Biology 1020
Chapter 1 – Assignment
Part 1 – place the letter in the corresponding space that best defines the term. (7 points)
Part 2 – place an “X” in the box that best answers the question below. Which variable is the independent variable? (1 point)
Part 3 – Complete the question in the space provided. (13 points)
Part 4 – Complete the question in the space provided. (14 points)
Biology 1020
Chapter 1 – Assignment – Part 5
Instructions: Complete the questions on a separate sheet of paper if you cannot fit it below
Question 1: (2 points)
For each of the following problems, write an appropriate hypothesis and prediction.
a) How will time of day affect plant growth?
b) How does acid rain affect trees?
Question 2: (10 points)
For each of your hypotheses in question 1, identify your independent variables, dependent variables and control variables (give at least 3 controlled for each experiment).
Question 3: (13 points)
Consider the following observation: A group of 10 overweight patients have increased levels of LDL (low density lipoprotein) cholesterol. Based on this one piece of information and using scientific method, develop a question followed by a hypothesis (2 points). Now design a brief experiment to test your hypothesis (10 points) (make sure to indicate a control – minimum 3, independent and dependent variables) and indicate predicted results. (1 point)
Scientific Method
Required Vocabulary
Analyze – Review the data from an experiment to find out what they mean.
Assumption – Something that is believed to be true without proof.
Compare – Look at to find similarities and differences.
Conclusion (Conclude) - The summary of an experiment, based on data.
Control – A part of the experiment that is different from the experiment. For example, if
you’re testing the effects of hot water on yeast, your control would be either room
temperature water or cold water.
Data – Information from an experiment.
Describe – Explain something with words.
Evidence – Data used to support a conclusion.
Experiment – A test that is done to support or disprove a hypothesis.
Hypothesis – An idea or question that can be tested. An educated guess.
Inference (Infer) – Assume a fact, without proof, based on previous experience.
Interpret – Explain what something means; explain results of an experiment.
Investigation – A process designed to answer a question.
Measure – Obtain information about something (weight, length, width, height, etc.)
Observe – To watch or look at something to get information.
Predict – Determine what you think will happen when you do an experiment before you do the experiment.
Theory – A well-supported explanation for something that occurs in nature.
Independent (or Manipulated) Variable – is the variable that is changed in order to determine how it will affect the experiment.
Dependent (or Responding) Variable – is the variable that the scientist measures in order to determine the effect of the independent variable. Could be one or more.
Control (or standardized) Variable – factor(s) that are kept constant in all treatments of the experiment.