August 7, 2014
Dear Students and Parents:
Thank you for being part of the PdH Language Institute Spanish Film and Technology Course. The course will emphasize Spanish production: speaking and writing, and will focus on building Spanish academic vocabulary and provide a tune-up in Spanish gramar. Students will learn the basic principles of Filmmaking, video editing, and graphic design. This class will require students to have a few things that typically are not used in other classes; for example, an e-mail address. Students will need an e-mail address to register for accounts needed to acquire materials such as video loops or publish completed projects to places like YouTube and SchoolTube. If your student does not have an e-mail address or you want to speak to me about it, please contact me.
Please read this letter together. Once you have read through it, please sign the last page, which will be returned to me by August 15, 2014. If you have any questions now or at any point during the semester, please feel free to contact me. E-mail is by far the preferred, quickest method to get in touch with me. Thank you and I look forward to a great year.
Carol Orrill
Course Description
The Language Institute at Coconino High School offers a bilingual course that will utilize the medium of visual communication and emphasize film & Television, graphic and web design. The course is designed to develop intermediate Spanish speaking, listening, writing and reading skills while learning media, film and technology. Students will participate and use Spanish in the classroom and in all projects in order to build academic vocabulary and acquire precise use of grammar skills. Students will learn the elements of video production and storytelling and will perform, produce and edit several video projects in Spanish throughout the year. Students will have the opportunity to develop and work with an area of interest that will allow them to pursue a bilingual career in digital media. Some of these career opportunities include advertising, social media, marketing, printing, & web. The Digital Media field represents a large profession, one of the largest in the world and continues to grow with the evolution of technology.
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course students will be able to:
· Plan, produce and publish video, print and web materials
· Demonstrate understanding of basic design and marketing principles.
· Demonstrate exceptional presentation skills.
· Collaborate and work effectively in a group setting.
· Utilize Spanish to extend and sustain conversations, express their opinions and share and exchange information.
· Demonstrate understanding of written and spoken Spanish through proper use of verbs and tense, and be able to apply the rules of accentuation and spelling.
Student Expectations: Students will be expected to participate in all aspects of film and video production. Professional behavior is required of all students in class and when attending off campus extra curricular activities. Each student is responsible for the care and maintenance of all video equipment and facilities. Since this program is part of the PdH Language Institute, we expect all students to possess motivation to use Spanish, maintain excellent attendance, have a positive attitude and get above average grades.
Required materials:
Students are expected to bring the following items to class on a daily basis:
· A positive attitude
· Willingness to participate in and out of class
· Technology: phone, Ipad/tablets. No video game devices.
· Flash Drive & EarBuds
· Composition book and writing utensil
Assignments & Grading:
This is a project based learning environment. Several projects will occur during the year and can be found on the class syllabus. Students will complete other reading, research, homework, and exams during the year.
Breakdown for grading is the following:
Written and oral exams & quizzes: 60%, Performance: 20%, Class participation, homework & use of Spanish: 20%. The final exam for each semester will count for 15% of the grade.
Class Rules & Expectations
· Respect the rights, ideas, and property of others.
All students deserve to work in an environment where they feel safe, comfortable, and are treated with respect.
· Come to class prepared to work.
In order to succeed in this class you must arrive on time with required materials.
· Participate in class activities
This class will require heavy student participation in both discussions and during project creation. Your final grade will reflect your participation in Spanish.
By signing below, I agree to the policies and grading system of the Spanish Film and Technology class. My signature allows permission for my student to use their personal e-mail address for this class. Further, it states that I will not hold FUSD or its teachers responsible for any inappropriate use and conduct if it should occur by your student or to your student. Students are welcome to bring their personal technology devices to class, but do so at their own risk. Your signature implies that FUSD and its will not be held accountable for any lost, stolen, misused or damaged items.
STUDENT NAME ______(print)
PARENT NAME ______(print)
DATE ______