Stickford Newsletter Monthly Update

April 2016

Sunday 3rd AprilCluster Group Holy Communion 11.15am St Helen’s Church, Stickford

Stickford Community Centre

Saturday 9th April

2pm - 4pm

Games, Stalls, Raffle, Tombola

Offers of help, donations of prizes, greatly appreciated

Email or tel: 01205 480477

or contact any member of Stickford Community Centre committee

Sunday 10th AprilHoly Communion 11.15am St Helen’s Church, Stickford

Monday 11th AprilWI - A G M

Visitors welcome (£2.50) 7.15pm Stickford Community Centre

Tuesday 12th AprilKeals Club - Fun Quiz with Jean James

2pm Stickford Community CentreVisitors welcome (£1)

Cutwater Productions present


Live theatre at

Stickford Community Centre

Saturday 16th April

Tickets £6

To book contact Cheryl Steele on 01205 480477 or

Jill Catchpole on 01205 480249

Monday 18th AprilBingo 7.30pm Stickford Community Centre

Thursday 21st AprilStickford Local History Group – The Spirit of Sutterby. An illustrated talk by Geoff Wheatley and others.7.30pm Stickford Community Centre

£2.50 non-members £1 members Everyone welcome

Sunday 24th AprilMorning Prayer 11.15am St Helen’s Church, Stickford

Monday 25th AprilBingo 7.30pm Stickford Community Centre

Friday 29th AprilCoffee Morning 10.30am to 12 noon Stickford Community Centre


What, Where and importantly who...

If you look up Stickford, Lincolnshire (on paper or web site) you'll read about its history and see photographs of various monuments and buildings, but we know that a place is not the sum of its buildings - it is made by the people within it.

Having said that, there are three 'community' buildings: The Community Centre, The Red Lion Public House and St Helen's Church. Each of these share a common importance in that within their walls people can get together, meet up and congregate. They have another position in the village in that all of them raise funds in order to enhance life in the village.

In April the Community Centre will hold our Spring Fayre. A fun(d) time with the proceeds going to the maintenance and running costs of the Centre. Did you know that it is used as the meeting place for at least 7 diverse groups as well as being a venue for a theatre group?

In May The Red Lion and St Helen's Church will co- host a May Day event. The pub will launch this year's Ciders at its Cyder Fest, but will also play host to sea-side side shows (not on a sea shore!). Across the road the church will become an Arts exhibition hall. A second fun(d) day with the proceeds from the side shows and the exhibition contributing to the fund set up to bring piped water inside the church. In the past monies from this event have been donated to St Helen's and to the Community Centre.

Early in September the church and the pub will once again co-host an event: a Craft Fair in the church and a variety of amusements at the pub. A third fun(d) day with the proceeds providing for the purchase of a Christmas tree, the wherewithal for the Children's Christmas Party and hopefully, as in previous years, Santa and his reindeer.

When you look at Stickford on the map you see a village divided by a road. It is difficult to say where the physical heart of the village is.

The truth is that the heart of the village is in each of us.

A Resident proud to call Stickford home.

It will be greatly appreciated if dog owners would avoid exercising their dogs in the churchyard, as we have had reports of dog mess there. This is unpleasant for those visiting their loved ones graves and for those looking after the churchyard. There are bins at various locations in the village.

Why not call into the Church Bookshop on your way to or from the Spring Fayre.

There has been an import of 100 'new' titles. Paperbacks 20p. Hardbacks 30p.

St Helen's Church open daily 9am till 5pm.


Have you seen that work has begun on cleaning up and restoring our war memorial?