E-rateInternet Safety Monitoring DocumentationInstructions and Requirements
2016 – 2017School Year
GENERAL REQUIREMENTS of the E-rate/Internet Safety Federal Requirement
- You must have a Board-approved copy of the LEA’s Internet Safety Policy. This can be in the form of a policy or the information can be contained in your Acceptable Use Policy. It must include information as it pertains to your administrators, teachers, and students. It is to inform them of your LEA’s processes and procedures to protect them and their identities when online and may include information about your LEA’s expectations of their use of online resources.
- Minimally, your policy should contain the following:
Access to Inappropriate Material
- Filtering or Block inappropriate material as required by the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA)
Inappropriate Network Usage
- Prevention of inappropriate network usage including;
- Unauthorized access including ‘hacking’ and other unlawful activities
- Unauthorized access to personal identification information regarding minors
Education, Supervision, Monitoring
Instruction will be delivered that includes:
- Safety on the Internet
- Appropriate behavior while online, on social networking Web sites, and in chat rooms; and
- Cyberbullying awareness and response.
Applies to both students and adults
- You must have an Internet safety curriculum in place.
- The curriculum must clearly cover, at a minimum, the three required topical areas:
- Safety on the Internet
- Appropriate behavior while online, on social networking Web sites, and in chat rooms; and
- Cyberbullying awareness and response.
- The curriculum must be taught in every schoolin your LEA.
- The Delaware Department of Education requires that your LEA maintain documentation that certifies your implementation at all levels:
- Teacher
- School
- District/Charter
- Locate monitoring requirements specific to your LEA in the 2016-2017 E-rate Internet Safety Curriculum Monitoring Documentation table below.
- Locate electronic copies of your Internet Safety Policy.
- Gather and organize the following documents regarding your Curriculum:
- AMatrix1 of your curriculum scope and sequencethat is clearly aligned to the required three (3) topical areas.
- A Subscription Teachers Action Table (STAT) 1 listing the teachers that will be teaching the curriculum and all related information. If you are using iSAFE, this must be uploaded to iSAFE. Instructions can be found in the iSAFE Administrator Portal in the FAQ.
- Curriculum materials as indicated in the table below.
- Rollout plan, by grade level.
- Clearly label all submitted materials with your LEA’s name.
- Submit ONE email to Pam Reed () with these attachments.
- Deadline: 4:00PM on Friday, May 12, 2017.
1 Use ONLY the format of these documents found at Alternate formats will not be accepted.
2016-2017eRATE Internet Safety Curriculum Monitoring Documentation TableOPTION A
The LEA is utilizing ONLYthe iSAFE curriculum. / OPTION B
The LEA is utilizing either:
- ACOMBINATION of materials from iSAFE and/orother, outside materialsOR
- ONLY outside materials.
1.A Board-approved copy of the LEA’s Internet Safety Policy. / 1.A Board-approved copy of the LEA’s Internet Safety Policy.
2.iSAFE Curriculum Matrix with the LEA’s Scope and Sequence
The iSAFE Curriculum Matrix should indicate that at a minimum, one lesson will be taught from each of the three topical areas at each grade level.
The Scope and Sequence must include:
- Lesson name/topic
- Grade level
- Be sorted by the three federal required topical areas:
- Safety on the Internet
- Appropriate behavior while online, on social networking Web sites, and in chat rooms; and
- Cyberbullying awareness and response.
The Curriculum Matrix (non-iSAFE) should indicate that at a minimum, one lesson will be taught from each of the three topical areas at each grade level.
List the lesson, the source of the content for the lesson, and the appropriate grade level within the matrix.
The Scope and Sequence must include:
- Lesson name/topic
- Grade level
- Be sorted by the three federal required topical areas:
- Safety on the Internet
- Appropriate behavior while online, on social networking Web sites, and in chat rooms; and
- Cyberbullying awareness and response.
3.Subscription Teachers Action Table (STAT)
The STAT must include all of the information indicated. The STAT must be uploaded to iSAFE following the instructions found on the iSAFE Administrative Portal. /
- Subscription Teachers Action Table (STAT)
4.Curriculum Documentation
No curriculum documentation is required. /
- Curriculum Documentation
- Grades K-5
- Grades 6-8
- Grades 9-12
- Select one grade level per grade band.
- Send one complete lesson* for each of the required three (3) topical areas:
- Safety on the Internet
- Appropriate behavior while online, on social networking Web sites, and in chat rooms; and
- Cyberbullying awareness and response
5.Rollout Plan
Provide a rollout plan (one-page description/table) for your LEA that encompasses the following:
- List of all grade levels involved
- Starting timeline for rollout
- Ending timeline for rollout (Entire curriculum must be taught, certified, and completed no later than the end of the school year)
- Rollout Plan
- List of all grade levels involved
- Starting timeline for rollout
- Ending timeline for rollout (Entire curriculum must be taught, certified, and completed no later than the end of the school year)