Deborah Awyzio
Director and Accredited Family Law Specialist

“I greatly respect any lawyer who conducts themselves with integrity, who has professional pride and knows the value of being courteous but firm, and who has the insight to realise that to personally invest themselves in the issues of their client devalues their worth as a lawyer”

Deborah commenced her experience as a lawyer in a general law firm at Ipswich, she is an accredited family law specialist and has over 16 years exclusive experience in Family Law. During this time Deborah has worked on the following cases:

  • Parenting matters including Hague Convention – international custody disputes
  • Property Settlements and Spousal Maintenance
  • Divorce
  • Adult child maintenance claims and child support matters
  • Contravention Applications (for breach of Court orders)
  • Appeals
  • Domestic Violence Applications
  • Child Protection Proceedings
  • Acting as Litigation Guardian
  • Financial Agreements such as pre-nuptial agreements and Child Support Agreements
  • Surrogacy – advising on surrogacy arrangements
  • Collaborative Law matters

Deborah is also on the panel of Independent Children’s Lawyers and Separate Representatives, which enables her to be appointed by the Court to represent the interests of children in court proceedings both in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia and the Children’s Court of Queensland.

Deborah appears regularly in the Federal Circuit Courtof Australia, Family Court of Australia and the Children’s Court, often as a Solicitor Advocate, avoiding the need to retain separate counsel.

Deborah regularly participates in private and Legal Aid mediations and round table conferences. She is also a Nationally Accredited Family Law Mediator.

Deborah’s approach is to work collaboratively with the client and other practitioners to resolve disputes in a cost effective logical manner.

Lisa FoleySenior Managing Solicitor

Lisahas worked exclusively infamily law and child protection for more than10years, during which time she has grown an extensive portfolio. Lisa specialises in Hague Convention cases. Lisa is passionate about achieving the best results for her clients by helping to forge sustainable, agreeable and long term solutions. She is a fast and efficient lawyer who consistently meets her clients’ expectations. Lisa’s diverse experience includes:

  • Parenting matters andHague Convention – international custody disputes including the well publicised ‘Italian Sisters’ case
  • Property Settlements and Spousal Maintenance
  • Divorce
  • Contravention Applications (for breach of Court orders)
  • Child support matters
  • Appeals
  • Domestic Violence Order applications
  • Child Protection Proceedings
  • Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal matters
  • Financial Agreements such as pre-nuptial agreements and Child Support Agreements
  • Collaborative Law matters

Lisaisexperiencedin appearing in the Federal Circuit Court of Australia and Family Court of Australia. Outside of the Courts,Lisahas also participated in private mediations, round table conferences and practising by using a collaborative approach in resolving disputes.

Outside of the office, Lisa is a gym instructor at Fitness First.

Leanne WalshSenior Solicitor

Leanne has worked exclusively in Family Law for more than 18 years. During this time she has worked on a broad range of matters as follows:

  • Divorce proceedings
  • Children’s matters including recovery and relocation orders
  • Matrimonial property settlements including financial agreements before, during and after marriage
  • Spousal Maintenance proceedings
  • Domestic violence proceedings
  • Child supportagreements
  • Child protection proceedings
  • De-facto property settlements, includingfinancial agreementsbefore, during and after relationship has broken down
  • Hague convention matters
  • Agency matters for other law firms

Leanne is also on the panel of Independent Children’s Lawyers and Separate Representatives, which enables her to be appointed by the court to represent the interests of children in court proceedings both in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia and the Children’s Court.Leanne appears regularly in these jurisdictions.

Leanne regularly particulates in family dispute resolution conferences and mediations and round table conferences.

Naomi LewisSolicitor

“Prior to working at D A Family Lawyers I worked in a large international firm, so moving to a boutique family law firm was quite a change. I come to work each day and find myselfamonglawyers who I admire for their competence, their compassion, their solution-focused approach, and, most importantly, their ability to operate as effective andzealous advocates for our clients.”

Naomi joined the DA Family Lawyers team in October 2013. Previously working as an Economist for seven years, Naomi is thoroughly immersed in the professional world. Throughout her career, Naomi has developed a sensitive, solution-focused approach to working with her clients.

Naomi aims to work toward a resolution that allows our clients to move forward with their life post-separation without anxieties about their past relationship impacting their financial security.

Often working in a team environment under our Director, Deborah Awyzio, Naomi aims to utilise many different dispute resolution techniques, including mediation, collaborative law and the court process.

Naomi has family law experience with matters involving:

  • Parenting disputes
  • Property settlements and Spousal Maintenance
  • Contravention applications
  • Domestic violence
  • Financial Agreements including pre-nuptial agreements and Child Support Agreements
  • Wills and Enduring Powers of Attorney
  • Collaborative Law matters