Dear WebEHRS Mobile Users,

CDP has released a new version of WebEHRS Mobile and it will be available for your use the morning of Friday, April 26th. Please follow the instructions below at your earliest convenience. All of the enhancements are ‘behind-the scene’ and will not affect how you use WebEHRS Mobile. Included in the new version is the added flexibility to run on Windows 8 Pro tablets (this does not include Windows RT tablets). Please alert your colleagues of this enhancement if they have not seen the update.

Please go to the WebEHRS Help and Support page ( and use the document titled “WebEHRS Mobile V8.8 Release Instructions” for full instructions and screenshots.

For instructions on installing the new version please see the below information which is also attached to this email;

Instructions to install a new WebEHRS Mobile ‘update’:

1)  When you log into CDPmobile while connected to the internet, the following dialog box will display:

2)  You have a choice to download now or at a later time, however we recommend downloading now

·  If you decide not to download the client now, this dialog box will continue to appear each time you log into CDPmobile while connected to the internet.

·  If you decide to download now, please click on the “yes” button. The download will start in the background. Please note that there will not be any status bar showing download progress. This is a silent download that is approximately 20MB in size. The silent download may take several minutes depending on the internet speed. The use of other applications and/or internet during this process is acceptable, however, doing so could slow the download and install of WebEHRS Mobile.

3)  After the download is complete, the update will automatically install and the final dialog box will be displayed: