October 21, 2015
Dear West Mercer Families,
The school year is now well underway; students have settled into class and school routines, and are already demonstrating their love of learning. Thank you for sharing your child(ren) with us!
Please read on for important information about anti-bullying initiatives and Halloween plans at West Mercer.
It is important to all staff members that we have a safe, welcoming, inclusive environment at West Mercer. One of the ways we are supporting this is with a new anti-bullying program from Second Step. All 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade classrooms have participated in these lessons and Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade classrooms will participate soon. The lessons focus on:
- What is “bullying” (Recognize it)
- How to stop it (Report and Refuse it)
- Bystanders have a responsibility to stop it (by Reporting, Refusing, and/or Supporting the target)
In addition, the PTA has arranged for a great anti-bullying assembly on November 9th.
Halloween Celebrations:
Classroom Halloween parties will take place on Friday, October 30. We will have a regular day of learning, punctuated by a classroom-based Halloween party. For specific information about the time of your child's Halloween party, please refer to classroom communications. For general guidelines about Halloween parties, please review the information below:
Party Considerations:
- Please consider the nutritional value of the food provided at the party. Depending on the timing of they party, kids will have more learning to do and a full night of candy gathering ahead of them.
- All parties must adhere to the allergy and other dietary needs of the kids in each classroom.
- Please consider clean-up when planning party activities.
- Please avoid orange, purple, and red colored drinks as they stain the carpets (orange juice is alright).
- Please work with PTA Room Parents and Green Team to provide compostable plates, napkins, and silverware.
- As a King County Green School, please consider our environment when making all plans!
Costume Parameters:
As in the past, K-2 students may wear costumes throughout the day; 3-5 students will change into costumes for their classroom parties. If students intend to wear costumes for their parties, they should follow these parameters:
- no weapons or facsimiles of weapons of any sort
- no accessories that pose potential threat or injury to others (baseball bats, tools, ropes, etc.)
- no bloody/gory/macabre elements
- no full face masks or full face paint; make-up accents are okay
- no costumes that demean self or others
- no racist or promiscuous costumes
Parent Party-Goers/Supporters
- We welcome parent support and participation in this school event. If you plan to attend and/or help throw the party, please keep in mind that we will be requiring all visiting parents in the buildings to sign-in at the office. Due to the large numbers of parents we expect to visit for the parties, please plan ahead as it is likely to take a few extra minutes to check-in at the office and get your visitor's sticker.
We recognize that not all of our families celebrate Halloween, and we wish to be sensitive to this. If you choose not to have your child participate in their classroom party, you may drop him/her off late or pick him/her up early. Please check in at the office and the absence or tardy will be Excused.
Please contact your classroom teacher for additional party information.
As a final note, please join me for a Principal's Coffee this coming Friday, October 23 from 9:30-10:30 a.m. The PTA provides coffee and a few treats, and I will share a few updates on our recent days at West Mercer, as well as engage in a Question and Answer session.
Best regards,
Carol Best
West Mercer Elementary