Dear [Your boss' name]

I'd like to submit a request to attend IT/Dev Connectionsduring the week of October 15-18, 2018in Dallas, Texas. IT/DevConnections2018includesfour days of networking and quality educationaltraining and across a broad range of development and IT products and solutions.

IT/DevConnections offers 4 tracks and 200+ sessionsled by the industry’s top expertsand packed full of valuable information thatI can bring back to work and put into practice immediately.

Group discounts are also available for this conference, making it less expensive for teams to attend.

While in attendance, I'd like to focus on finding solutions or best practices that could benefit our company’s technology in these areas:

[Project or Goal #1]

[Project or Goal #2]

[Project or Goal #3]

In addition to the learning opportunities the conference offers, I will also have the chance to connect face-to-face with peers and expert speakers, including Microsoft MVPs,who have extensive experience with optimizing technology environments similar to ours.I will have the opportunity topersonally learn from these experts who know the most about the products we are working with. I feel that IT/Dev Connections is the right fit for our company because it focuses on deep technical education, learning, and support instead of high-level overviews and marketing shown at the more massive vendor-owned conferences. Also, IT/Dev Connections attendance is purposely capped so I can get more personal training instead of getting lost in a massive crowd like at other events.

In addition to a week packed with technical sessions, IT/Dev Connectionsalso features pre-conference workshops. These full-dayclasses are also led by experts, but in a smaller setting to further enhance my knowledge through supplemental, in-depth, and comprehensive training.

Thank you for considering my request to register for this event. I look forward to your reply.


[Your name]