Dear RJR Community,

The RJR PTSA is an organization of parents, faculty and students partnering to make R.J. Reynolds High School the best it can be. The RJR PTSA also partners with other groups to support this goal.

We partner with the Booster Club for fundraising, volunteer screening and tracking, and for creating the summer newsletter, and our Homecoming Tailgate Party. We partner with the School Improvement Team (SIT) by providing parent representation on the committee and in determining PTSA fundraising goals and how those funds should generally be spent. Student Services invited the PTSA to partner with them last year, looking at ways to improve our registration process. PTSA volunteers make it possible for counselors to meet with each student individually to register for th next year.

One goal this year is to strengthen our partnership with the Inter-Club Council (ICC) and the six RJR student service clubs. We hope to increase student service opportunities, provide more student-power for PTSA efforts, and be a good neighbor to Hanes Park and Wiley Middle School. We co-hosted the grounds clean-up event in January. Plans are now underway for service clubs to treat, thank and encourage Wiley teachers and staff several times between now and the end of the school year.

For several years, RJR, the PTSA and The Princeton Review have partnered to offer RJR students a practice SAT and practice ACT along with a scores-back review session for each. We are delighted to announce new plans with The Princeton Review to offer a SAT prep course at Reynolds High School at a discounted price for RJR students. The course will include six three-hour classroom sessions plus three practice tests. Look for details and registration instructions in this newsletter.

The RJR PTSA does great things. When we partner with others, we can do even more!

We are proud to be RJ Reynolds Demons!

William and Lisa Dull

PTSA Co-Presidents

We’re happy to report that registration has been rolling along smoothly thus far, thanks primarily to our fabulous guidance counselors, but also in large part to the good planning and hard work of Chair Shannon Rainey and the Student Services Committee. For three weeks, a team of volunteers has set up shop in the hallway in front of Guidance, working in shifts to ensure the efficiency of the registration process. These flexible volunteers serve as gate-keepers, traffic directors and sometimes detectives, tracking down no-shows. They’re responsible for identifying, advising, organizing and corralling a steady stream of students. They’re even willing to act as runners, distributing registration worksheets throughout the building when necessary. Their efforts minimize confusion and maximize efficiency, allowing our wonderful counselors to help as many students as possible and make the most of a very busy, tight schedule. Thanks to Becky Beeson, Kathy Borton, Dana Brown, Deborah Casstevens, Lisa Dull, Jody Ebbitt, Megan Erickson, Jennifer Green, Lynn Gwyn, Joan Healy, Kim Jackson, Alice Mahoney, Bonnie Murphy, Nancy Osborn, Portia Propst, Shannon Rainey, Lisa Rowell, Katie Satterwhite, Jean Anne Semke, Joy Troxell, Robin Woodard and Melissa Workman for the hours you’ve spent helping in this important way.

We also appreciate all students (and parents) who show up for their scheduled appointments prepared and on time.

R.J. Reynolds High School and the Princeton Review will be hosting an SAT prep class for six weeks. Contact Student Services for more information.

The Princeton Review Course Schedule for Reynolds HS SAT Class:
Test #1- Sat., March 16th, 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Class #1- Wed., March 20th, 6-9 p.m.
Class #2- Wed., March 27th, 6-9 p.m.
Class #3- Wed., April 10th, 6-9 p.m.
Test #2- Sat., April 13th, 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Class #4- Wed., April 17th, 6-9 p.m.
Class #5- Wed., April 24th, 6-9 p.m.
Test #3- Sat., April 27th, 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Class #6- Wed., May 1st, 6-9 p.m.

February Sale Continues!For the month of February we have sweatpants on sale for $15 and long-sleeved T-shirts for $12. Come by the Demon Shop, located in the school cafeteria, Wednesdays and Fridays from 12:00 to 2:00. If you can't get by the store, you can email your orders to Melissa Workman at . The order form is on the school website. Don’t forget . . . we have umbrellas and new RJR blankets for just $25!

The annual Donate-to-Educate Goodwill Drive begins Thursday, March 14th and runs through Wednesday, March 27th. Donations will be accepted before school from 8:00 - 8:45 a.m. and after school from 3:45 - 4:30 p.m.,and on Saturday, March 16th and March 23rd from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Start cleaning out your attics, garages and closets so we can bring the trophy back to RJR! The truck will be in the front student parking lot and we accept everything including clothes, household items, toys, furniture, appliances (no mattresses or anything flammable).

Questions? Contact Scottie House at RJR () or any Senior Girls Service Club member.

Hoops For Hunger Benefit: March 27, 7:00 p.m.

Sports Banquet: May 13th, 6:00 p.m.

Straight-A Banquet: May 20th, 6:00 p.m.

Senior Class Day: May 24th, 10 a.m.

Reynolds Graduation: June 8th, 3:00 p.m. at the LJVM Coliseum

Micika Meadows - 25th
Dean Rutledge - 28th
Officer Shena Nelson - 29th
Camie Bell - 1st

The ACT will be administered at Reynolds on March 5th. All juniors are required to take this test and they may use the score for college applications. Juniors must fill out a Non-test Portion before taking the test on March 5th. They will do this in their math classes at Reynolds or with Mrs.Bergstone during an elective period, if possible.

Students should bring #2 pencils and a calculator for the test and report to school on time. Lists will be posted indicating which rooms students will go to take the test. Most students will take the test on the third floor of the main building.

If you have any questions, please contact MaryBergstone at (336)703-4146 .

The Winston-Salem Kiwanis Club, the R. J. Reynolds High School Red Cross Club and the R. J. Reynolds High School Key Club will be conducting a marrow donor drive along with a blood drive on March 6, 2013 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the Girls’ Gym located on Northwest Blvd., across from RJR’s main campus. Prospective marrow donors and those wishing to sponsor donors are requested to make a fully tax-deductible donation.

The money will be used for typing each prospective marrow donor. To make a contribution by check, the check should be made payable to: “BE THE MATCH FOUNDATION” and be mailed to:









Congratulations to RJR Student of the Week Shequana Joseph. She was nominated by Aisha Izzard for her helpfulness. Congratulations and thanks for making RJR great, Shequana!

Feb. 25 Tennis Scrimmage vs. East Forsyth, 4:30
V Baseball Scrimmage at West Stokes, 4:30
V Soccer Scrimmage at SE Guilford, 5:30
V Basketball State Playoffs, TBD

Feb. 27 JV Tennis vs. West Stokes, 4:30
JV/V Soccer vs. Ragsdale, 5:30/7:00

March 1 V Tennis at Port City Invitational, 4:00
V Track at Mount Tabor, 4:45
V Softball at Parkland, 5:00

JV/V Girls Lacrosse at Lake Norman, 5:30/7:00
V Soccer at Forsyth Country Day, 8:00

March 2 V Tennis at Port City Invitational, 9:00
V Baseball vs. High Point Wesleyan, 12:00/2:30
V Soccer vs. Greensboro Day at FCDS, 2:00

The Baseball Team is fundraising by selling ads for its media guide. The price sheet is on the next page. Support the Demons by buying an ad. The deadline is February 25th.

RJ Reynolds Baseball

Media Guide Advertisement Sheet

Company Name ______

Contact ______

Street ______Phone ______

City ______State _____ Zip ______

Email ______

Please check the size ad desired:

Method of Payment: (Please include payment with the ad!)

r Cash $ _____r Check$ ______(Payable to RJR Baseball Backers)

Instructions or Comments:

Ad Sold By: ______RJR HS

c/o Doug Welch

301 N. Hawthorne Rd.

W.S. N.C. 27104

The House that Music Built

Benefit Concert for

Habitat for Humanity and the Wiley-Reynolds Orchestras

Performances by the

WS Civic Orchestra,

Wiley and Reynolds Orchestras

Wed., Feb. 27, 7 p.m.

$5 single ticket – white

$10 family ticket – yellow

Reynolds Auditorium