Greetings. Welcomes. Intimations.

Theme of Service: “The Authority of the Bible”

Advent Candle II – “The Bible”

Reading: Psalm 78/1-7

Prayer of Approach and the Lord’s Prayer

Hymn 100, “O Lord, thou art my God and King”(during which Youngsters leave)

Prayer of Supplication

Part 1 – “The Bible Silenced”

Readings: Readers: Gary Noonan and Janette Steven

Psalm 119/9-18

Deut. 30/11-14.

John 7/14-18

Prayer of Confession.

Hymn 641, “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God”

Part 2 – “To Whom the Bible Speaks”

Readings:II Timothy 3/10-17.

Luke 4/16-21.

Psalm 119/97-101, + 105.

Hymn 600, “Spirit of God”


Prayers of Dedication, Thanksgiving and Intercession

Hymn 500, “Lord of creation, to You be all praise!”

Ordination and Admission of Elders

Hymn 511, “Thy hand, God, has guided”

Benediction and Sung Amen.


Welcome, everyone, to Kay Park Church. If you’re a visitor and have time afterwards, we’d love it if you could join us downstairs in the Hall for tea/coffee and a chat.

There’s a Crèche for wee ones aged 0-4 years downstairs at the back of the Hall.

The Young Church leave during Hymn 100and meet as usual in the Hall.

Elders: plants may be uplifted from the Lounge area at the back of the sanctuary after the service today.

WHAT : Kilmarnock Churches Youth Project invites all young people who are at secondary school to come along for a fun night to discover the “Meaning of Christmas”

WHERE: Basement Youth Cafe, Kilmarnock Baptist Church.

WHEN: Tuesday 6th December 7pm - 8:30pm, Tuesday 13th and Tuesday 20th

LunchBreak Christmas Special, Thursday, 12.15 – 2.00p.m. A 20 strong Senior Choir from Kilmarnock Academy will entertain our customers and compliment our own Yuletidefood on that day. It is recommended that all our regular supporters come early as we anticipate a "Full House"!!!! This is the last Lunchbreak in 2016. Thanks to all who have supported this venture.

Choir practice is on Thursday at 7.30pm in the Church.

The GuildChristmas outing is on Friday to the Broomhill for High Tea and on to the Pantomime.

Next Sunday: one service only at 11am: Nine Lessons and Carols.

The Christmas Lunchis next Sunday, after the service, downstairs in the hall. Could the menus be filled out and returned, with the money, to committee a.s.a.p. please. There are still some tickets left from the Social Committee. Adults: £15. Children: £7.50. Under 5s: free. Ticket includes a three course meal with wine, tea or coffee.

Sunday 18th – Christmas Family Service with Nativity Play. You may wish to bring an (unwrapped) toy for a child’s Christmas present to be distributed by the Salvation Army.

Strollers’News –the following dates are for your 2017diary – Monday, 9th January. Tuesday, 14th February. Wednesday, 15th March. Thursday, 20th April. Friday, 19th May. Saturday, 10th June. We leave church car park 9.30a.m. for an hour stroll followed by a cuppa.

Next year's Pilgrimage will be 20 -21 May to Aberdeen,staying at theMercure Ardoe House Hotel. Travelling up via Perth and the east coast and returning via Royal Deeside. Furtherdetails in the next issue of Reflections and booking forms will be available then.

The following names are on the Ministers’ Sick List. If you think this list should be added to, please complete the Pastoral Calls Form below.

Isabel Barr, Marion Hamilton, Mima Knapp, Robert Lapsley,
Rita Ledaunieks, Wilma Lochhead, Isa McCluckie,
Margaret McFarlane, Betty Pollock, Bill Rowan.

Pastoral Calls

Please let the Minister know today of any member you feel would benefit from a visit – those in hospital, ill at home, needing some extra pastoral support for whatever reason. Or tell him of those who would like to talk to him about any other matter. And please write their details down here, tear this page off and give it to him today. Thanks.


Address or Hospital and Ward No. ………………………………………….….


Brief description of the situation………………………………………………….


Kay Park Parish Church

(Registered Scottish Charity: SC008154)

4thDecember, 2016

Advent Sunday

Organist– Mr. Alex Ferguson

Ministry Student – Mr. Gary Noonan

Minister – The Very Rev. Dr. David W. Lacy