Ph.D Student and Teaching Assistant

Mechanical and Materials Engineering Dept.


10555 West Plaglar Street.

Miami, Florida-33174

Phone:305-348-6552, e-mail:


To obtain a position which is research oriented and teaching related.


  • Metal Matrix CNT composites coatings.
  • Studying mechanical properties of materials at nanoscale using nano-indentation techniques.


Pursuing Ph.D in Dept. of MME, Florida International University

Starting: Fall,2007 – continuing (Current GPA 4.0/4.0)

M. Tech. in Materials and Metallurgical Engineeringfrom IIT, Kanpur, India(CPI-10.0/10.0)

Aug,1998 – May,2000

B.E in Metallurgy from BengalEngineeringCollege, Shibpur,INDIA (78.82%)

Aug, 1994 - June,1998


More than 8 years of professional experience in industry as well as in R&D.


  1. Vocational training at INDAL, Belur
  2. Working at Indian Aluminium Co. Ltd., Belur, India from May,1999 to January,2001 as Metallurgist, R&D.
  3. Worked as Visiting Scientist in Nuclear Fuel Complex, Dept. of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India, Hyderabad, India from July,2001 to July,2003.
  4. Worked as Scientific Officer D in Nuclear Fuel Complex, Hyderabad From August, 2003 –July,2007



Effect of thermo-mechanical treatment on low carbon manganese micro alloyed dual phase steel


Effect of  Processing on microstructural evolution of Ti-6Al-4V alloy


1. Statistical Process Control (INDAL, with ISI, Kolkata)

2. Product Development (INDAL)

3. Residual stress analysis by XRD technique (NFC)

4. Modification of Residual stress measurement technique for textured materials (NFC)

5. Texture analysis for different single phase and two phase hcp materials using ODF and pole figures (NFC)

6. Line profile analysis for determination of crystal size, strains, dislocation density and stacking fault probability for hcp and fcc materials using different analysis techniques like Fourier analysis, integral breadth methods etc.(NFC)

7. Dilatometry-sintering for different metallic and ceramic pellets in different atmospheres and analysis of sintering curves(NFC)

8. Studying RCS (Rate controlled sintering) method(NFC)

9. Studying sintering kinetics and activation energy determination(NFC)


  1. Characterization of nano-mechanical properties by Nanoindentation.
  2. Plasma Spray coatings and their characterization
  3. Nano materials.
  4. XRD Characterization of materials - Texture, LPA, residual stress analysis.
  5. Sintering & kinetics studies
  6. Deformation and processing of metals & alloys.


I. Journals

1. "X-ray measurement of near surface residual stress in textured cold-worked stress relieved Zr-2.5%Nb pressure tube material", K.Kapoor, D.Lahiri, C.Padmaprabu, T.Sanyal, J. Nuclear Materials, Vol.303, 2002, pp.147-55.

  1. "Influence of crystallographic texture on X-ray residual stress measurement for Ti-3Al-2V tube material", K.Kapoor, D.Lahiri, S.V.Ramana Rao, T.Sanyal, J. Testing & Evaluation (ASTM), Vol. 31, No. 6, Nov. 2003, pp.465-71.
  1. "Effect of prior  processing on superplasticity of (+) thermo mechanically treated Ti-6Al-4V alloy" Indranil Lahiri,Debrupa Lahiri (Mondal), S.Bhargava, Materials & Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 18, No. 4, 2003, pp. 621-35.
  1. “X-ray diffraction line profile analysis for defect study in Zr-2.5%Nb material”, K.Kapoor, D.Lahiri, S.V.Ramana Rao, T.Sanyal, Bulletin of Materials Science, Jan. 2004.
  1. “On texture and microstructure development using modified route for Zr-2.5%Nb pressure tube”, K.Kapoor, D.Lahiri, T.Sanyal, BP.Kashyap, Mater. Sci. Tech., Vol. 20, No. 10, Oct. 2004, pp. 1281-98.
  1. “X-ray diffraction line profile analysis for defect study in Cu-1%Cr-0.1%Zr alloy”, K.Kapoor, D.Lahiri, I.S.Batra, S.V.R.Rao, T.Sanyal, Materials Characterization, Vol. 54, No. 2, Feb. 2005, pp.131-40.
  1. “Characterization of microstructure, texture and residual stress of fuel clad material using –ray diffraction”, K.Kapoor, S.V.R.Rao, D.Lahiri, T.Sanyal in Advanced X-ray techniques in research and industry, Ed. A.K.Singh, Capital Pub. Co., India, 2006.
  1. “Study on sintering kinetics and activation energy of UO2 pellets using three different methods”, D.Lahiri, S.V.Ramana Rao, R.K.Srivastava, G.V.S.Hemantha Rao, J. Nuclear Materials, Vol. 357, 2006, pp. 88-96.

II. Conferences

1. "Influence of crystallographic texture on X-ray residual stress measurement for Ti-3Al-2V tube material", Presented at IIM –ATM, 2001

2. “X-ray measurement of near surface residual stress in textured cold-worked stress relieved zirconium alloy component for nuclear applications”, D.Lahiri, K.Kapoor, S.V.R.Rao, T.Sanyal, Presented in ZIRC’2002, BARC, India.

3. “Effect of hot and cold deformation on texture evolution in two phase Zr-2.5wt%Nb pressure tubes for PHWR”, K.Kapoor, D.Lahiri, S.V.R.Rao, T.Sanyal, Presented in ZIRC’2002, BARC, India.

4. “Measurement of surface residual stress in textured materials”, D.Lahiri, S.V.R.Rao, R.K.Srivastava, Presented in Conf. on measurement of residual stress, Mumbai, Sept, 2005.

5. “Investigation on the effect of heating rate on sintering of uranium dioxide”, S.V.R.Rao, D.Lahiri, M.Anuradha, J.V.Rajkumar, P.Balakrishna, R.K.Srivastava, PM2006, India, Jan.2006.


1.Received scholarship through GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) during M.Tech.

2.Received best paper award in IIM-ATM (Indian Institute of Metals -Annual Technical Meeting)-2001

3.Ranked 1st in M.Tech, MME Dept., IIT Kanpur, India.

4.Ranked 3rd in B.E, Metallurgy Dept., B.E.College, Shibpur, India.

5.Appointed as visiting scientist in Nuclear Complex, India.

6.Received teaching assistantship in MME Dept. FIU, Miami, Florida for pursuing Ph.D.

7.Reviewer for ‘Materials and Manufacturing Processes’.