Dear Student/Parent/Guardian/Carer

The vaccine to protect against Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

What is it?

HPV is a virus that can cause cervical cancer.

Who will receive the vaccine?

This vaccine is routinely offered to girls aged 12 to 13 years (School year 8).

When and how will the vaccine be given?

The vaccination programme willtake place at your daughter’s school in term time.

The vaccine will be given by injection in the upper arm. Three doses of the vaccine are necessary to give protection – this will be given over a period of approximatelysix months, starting in the autumn term 2011. If a dose is missed the course should be completed within 12 months.

Is the HPV vaccine safe?

HPV vaccine has already been given to hundreds of thousands of women worldwide and there are no reports of serious side effects. We would urge you to read the leaflet that accompanies this letter.

Who will be giving your daughter the vaccine?

The Children’s Community Nursing Services, on behalf of the Primary Care Trusts, will be giving the vaccinations. All members of the teams are fully qualified and trained.

What if your daughter is off school ill on the day of the vaccination?

The nurse will arrange for her to be offered the vaccine at another time. This vaccination is not offered at your GP.

For further information speak to your school nursewho can be contacted via your daughter’s school, phone NHS Direct 0845 4647 or go to (NHS Choices Website)or contact the Customer Services Team on 0116 295 7011.


Completing the consent form

Please use a ball point pen and apply sufficient pressure to the consent form to ensure the details are readable on the back page.

Please discuss this with your daughter:

  • Parents should complete the first consent box and indicate by ‘ticking’ YES or NO and sign to give consent to the full course of HPV vaccinations.
  • Your daughter should complete the second consent box and indicate by ‘ticking’ YES or NO and sign to give consent to the full course of HPV vaccinations.
  • Please try to complete the NHS Number on the form. This can be found on your daughter’s NHS Medical Card.
  • Return the completed form to your daughter’s school as soon as possible in the envelope provided.
  • Your daughter may be able to consent for herself to have this vaccination without your agreement and health professionals will assess her ability to make an informed decision.

Yours sincerely

Dr Peter MarksFFPH, MRCGPDeb Watson MPH FFPH

Director of Public HealthDirector Public Health and Health Improvement

NHSLeicestershireCounty and RutlandNHSLeicesterCity

Lakeside HouseSt Johns House

4 Smith Way30 East Street


Leicester, LE19 1SSLE1 6NB