young, Annie Dineen, Maryanne Barron

Sun. 10.00am. Edmund Horgan

Tues. 6.00pm. November Lists

Wed. 7.30pm. Special Mass for the Dead. All on the Nov. lists, with those who died

during the year especially remembered. Eucharistic Adoration until 9.00pm. (Note - Mass 7.30pm. not 7.00pm. as per last week's newsletter)

Thurs 6.00pm. Private Intention

Fri. 7.30pm. Maurice, Bridget & Denis Harty

Sat. 7.30pm. Timmy, Nora & Bernie Leahy, Ronald Murphy

Sun. 10.00am. John, Paddy & Willie O'Connor

READERS: Sat. 7.30pm. Deirdre Flynn Sun.10.00am. Jackie O'Carroll

EUCHARISTIC DEVOTION - Thursday 4.30. - 5.50pm.


HOLY HOUR: Every Tues during November in Ballyduff Church, 7.00 - 8.00pm.

PARISH OFFICE Tues - Fri.- 10.30am. - 1.00pm. (066) 71 48404

GRAVEYARD ROSARY: Sunday next 16th November - St. John's graveyard - 2.30pm. sharp. Killury graveyard - 2.50pm. sharp

CONGRATULATIONS to Cormac Flynn & Hannah Kennedy on their marriage

ANNUAL EVENING OF PRAYER FOR CAUSEWAY PARISH will take place on Tuesday, 18th Nov. 8.00 - 11.00pm. Please make a special effort to attend.

READERS OF THE WORD: Would you like to be a reader at Mass? If so please give your name to Fr. Brendan or Nellie

IRISH HEART FOUNDATIONrecent collection - €300. Thanks to all who contributed.

CCE OPEN DAY: Causeway branch is holding an "Open Day" at An Tochar Adult Education Centre on Sunday, 9th Nov. 2.00 - 4.00pm.

CAUSEWAY CCE - Branch meeting - Wed. 12th Nov. - Yallops - 9.00pm.

CHOIR PRACTICE: Tuesday, 11th November in the Church - 8.00 - 9.00pm.

NA LEANAI CHILDCARE CENTRE: Annual Fund Raising Quiz on Fri. 21st Nov. in Hartys. Tables of 4 - €20. Your support is appreciated. Raffle and spot prizes.

KILLURY N.S. PARENTS ASSOCIATION - clothing & mobile phone collection on Tuesday 13th Nov. to raise funds for the school. Bags can be dropped at the school on Thursday morning. Your support is appreciated.

CAUSEWAY MACRA is holding a 5Km Run this Sunday, 9th Nov. in Causeway Village. Registration €5 starting at 11.30am. Free T-shirt & medals for all participants.

SENIOR CITIZENS CHRISTMAS PARTY - Meeting of Committee on Tues. 11th Nov. - 8.00pm. - Killury School. All members please make a special effort to attend.

COMEDY PLAY: Camp Drama Group present "A Wake in the West" - Fri. 14th Nov. - McHale's Function Room - 8.00pm. Directed by Mary Cantillon Moran. Come along and enjoy this very humorous play.

IRISH NIGHT: Saturday, 15th Nov. - Harty's Bar. All welcome.


DEATHS: Kathleen Dale (nee O'Connor), London & Hearthill, John Prendergast, Ballymacelligott, (brother of Helen Casey)

ANNIVERSARIES:Anthony Guerin, Willie Guerin Jnr., Maria Harrington, Esther McCarthy, Dan O'Connell, Shelly Flavin, Jackie Flavin, Patricia O'Carroll (nee Dore),

Babe Boyle


Sat. 6.30pm. Anthony & Willie Guerin Jnr. Maria Harrington, Ester McCarthy

Sun. 11.00am. Shelley & Jackie Flavin, Dan O'Connell,

Babe Boyle & dec. of Boyle family

Tues. 7.00pm. November lists - Holy Hour - silent

Wed 7.00pm. Dec. members of Active Retirement Group

Thurs 7.00pm. Patricia O'Carroll (nee Dore)

Fri. 7.00pm. Gerald Lynch - Month's Mind

Sat. 6.30pm. Kathleen O'Sullivan, Maureen Whyte, Michael Freemantle

Sun. 11.00am. Christy Dalton - Month's Mind

READERS: Sat.6.30pm Jack Harrington Sun. 11.00am.Helen Casey

EUCHARISTIC DEVOTION- Thursday 11.00am. - 1.00pm


DIVINE MERCY: Every Sunday in Ballyduff Church - 3.00pm.

HOLY HOUR: Every Tuesday in Nov. in BallyduffChurch - 7.00 - 8.00pm.

PARISH OFFICE - Tues. - Fri.- 10.30am. - 1.00pm. 066 7148404

WELCOME TO GOD'S FAMILY: Baby Brandon George O'Connor

CONFESSIONS: Tuesday during Holy Hour

PERMANENT DIACONATE: On Saturday, 18th November, Conor Bradley, Milltown and Jean Yves, Sneem will be ordained to the Diaconate by Bishop Ray in Killarney Cathedral at 12 noon. It is a very important day for Conor and Jean, their families and the Diocese. We welcome them as Deacons and we pray for God's blessing on them in the coming years All are welcome to attend

GRAVEYARD ROSARY: This Sunday, 9th Nov. Rahela - 2.30pm., Rattoo - 2.50pm.

Derrico - 3.15pm. Cilín - 3.40pm. All times sharp.

BALLYDUFF ACTIVE RETIREMENT: Annual Mass for members and deceased members of Wednesday, 112th November - 7.00pm.

IRISH BLOOD TRANSFUSION BOARD: Blood Donor Clinic at the Brandon

Hotel, Tralee, Tues., Wed. & Thurs, 11th, 12th & 13th Nov, 3.00 - 5.00pm. & 7.00 - 9.00pm. daily

BALLYDUFF CRAFT FAIR - Sunday, 30th Nov. 2014 in the Community Centre from 11.00am. - 5.00pm. Enquiries to Marie - 087 2424508 or Betty - 087 6403152

BUDS NEWS: Walking group starting on Monday, 10th Nov. meeting at Buds 7.30pm. Mon & Wed. Ballyduff representatives will attend the All Ireland Final of "Pride of Place" in Ennis on 15th Nov. Session 7 Baby & Me programme on Thursday, 13th Nov.

Ballyduff Men's Shed is on the final run before opening its door to the community before Christmas. We need a selection of items and a couple of extra hands to help finish stage one. Your support is appreciated. Free evening group computer classes - one night (to be decided) a week for 4 weeks. If interested please contact reception - 7148883 giving name and contact number. Men's breakfast club every Friday morning, 10.00 - 11.30am.

LAST WORD: Slow down and enjoy life. It is not only the scenery you miss by going too fast - you also miss the sense of where you are going and why!!