Dear Student and Parent(s)/Guardian(s)

Welcome to the spring semester of the 2014-2015 school year. Mathematics is a vital part of your life and your success this year will help provide you with a brighter future. I am dedicated to educating, guiding, and supporting you in a way that will prepare you for your future academic endeavors and to help grow as a person. However, I am only one part of the equation. I need your effort and cooperation in order for you to succeed!

WHAT IS Math 2?

Math 2 is designed to engage students in realistic problem-solving classroom activities. Lessons will include students working collaboratively in small groups, hands-on investigations, discovery learning, and student presentations. As a result, students will have a deeper understanding of mathematical ideas and be able to communicate that knowledge fluently.


·  RESPECT yourself, others, and your school at all times

·  Take responsibility for your learning and your actions

·  Be physically and mentally prepared for class

·  Consume food and beverages in the cafeteria only

·  Comply with all KHS and Wake County policies

*You are responsible for your own actions. If you disrespect or infringe on a classmate’s right to learn, you will get 2 warnings and then will be asked to leave the classroom.*

Supply List

·  3-Ring Binder with Notebook paper ** A Must, you will receive manyworksheets that will need to be stored in this 3-ring binder

·  Pencils

·  2 dividers— (1st) Notes, Classwork and Homework (2nd) Quizzes

·  Graphing Calculator (TI-83 or TI-84 recommended)

The KHS mathematics department uses TI-84 calculators and we recommend that each student invest in one as it will be useful for all math and science courses in high school as well as college. There is a link to a calculator that you can download from my website. If these options are not available you may come before or after school to complete your homework. Calculators are not allowed to leave the classroom for any reason. “I did not have a calculator” is not a valid excuse for not completing homework.

Tests will be given at the end of each unit. If you miss a test, you must make it up within ONE WEEK. Required TI-83 or TI-84______Parent Email:______XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXRetesting: The highest possible grade for a retake is an 80. You can retake up to two tests per quarter. Retests will be done during afterschool office hours.

Students are required to take quizzes regardless of whether or not they were in attendance the previous day. Review material may be quizzed at anytime! If you are absent the day of a quiz, a make-up quiz will be given the next school day you return to class. Quizzes CANNOT be retaken. Quiz grades will be replaced with the unit test grade if the test is higher, otherwise the quiz grade will stay.

Homework will be assigned daily (approximately 30 minutes), checked for effort and completeness. Students will receive one cumulative HW grade per unit. I will check to see that all problems assigned have been attempted, which means work is provided. NO work, NO credit. HW will be based on the following system: No work/No effort = 0, 25% complete = 1, 50% complete = 2, 75% complete = 3, 100% = 4. Late HW will be accepted one day late for a score of 2 only if entire HW is complete with work!

Class work can be graded for accuracy or for completion. Any class work graded for accuracy can be recompleted if you are not satisfied with original grade for up to an 85%.


Please be aware of the WCPSS School Board Policy regarding attendance and make-up work. It is your responsibility to make arrangements with Ms. Wilson for all make-up work immediately upon your return.

Each week, you will have the opportunity for tutoring during school hours. Your class period will be extended one day during the week. If you have below a 77 in the class, you will be required to stay in class during Knight Time. If your grade is below a 77 due to a missing assignment, this assignment must be completed and turned in by Thursday in order to be calculated into your grade for the following week.

INTEGRITY: Per School Board Policy 6445, any student who engages in or attempts to engage in plagiarism, falsification, violation of software copyright laws, or violation of computer access shall be subject to disciplinary action. The following actions are specifically prohibited: Cheating – This act includes giving or receiving any unauthorized assistance on academic work such as homework, tests, quizzes, projects, etc.

STUDENT SUCCESS CONTRACT: --Please sign and return by Friday, August 29, 2014

As a teacher actively involved in your education, I agree to this welcome letter and will do my best to help you succeed in my Math 2 Standard class.


My Contact Information:

Email: Website:

As a student actively involved in my education, I agree to this welcome letter and will do my best to succeed in Ms. Wilson’s Math 2 Standard class.

Printed Name:______Signature:______Date:______

As a parent/guardian actively involved in my child’s education, I agree to this welcome letter and will do my best to help my child succeed in Ms. Wilson’s Math 2 Standard class.

Printed Name:______Signature:______Date:______

Email: ______Phone Number______