Dear Parish Members,
Happy Mardi Gras!
Knowing that I was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, someone recently asked me when was the first time I had heard about Mardi Gras.
I must admit that when I was growing up Mardi Gras was not in my vocabulary. I first became conscious of it when I got to our college seminary and we had classmates from the South. They certainly knew about it and proudly made sure all of us knew about it as well.
Admittedly many folks up North have a much different understanding of Mardi Gras than the reality. Few would be able to tell you when it occurs. All they could tell you is that (wrongly) it’s a time of sin and special debauchery when anything and everything goes!
Since this is my sixth Mardi Gras in New Orleans I can say that the part of seeing just about anything and everything is partially true. At the same time, it’s a wonderful, cultural event which brings the community together to enjoy age-old customs, costumes, parades, and plenty of beads!
Why am I going on about something all of you know far better than I? Well, the Mardi Gras celebration also reminds us that Ash Wednesday is almost here bringing with it a time of reflection, penance, and self-denial.
Yes, we need times like Mardi Gras to enjoy life, to get out of oneself and to enjoy a unique experience. We also need a time like Ash Wednesday and Lent to remind us of the other dimension of life which includes regular order, keeping our nose to the grindstone, and recognizing that we can only really celebrate when we recognize what daily life is all about.
God wants us to celebrate. God enjoys the sound of laughter, the gift of companionship, the warmth of tradition that reminds us we are part of a wider continuum of life. God also enjoys our time ofquiet in Lent when we reflect on God’s wonderful love as expressed in our redemption.
So, in the days ahead, let’s celebrate. May Mardi Gras’ time honored phrase “Laissez les bons temps rouler” give us joy. May Ash Wednesday’s time honored words “Remember that you are dust…” also give us cause to celebrate. Beads and dust both remind us that God is in all things and draws us forth in good times and in our ordinary way of life.
Thought for the Week:“Music is what feelings sound like.”
Have a very Happy Mardi Gras and a joy-filled Lent!
Fr. Richard