Brighton Alive Network Meeting
Venue: / Brighton Civic Centre
Date: / 20 October 2015
Time: / 10:00am – 11:30am
Attendance: / Sonya Williams (Red Cross); Marinda Trembath (Workskills); Dennis Crispin (Community Blitz); Sheryl Rainbird (Centacare Evolve Housing); Tim Matton-Johnston (Uniting Church); Stacey Milbourne and Maree Fudge (Communities for Children); Alyson Watts (Community Health); Melissa Green and Andrea Garland (The Smith Family); Nicki Robins (Red Cross); Deb Leek (Brighton Alive Facebook administrator).
Apologies: / Jessica Quin (Colony 47), Judy Austin (Chaps), Cathy Harper (Brighton Council), Jennifer Dundon (Uniting Care), Toni (PREP program), Mark Boonstra (Impact Communities), Jen Butler (David Llewellyn’s Office), Kate Jenkins (YOTS), Jess Tyler (Australian Hearing), Craig Farrell (MLC), Sharon Ross (Centrelink), Amanda Beattie (Mission Australia), Penni Neve (DHS), Marie Bennett (Red Cross)
Chair: / Tim Matton-Johnson
Minutes: / Dennis Crispin
1Standing Items:
1.1Nomination for chair and minute taker next meeting. / Chair – Stacey Milbourne
Minutes – Helen Ransom
1.2Guest Speakers /
  1. Deb Leek – Brighton Alive Facebook
Deb advised that the Facebook pages has been changed to a ’like’ page from a ‘friend’ page. It is now open for ads, it now has 234 likes and is growing steadily with around 10 new likes a week. It was suggested that BA Facebook run a competition to spread the word – maybe a voucher as a prize
ACTION: Deb to investigate running a competition
  1. Sonya Williams and Nicki Robins (Red Cross) ‘ Before the Harm’ program
Violence costs the community $13 b a year
Looking at ways to minimise violence, visualising what the community could look like in 20 years and what is happening now. Red Cross is running a number of information sessions on ‘Before the Harm’ before Christmas for services and residents (Wed 21 Oct and Tues 27 Oct) and a 6 module workshop maybe starting in February 2016. Red Cross will employ a person to conduct the workshops.
  1. Mark Boonstra – F.A.S.T
Due to Mark’s absence this will be carried over to the next meeting
1.3General Round. / YPCN:Nothing to report
Early Years Group:Margie reported this group has now produced a strategic plan that they would like to bring to a future Brighton Alive meeting. The group is trying to get messages out in the community about pre-kinder programs on now. Received a Brighton Council Community Grant for ‘Let’s Read’.
Community Blitz:Dennis reported that Host Agreement in place since 21 September but only 1-2 of the allocated participants are attending. Marinda advised that non-attendance would attract sanction from Centrelink. Blitz along with other partners Waterbridge, 24 Carrots, Centacare Evolve Housing has been busy planning the Spring Food Festival – great success with around 450 people attending last Sunday. Considerable discussion about events in general
ACTION: Agreed that Events Planning be discussed at the next Brighton Alive meeting – eg. Establish a calendar of events, planning events (can we have events with multiple focusses rather than several events), what are services planning and what can residents contributeand support of events by Brighton Council.
1.3 Events and Promotion / 1. Catholic Care PrEPs – open day at Albion Rd Hall on Wed 4 Nov
2. Centacare Evolve Housing – Cooking and computers course starts 29 Oct. Community survey in 2 streets in BW and Gbk starting soon
3. Mental Health Cards – handed out
4. White Ribbon Day – tagari lia and Breaking the Silence group – 25 Nov.
2 Actions arising: /
  1. BA Facebook competition – Deb Leek
  2. Events planning - all

Next Meeting / 17 November 2015