Notes for Substitute Teachers

Date of Absence: May 20, 2011

Assigned Teacher: Allen Supply Teacher: ______

Contact Person (Head of Department): Rob Dickson x2002

Course: SNC1PI Period(s): E Room: 2101


Location of Seating Plan:

In folder

Recording Student Attendance: (include recording instructions for students working outside the classroom, eg. student success)

Please send the attendance down with a student during last period

Lesson Outline:

Most students are on a field trip with me.
Most students are on a field trip with me. Only a few should be in class (Isaac Fowler and anyone who missed the bus).
1.  They are to use the textbooks at the front of the classroom to read pages 8-15 (stop before the biomes section) and answer questions 1-3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 15, 18 on page 21. Whatever is done should be handed in at the end of the period. Textbooks cannot leave the classroom.

Key Phone Numbers:

To reach the main office, press the office button on the classroom phone.

John, VP (A—J) / 1221 / Mark, VP (M—Z) / 1222
Paula, VP (K—L) / 1305
Sherry, guidance secretary / 1410 / Marybeth, teacher-librarian / 1705
Behaviour Room / 1502 / Colette, in-school tech / 1704

Classroom Policies:

No hats, cell phones, pagers, or personal game devices allowed
Lockers: One at a time, Use your discretion
Washroom: One at a time, Use your discretion
Ipods are allowed during individual work only. NOT allowed during videos.
There is a yellow late sign-in book on the right lab bench. Students should know to use this.

Reliable Students:

Cody Robertson, Melissa Stoltz, Chantal Szabo, Adam Joseph

Notes From Substitute Teachers:

Absent Student(s): Do not mark students scheduled to work in Rm1400 absent on bubble sheet.
Late Student(s):
Comments: (for example, students unprepared, not working, out of room for too long, etc.)