Dear Shaggers,
I appreciate everyone’s understanding and support with the cancellation of the July dance. As many of you know, there was an issue with the air conditioner in the facility and I had received numerous complaints regarding the room temperature at previous dances. The great news is that going forward, the dances should be cool and breezy and our HUGE thanks go out to the Moose Lodge and especially Ralph Finnegan for getting the issue resolved. We are back on track as of our August 15th dance and foresee nothing but good times ahead of us. If you have any other questions or concerns, please see me at the dance.
We had a great time at the ACSC Summer Workshop in Jacksonville. CSC was well represented with several couples attending. Just a reminder that ANY club member is welcome to attend the ACSC Workshops – so if you want to go to the 2010 Summer or Winter events, check the website and newsletter for details. It’s basically a fantastic weekend shag party with 500 of your closest shagging friends. The events are always more fun, if you have several club members going.
Summer is going by fast, and we all know what follows August – that’s right SOS Fall Migration is right around the corner. How are you doing selling your Fun Monday Raffle Tickets? Remember proceeds go for a great party, a great cause, and your help is GREATLY appreciated. If you need more tickets to sell – awesome! Thank you to those selling the tickets, your involvement in this activity is much appreciated. If you are having trouble selling yours, let us know. If you are unable to sell tickets, but want to purchase one, for $10, to possibly win $7500, please let one of the officers know. Feeling lucky?
I want to personally thank you all for the donations you have provided to our service men and women. We have received thanks and heartfelt appreciation from our troops and it really means a lot. This month is our last month collecting donations, so please bring what you can.
REMINDER: Jim and Donna will NOT be giving shag dance lessons before our August dance. They are going on vacation to a dance workshop and we bid them Bon Voyage and they’ll be back in September. Please continue to support the businesses that support shaggers – they truly appreciate it.
Remember to get involved, stay involved, and be active in YOUR club. We have a reputation of having a fun club and we’ve earned it! From Road Trips, to voting on a Club Song, to showing up en mass to concerts and clubs – people know who we are and want to party with CSC. Our friendships will continue to grow and we will continue to make the Coastal Shag Club the most fun, friendly, shag club around. I look forward to seeing you all at the August 15th dance smiling and having a good time on the floor.
Remember, when in doubt – Pivot!
Mike Rogers